Summertime Season 3 Review: Netflix Beach Party Ends With Less Love And Few Surprises

Starring: Coco Rebecca Edogamhe, Ludovico Tersigni, Amanda Campana

Director: Marta Savina

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 2.5/5 (two and half star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Summertime Season 3 arrives on Netflix on May 4th, the third and final season of the saga that tells the summer adventures of Summer, Ale, Edo, Sofia and Dario, with their loves, their dreams and the obstacles that when you are young and a little ‘lost, they seem insurmountable. All on the beaches of Cesenatico, between sea, sun, umbrellas and a great desire to have fun.

Summertime Season 3 Review

It all started in the first summer of the pandemic, Netflix subscribers found themselves dealing with a new addiction when Summertime hit the streamer, and now that the adventure is over, we can’t help but hear some bitterness in the air. To the cast are added some new entries: Cristiano Caccamo (Luca), Stefano Rossi Giordani (Stefano), Emilia Scarpati Fanetti (Federica) and Ludovica Ciaschetti (Viviana). In the first season we made the acquaintance of Summer (Coco Rebecca Edogamhe) and Ale (Ludovico Tersigni), and the events revolved around their love story, as well as all the surrounding characters. In the secondthe breath had become wider, with more space reserved for Dario (Andrea Lattanzi), Sofia (Amanda Campana) and Blue (Alicia Ann Edogamhe).

Summertime Season 3 Review: The Story

In this third cycle, Summer finds herself struggling with a fascinating and mysterious young man who will discover to be a musician, Ale instead will have to deal with his career as a pilot, as well as having to re-evaluate his history with Lola, and while Dario seems to find his way, Edo has a secret to hide from his parents. Meanwhile, Sofia misses Summer very much and her career as a photographer seems to take an unexpected turn. Around the protagonists, the stories of all the supporting actors intertwine to enrich the story of what has now become a beloved Italic saga, freely inspired by Three meters above the sky.

Francesco Lagi (episode 7,8), Marta Savina (ep. 1,2,3) Alessandro Tonda (new entry to the direction ep. 4,5,6) take turns directing these new episodes which conclude in an ideal way the parables of the promising young people we met two years ago. Always at the service of history, with few flashes and a lot of concreteness in focusing on what they have in front of them, the directors of Summertime 3 seem to find a common language that puts the protagonists at the center. And once again it is the young performers who steal the show from each other, each with their own path of growth that will lead them to finally make important decisions for their future life.

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What the Netflix show does very well is to bring Summer and Ale back to the magnetic center of the story, once again played by Coco Rebecca Edogamhe and Ludovico Tersigni, no longer as a romantic couple, but just as the navel of the various stories that intertwine. After all, they were the glue that had created, at the beginning of this adventure, this group so unusual and full of creativity and different paths. The packaging of Summertime 3 is the replica of what was offered to us in the first two cycles, with a saturated photograph, bright colors, a very lively and cheerful atmosphere, the classic Adriatic summer scenography, perhaps stereotyped but certainly effective to convey the mood of a season which, despite some difficult moments of the protagonists, is once again governed by happiness, (very much) by music and by the optimism that wants a promising future for all the young protagonists.

Summertime Season 3 Review And Analysis

Among all, in the cast, however, the work done by Andrea Lattanzi stands out: his Dario has grown a lot during this trilogy, and we will discover it in the cycle in question grappling with responsibilities and circumstances that proves to be capable of being able to manage. Maybe he doesn’t always do the right thing, but he is always able to correct the shot, admit the mistake, give the required help and reach out for support. Summertime 3 arrives on Netflix for the last time on May 4th, heralding itself as a perfect company for an upcoming summer, preparing souls for a holiday period that is finally a little further away from the nightmare of the pandemic.

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Summertime Season 3 arrives at the “grand finale” confirming all the trends set by the first season. The formula, especially from the point of view of technical packaging, continues to work. Accurate photography, research of aesthetic pleasure, attention in conveying the sensations and atmospheres related to the summer season through lights and colors. Here too, the soundtrack mixes classic pieces with the most recent hits of Italian music, used to comment on the images with appreciable intention and precision. Music – and this is undoubtedly a note of merit – acquires further importance in this final season, thanks also to the introduction of the character of Luca (Cristiano Caccamo), composer and guitarist, who touches all the storylines and in particular Summer’s. Luca’s presence instills a bit of lifeblood and a breath of fresh air in an otherwise tired series, which has very little to say.

Summertime Season 3

While the curtain falls on the Romagna summers of Summer, Ale, Dario and company, there remains some regret for a series that could have combined the contrast between the light-heartedness of the most magical of the seasons and the ups and downs and the torments of “growing up”. It would have been better to work more carefully on the substance rather than on the form, to give up the banal and convenient solutions to really give soul, character and three-dimensionality to characters who end up leaving little. And, side note, a greater push towards naturalness in the direction of the actors would have helped not a little, often to set and often forced to pronounce jokes and lines of dialogue that sound written. Ludovico Tersigni and Andrea Lattanzi (who are gladly forgiven for a few slips in overacting) are saved, thanks to a certain alchemy that helps in the portrait of an imperfect and true friendship which, it is painful to say, has the most disappointing closure. The eight episodes of Summertime‘s final season will debut Wednesday May 4th on Netflix.

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On the other hand, the authenticity that the narration has given us back over the three years is rare. By not compensating for the elementary nature of the writing with the pleasant marine aesthetic emanating from saturated colors and Instagram able sunsets improved in post-production, Summertime 3 seems to remain a step behind today’s teen-dramas that demonstrate that they know what moves the new generations with much more awareness, relying on a jaunty suspension of the desire for baths and kisses on the beach, which, certainly, is an integral part of the August holidays, but does not fully reflect the representation of the twenty-year-olds of all time.

Summertime Season 3 Review: The Last Words

Hardly reaching a necessary closure, Summertime says goodbye to another summer in Cesenatico and goodbye to its most loyal spectators. We greet each other forever characters that somehow we have seen grow and face the challenges towards adulthood between new knowledge and errors, openings and achievements. Characters who, however, we would have liked to see evolve with greater complexity, not only superficially understanding a group of friends linked from now on by unforgettable experiences for them.

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  1. Omg!! I can’t believe waited to see such a stupid ending!! Everything about Season 3 was ridiculous! I really wish Lola wasnt in it at all!! She totally ruined it!!

    1. I really agree with you. I waited a whole year to see this. Lola was not the main character. Ale and summer were the lead characters Summer was suppose to end up with Ale. Very disappointed with the last season of the series.

  2. What a bunch of crap! Lola was literally the worst character they introduced. The fact that she and Ale ended up together completely ruined the series. I’m sorry I wasted my time watching this stupid show. 0/5 stars for me.

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