Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Review: Leave With A Visually Spectacular Final Battle

Starring: Winona Ryder, David Harbour, Millie Bobby Brown

Creators: The Duffer Brothers

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 4.5/5 (four and half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Review: Everything is destined to end, no matter how relevant and significant it has become during its existence: this is the fate that is about to welcome Stranger Things, one of the most popular TV series of recent years, which today sees its fourth season close. before the grand finale coming in the next few months. The Duffer brothers’ creature marked a return to 80s aesthetics with its cinematic, musical and fashion-forward references – don’t miss our Stranger Things 4 quote special – evolving over the years to embrace epic and catastrophic themes, but starting from the bottom of that dusty basement where a group of nerds played D&D.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Review

The last season ends exactly in line with the level reached by the first round of episodes, ending the death fight that opens the doors to a bittersweet ending, remaining impressed by a stunning use of CGI but leaving all worries in full light. that had already attacked us in our review of the first part of Stranger Things 4. The Netflix work has swelled out of proportion over the years, opening narrative glimpses on a larger and more terrifying picture than it implied at the beginning, but getting lost on the most beautiful without being able to fully capitalize on the work done previously.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Review: The Story

We left the heroes of history for the first time divided and unable to communicate with each other, scattered around the world to fight their demons – material and psychological without being able to count on that grim unity that in the past allowed them to overcome unimaginable obstacles. Hopper and Joyce are locked in the Soviet prison that has become a hunting area for the Demogorgon captured by the Russians, while Eleven has finally regained her paranormal powers and is ready to make her return to Hawkins, where her friends await her in a spasmodic way. Meanwhile, they prepare for the final battle against Vecna. Only Will, Mike and Jonathan are missing from the appeal, who scour the California desert in search of the special girl, guided by the intuitions of a never-too-lucid Argyle.

The episode preceding the epilogue drags on for more than ninety minutes of dialogue and interlocutory situations, during which only a couple of events are noteworthy, carrying on the peculiar vision of a season with episodes with extended minutes without being able to give a concrete meaning to the operation. The narrative times are dilated by scenes charged with the cheap sentimentality that surrounds the affections between kids, with an important load of clichés and some dull reference to the 80s that separate it from a far better final episode, built carefully and capably of surprise above all on a visual level, even if its two hours and twenty do not seem completely justified.

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Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2: Episode 1 Review

Let’s start from the beginning: Nancy is safe, our champion, our heroine, our riot grrl is still alive and Vecna ​​only used her to give a message to Eleven. So while we finished the first part of the season with a lump in our throat because we didn’t know what was going to happen to one of the characters we are most fond of, we can immediately breathe a sigh of relief. Only for the first episode, though. In the first episode, we smiled a lot and we were also moved.

We finally discover Will’s drawing: he together with his friends fighting a three-headed dragon, with Mike acting as a leader because he gives everyone the strength to fight, but above all he declares himself a little implicitly with his friend, speaking but for Eleven. ” Sometimes, you feel wrong … But you make her feel like she isn’t like she’s better for being different,” he tells him, under the eyes of his older brother who looks at him with apprehension, knowing that those words come right from his heart.

On the other hand, there is talk of the dictatorship of the Soviet Union, what it meant to make a call to the United States and the importance of speaking in code because 100% would be heard. A reference that in these times, in which life is still risked in Russia just to go against the government (and an example is Navalny, Putin’s main political opponent), is heard a lot. At the same time, however, the United States is seen as the land of dreams, and we know this is not correct now. It may not have reached the levels of Russia, but it is certainly not the country of dreams.

A moving scene in these last two episodes of Stranger Things is where Eddie tells Dustin to never change. Two good souls, two true dreamers who do not change for society, to be accepted by the rest of the school. Maybe even two misunderstood who have found each other. And for this, the second episode is truly tragic. At the end of the episode, we officially see the return of Eleven, but above all the hug between her and Will. Why yes, beautiful Mike and Undi, but the most real hug was between those two people who feel different and wrong and understand each other like no one else in the world.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2: Episode 2 Review

The latest episode of Stranger Things 4 vol 2 is a roller coaster ride of emotions. Our boys are preparing for battle, and we’re heart-pounding because we know we’re going to lose some. Moments I want to remember: “Chrissy This Is For You ” which begins one of the most iconic scenes of the entire episode, Eddie playing to bring all the bats to them and help their friends save the world. He and Dustin have been true heroes and the friendship they have built is truly beautiful.

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Amid the many dramas that we will see Argyle is like a light in the middle of the tunnel. He’s nice, and he makes us laugh. But pineapple pizza is not. Dramatic and action scenes followed one another along with jokes, which allowed everyone to laugh as they wiped their tears and then scream at the screen every time Jason appeared, the typical alpha man convinced that he could save everyone and be a hero when in reality is the only one who has not understood anything.

Another moving scene from Stranger Things 4 vol 2: Mike’s declaration to Eleven. You may or may not be a fan of the couple, but that scene was wonderful and most of all it empowered Eleven to fight, and she was truly spectacular. Sure, Mike gave her strength after she thought she didn’t have it anymore, but beforehand she showed that she loves her friends so much and especially her only friend, Max. There is one sequence, in particular, the one in which Mike talks to Eleven and breaks free, which is truly breathtaking.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2

Everyone has injured Robin, Steve and Nancy are strangled, Max floats in the air and is about to die, Lucas is punched by Jason, Eddie is attacked by bats with Dustin limping towards him, Hopper is fighting and not getting the better of the Demogorgon. But then she manages to break free and we think: oh my God, oh my God we made it, we won, it’s over. On the other hand everything is better, even Robin, Steve and Nancy free themselves, they hurt Vecna, Joyce does the same with the Demogorgon and Murray hurts everyone else, the bats die … what can go wrong in the last minutes of Stranger Things 4 vol 2? Yes, forget it.

We lost Eddie, and I want to dedicate a whole paragraph to him. Eddie died as a hero, he died for a city that accuses him of murder, of being a psycho serial killer, but he also died for his friends, for himself, to redeem himself for escaping when Chrissy was dying. He died because he didn’t run away, he died in the arms of a friend who never suspected him, who immediately saw the good side of him, who didn’t stop at appearances. Eddie Munson died a hero, and it was a privilege to meet you even if only for one season.

And then… While we still haven’t stopped crying for Eddie, here is Max can’t see, can’t hear, and has broken limbs, but she’s alive. Well. Let’s say she died and then Eleven managed to bring her back to life. There are already some theories about it, but I don’t write them because not everyone appreciates reading them, but in any case, we are not paying too much attention to his pseudo-death, because also Max is in very bad condition and the scene where he tells Lucas he doesn’t want to die is heartbreaking, wonderful acting considering their young age. Max is not dead he is in a coma, and we don’t know if she will wake up.

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Finally, we finish it with a smile. We have reunions. Everyone is happy, and everyone hugs. Nancy and Jonathan, all friends, families, but above all Eleven and Hopper, with her still not completely closing the door. It was a moving and emotional scene, a bit of relief before a storm comes because next season will be the last season and we don’t know exactly what we can expect. But we are sure, it will be amazing. Just don’t kill our other characters.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Review And Analysis

The clues sown throughout the Stranger Things experience to bear fruit in a final episode full of revelations, some unexpected, others much less. The story intertwines the past and future destinies of Vecna ​​and Undici, who will find themselves much more intimate than the girl could fear, building a substantial appetizer waiting for a final battle fought on several fronts. The distances that separate the protagonists are reflected in three different fields of struggle, between the real Hawkins and that of the Upside-down, the ultra-sensory world that can be explored by Eleven and the prison invaded by the Demogorgons: the battle zones come together in the heart of the kingdom of Vecna, recreating a multifaceted challenge in terms of tones and execution, but always choreographic and exciting, even if not everyone can offer a real contribution towards victory.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Netflix

The massive use of computer graphics is reflected in a sometimes phenomenal visual rendering, rich in details and always credible in proposing monstrosities in the service of Vecna, also aided by a staging never so incisive as in the last episode, despite the repetition of numerous events that occurred in the first season dampens a little the prolific feeling of novelty built around the final episode.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 Review: The Last Words

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2 ends with two real films lasting almost four hours in total, following the peculiar principles that had already characterized the first round of episodes. The penultimate episode particularly suffers from the narrative times stretched beyond belief, with scenes full of infantile sentimentality and clichés for their own sake, but the last chapter of the season can be appreciated for its stunning visual rendering, thanks to a phenomenal CGI that he outlines the battle against Vecna ​​fought on various fronts with an electric approach. The bittersweet ending hinted at in recent days by the insiders does not decisively affect the final result, while a fifth season is looming on the horizon that should finally close the circle of a series.

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