Stranger Things 4: The Creel House Mystery Here Is The Explanation! What We Know

Stranger Things 4: What mysteries does Creel House hide? How could it be related to the Upside Down? Netflix is ​​increasingly turning the spotlight to this old abandoned Hawkins mansion: let’s find out what could happen in the fourth season of Stranger Things! The first important signal occurred during the global live-streaming event TUDUM, in which Netflix revealed to the public an interesting new teaser trailer from the fourth season of Stranger Things linked to Creel House.

The Creel House Mystery

While in tune with the tone of the Duffer brothers’ series, the footage shows something alien to what the storyline of Stranger Things has been about in the first three seasons. A happy atmosphere, underlined by the wonderful song by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong “Dream a little, dream of me”, accompanies what you can imagine to be the Creel family in their new home (hence the title of the Creel House teaser).

Stranger Things 4: The Creel House Mystery

The atmosphere is typical of the 1950s. So it’s clear we’re seeing a flashback sequence. The situation becomes disturbing when the Creel girl finds a dead animal in the garden: It is evident from the trailer that when the light goes out, something strange is about to happen at the Creel house. In the second sequence in which the current is strangely missing, the Creel father is seen with his back to his two children, who are most likely lying dead on the floor:

Immediately after this scene it turns out that the same house, after probably more than 30 years, is subject to the visit of some protagonists of Stranger Things namely Max, Dustin, Lucas, Nancy, Robin and Steve. It is not clear why the boys went to Creel House. The only clue is offered by a phrase from Steve:

What kind of clues are we looking for exactly?

Dustin answers this question with a quote from Sherlock Holmes. So it is likely that the character played by Gaten Matarazzo started this adventure in a haunted house. The end of the one minute and 49 second teaser suggests that Creel House is haunted by some entity, which still lives in there! The reference could be precisely to the new great villain of the Duffer brothers’ show or Vecna , which can be seen in the latest trailer published by Netflix.

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Speaking of ghosts, in the teaser trailer there is an explicit reference to the movie Ghostbusters. You can see a pin with the classic “No Ghost” logo of the Ghostbusters with the words “I was smerdato”:

What Is The Connection Between Creel House And Hawkins’ Story?

The Creel House teaser trailer may have blown away Stranger Things fans but, if you look closely, the video could hint at part of the new season’s plot. Everything, as always, could and should be about the Upside Down. The most likely hypothesis is that Dustin and the others are trying to understand more about this dark world.

House Creel may actually be an old portal that leads creatures from the Upside Down to the world above. One might think that the Duffer brothers want to introduce new creatures into the world of Stranger Things and that these are ghosts.The clue that would prove this theory is the fact that in the first season of Stranger Things there is an electrical interference linked to the presence of Will in the Upside Down. Young Byers was trapped in the Upside Down and was desperately trying to talk to his mother (Winona Ryder):

At Casa Creel, as seen in the teaser trailer, the lack of power seems to be a fundamental factor: both scenes are followed by murders. The creatures may then want to communicate with living people to get them to commit murders.

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