Stranger Things 4: Release Date Everything We Know About The New Season

Eleven's Brothers? Theories About Eleven, Hopper And The New Villain

Stranger Things is months away from releasing its fourth season and, although the Duffer brothers have not revealed many details about it, there are already some key facts and details to start preparing for what is to come to the town of Hawkins now that there are Russians and a new monster on the loose.

Eleven lost her powers at the end of the third season, Hopper is missing and Joyce broke up the group by taking her children to another city, but it is clear that something important is about to happen and that is going to force them all to return to the place in the world. who started it all to plan a new rescue mission and discover the plans of the scientists who created a laboratory under the mall to open the door to the Upside Down.

Stranger Things 4

Netflix already revealed a first teaser and the name of the first chapters of season 4 of Stranger Things and followed with one that takes us back to the Rainbow Room in Hawkins’ laboratory, which seems to indicate that we are going to see some of the Eleven’s brothers.

The Duffer brothers have already confirmed that season 4 is not the end, but they have something very big in store for this new chapter after having left the story with an exciting cliffhanger.

Creel House

The new teaser for season 4 confirms that we are going to see it in 2022, but it also lets us see a different story that happens in the past. Hawkins’ group of teenagers visit Creel House, a place that appears to be haunted and that years ago experienced its own supernatural phenomena.

We do not know who the family is or what the relationship he could have with Eleven, but it is clear that strange things happen in that house and that at least someone there had some kind of powers. Could it be another epicenter to open the Upside Down again?

When Does Season 4 Of Stranger Things Release?

A new trailer reveals that the season opens in 2022 and that a great threat is coming to the town of Hawkins, and it will be even worse than what Eleven has already faced so far. It’s not exactly a trailer, but we can see the team together again and from the few new things they added, we can assume that something terrible will cause them to contact Will, Jonathan, and Eleven, and bring them back to town.

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The video says something is coming and it’s almost here (although it doesn’t say what exactly), so be prepared. The past three season was released in July and we are expecting the Stranger Things 4 will release in the month of July 2022 on Netflix globally.

Stranger Things 4: The Leaked Images

The first images from the set of Stranger Things 4 confirm that Steve has a new job and that Robin, one of the favorites from season 3, is back, although it seems that the gang is having to manage without Eleven and Will, who moved to another city at the end of the 3.

Stranger Things 4: Eleven’s Brothers?

The new teaser of the series takes us what seems to be a hospital where we can see children playing with different toys but this is not just any place, it is about the laboratory where Eleven spent part of her childhood conducting experiments, and it was not The only one.

The video shows more details of the rest of the children who were part of the experiment, which suggests that we could see more of them once season 4 arrives.

The Live Of David Harbor And Millie Bobby Brown

Before the premiere of the highly anticipated season 4, David Harbor did a live on Instagram where he appeared wearing the makeup of his character, who we could see in a first teaser that confirmed that he was alive somewhere in Russia.

Harbor said he was going to read snippets of the script, but before any major spoilers could be revealed, Millie Bobby Brown entered the video to ask him to stop before he was fired. In the end, Harbor didn’t say anything important, but the video reminds us that the premiere is close enough, by showing that the two actors weren’t together, it confirms that we likely won’t see Hopper and Eleven together for much of the season.

Stranger Things 4: A New Villain

According to The Sun, Stranger Things 4 will have a new “bad boy” to replace Billy, it is Levon Thurman-Hawke, brother of Maya Hawke (who plays Robin) and son of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman.  Not much is known about the character, but Levon was seen on set dressed in the Punk Rock style and in one of the images he even appears with Steve, which leads us to think that he could be one of his co-workers.

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What Happened In The Third Season Of Stranger Things?

The children of Stranger Things, now teenagers, are enjoying a monster-free summer, but their holidays run out when they discover that very strange things have been happening in the town.

Erica, Steve and Robin discover that there are Russian spies in Hawkins, Dustin is busy with his new girlfriend, Mike and Lucas are going crazy with their own relationships and Hopper doesn’t know what to do to get Joyce to give him a chance, and it all gets worse. when they discover that the Mindflayer , who had possessed Will, is now robbing his neighbors to create a super monster capable of destroying them all.

The team discovers that the Russians are trying to open a portal to the Upside Down under the new shopping mall and they make a plan to stop them. Once there, Eleven is attacked by the monster and loses her powers, so everyone has to help her. Joyce and Hopper manage to enter the Russian laboratory to destroy the machine that opens the portal, they go down together and realize that someone has to sacrifice himself to save them all.

Hopper offers to turn the two keys needed to destroy the machine, it explodes and the portal closes, but, after that, there is no sign of the Sheriff anywhere. Thinking that Hopper died, Joyce takes her children and Eleven and they move to another city, but a post-credits scene shows that there is still hope.

The New Characters:

Netflix confirmed that actors Amybeth McNulty, Myles Truitt, Regina Ting Chen and Grace Van Dien are joining the series in its new season and details about their characters were released.

  • Amybeth McNulty(Anne with an E) will play Vickie, a cool and persuasive band nerd, who catches the eye of one of our beloved heroes.
  • Myles Truitt(Queen Sugar, Black Mafia Family) will play Patrick, a Hawkins basketball star with friends, talent, and a good life … until a shocking series of events causes his life to spiral out of control.
  • Regina Ting Chen(Queen of the South, Falcon and the Winter Soldier) is Ms. Kelly, a popular guidance counselor who cares deeply for her students, especially those who have the most difficulties.
  • Grace Van Dien(Manson Girls, The Village) as Chrissy, the cheerleader leader from Hawkins High School and one of the most popular girls in school. But beneath her seemingly perfect appearance she hides a dark secret.
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Stranger Things 4 Star Cast: Who’s Coming Back?

  • Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown)
  • Mike (Finn Wolfhard)
  • Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo)
  • Will (Noah Schnapp)
  • Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin)
  • Max (Sadie Sink)
  • Steve (Joe Keery)
  • Nancy (Natalia Dyer)
  • Jonathan (Charlie Heaton)
  • Robin (Maya Hawke)
  • Joyce (Winona Ryder)
  • Erica (Priah Ferguson)
  • Karen (Cara Buono)
  • Hopper (David Harbor)

What About Hopper?

At the end of season 3 of Stranger ThingsHopper sacrifices himself to save the world and everything seemed to indicate that there was, but, Netflix already revealed a first teaser in which they show Hopper’s fate . The Sheriff of Hawkins is trapped in what appears to be a Russian military base in Siberia.

This means that Eleven and company are going to have to work together again to save him and put an end to the Russians’ plans to use the power of the Upside Down to take over the world.

Theories About Eleven, Hopper And The New Villain

There are many theories about what will happen now that Eleven has no powers and that there is a huge monster trying to destroy everything. The first says that, being infected by the MindflayerEleven could become the villain of the story, another says that Hopper was brainwashed and that he is now working for the Russians, or that we are going to see one of the Eleven’s brothers using their powers to help the Soviets, but there is another more important that emerged when the title of the first chapter of season 4 was revealed .

In their Twitter account, the creators of the series revealed an image accompanied by the phrase “Looking for new members … are you joining? “, The image revealed that the title of the first episode will be Chapter 1: The Hellfire Club and, although does not reveal many details, it was enough for fans of the series to start making their own theories about it.

Hellfire Club is the name of an exclusive British secret society founded in the 18th century, but it probably sounds familiar to you because it is also the name of the group of Marvel villains who make life miserable for the X-Men (coincidence?). The club first appeared in 1890 in the comic Unncany X-Men # 129, which makes us think that it is probably a name that the children, rather adolescents, of Hawkins could give to the new enemies with whom they are They are going to face this season, they are no longer limited to the Demogorgon and the creatures of the Upside Down.

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