Spriggan Review: Brings ’90s Manga To Life With Action Based On Ancient Real-World Legends

Starring: Chiaki Kobayashi, Yohei Azakami, Kenji Hamada

Director: Hiroshi Kobayashi

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch)

Filmyhype.com Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Spriggan, the new Netflix anime series based on Hiroshi Takashige’s manga has been available on the platform since June 18, 2022. Spriggan is a Netflix anime based on the legendary 1990s manga written by Hiroshi Takashige and illustrated by Ryuji Minagawa. Tells the story of Ominae Yu, Arkham’s Sprite Agent, Who hunts and seals relics from ancient civilizations and is hidden with dangerous powers so that no one will use them in a wrong way that will cause disastrous consequences to humanity.

Spriggan Review

Spriggan Review: The Story

This science fiction series follows the story of Yû Ominae, a high school student who is a secret agent known as Spriggan, who works under the orders of the Arcam Corporation to protect the relics of a highly advanced ancient civilization from falling in the wrong hands. Although at first, its plot can be somewhat confusing, it doesn’t take long to find out what the whole thing is about, where we are shown a presentation episode to meet its protagonist and throughout the six episodes of this first season we see others secondary characters that will play an important role in the series.

In ancient times, there was a great civilization in the human world. This group has a body of knowledge and scientific science that is far more advanced than humanity today. And the remains of this ancient civilization are still hidden throughout the world in this era. After the communications network spreads all over the world and spy satellites can uncover every secret. The armies of the world’s most powerful nations clashed as they searched and researched these relics, a “power” beyond measure. Someone from this ancient civilization inscribed the message “Protect our objects from the evil ones. An organization takes this message very seriously and tries to cover up the ancient civilization from the end of it forever. The top spy from this organization is known as “Sprikkan”.

The downside is that since there are so few episodes, these characters can hardly be worn and most of them are only shown in one episode. This makes us feel a bit “cheated” since in the opening it is implied that they will have more. Each chapter focuses on a specific mission that Yû Ominae will have to solve, either alone or with the help of one of the secondary characters. The episodes are self-contained except for the last one, which includes a post-credits scene that makes the plot interesting for a future season 2.

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Although the episodes focus mainly on the mission at hand, little by little details about the history of Yû Omitae are told, awakening our interest in learning more about the character and his tragic past. Of course, the information is coming in at a trickle, so do not expect many revelations in these six episodes. A highlight of Spriggan is its action scenes, where we find very good combat sequences made by its director Hiroshi Kobayashi and the person in charge of photography Yousuke Motoki. However, the Spriggan season is too short for us as it only has six chapters instead of the twelve that the season usually is.

Spriggan Review And Analysis

An anime based on the legendary manga from 30 years ago that was adapted in 1998 as a theatrical version. And it was so long ago that the next generation probably didn’t even know about it, and Netflix revived it. The order of the story has changed the world in the story to be up-to-date with the present like using a smartphone and new tools come in, making this story look modern, whether old or new fans don’t feel that the story is outdated at all. The first season has 6 episodes, all ending in separate episodes.

Each episode is more than 40 minutes. Each episode is a story of an ancient object called an art, most of which are based on ancient legends or real antiques in the world, such as the ship of Noah. Ah, Crystal Skull, Elixir, Cursed Forest, Bermuda Triangle But the author of this story transforms those legends into a more advanced technology than today. that the ancient people of that era built for something both creative and destructive at the same time with enemies as various organizations In the real world, part of the CIA, the American army, the Russian army, the mercenaries, and the neo-Nazis dress up. that want these objects to be used in the wrong way Or the relic itself becomes a living weapon from the old world that has awakened to destruction once again causing the protagonist to stop, destroy, and bring back to seal without the matter of money involved

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For those who are familiar that the story structure is somewhat Indiana Jones-style, which is, yes, because Indiana Jones at the time inspired the genre. This has happened to many things. But Spree is just taking the matter of ancient artifacts. Other than that, it’s completely different. The protagonist is a high-ranking special military officer of the story who has the main equipment. It’s bulletproof muscle armor with much higher stamina than normal people. A knife that cuts everything using the knowledge of the ancient science created by Arkham Organization that belongs to the hero himself. The storyline is full of action with superhuman fight scenes throughout the film the villains in each episode have superhuman skills as well as equipment or skills In this regard, it was slightly adjusted to keep up with the era The action scenes in this story are brutal and fun to the heart. Because the rating is very severe, there is a shot in the head, the body is broken, and there is always a splash of blood. And then there’s the trick to defeating your opponent by planning not by direct force Make the whole story bubble all around.

And it’s not the only hero who is a sprite. But other secondary characters have different skills and abilities from the hero. Even more than the protagonist and became an enemy as well the story will proceed in a gray color, whether the Arkham that the hero believes is a good organization as it is or not causing the hero to feel hesitant at times But the story in the first season will only be introductory at this point with the other Sprites characters that will play an important role later But the story in the first season will only be introductory at this point with the other Sprites characters that will play an important role later But the story in the first season will only be introductory at this point with the other Sprites characters that will play an important role later

The production is owned by the studio David Production which created JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. The anime’s lines are very similar to the original manga. It is considered better than the previous version as well in terms of older readers. The action scenes and the movements of the story are smooth and good. But there is no jam at all. There is a Thai dubbing voice with good dubbing. The translation is better than the subtitle. The weak point of the story may be that it’s just the same old storyline. The protagonist is a 16-year-old high school student with special powers according to the formula and then tries to make the main characters all of the same generations the story tries to insert a little school scene by linking it to the part that makes the heroine still look like a normal child with a good heart. Not a soldier or an assassin in the main world of the story. What is understandable from the target audience is that age makes the story try to fit the audience but with the main subject being much more serious when I wear a part to study, I look hard. And the story is put in just one pan every episode, almost not related to the main story at all so it makes it look like it’s part of the story.

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This is a successful attempt to resurrect old manga. The story looks concise, fun, fun with the action scenes that come together almost all the time, and it’s still fun in terms of the idea of ​​bringing ancient tales to a new interpretation to look like cutting-edge technology that can be used both to create and destroy like a double-edged sword. Which is the selling point of the story is how amazingly bizarre each episode can lead the audience. There may be some not equal interest, but overall it’s fun and interesting every episode.

Spriggan Review: The Last Words

Spriggan is a fairly correct anime series where we begin to be introduced to all the lore of Hiroshi Takashige’s work. We just hope that by the time Netflix releases the next episodes we haven’t forgotten the names of the characters. Spriggan is a correct anime series in which we are presented with all the lore of Hiroshi Takashige’s work, showing a good start that catches us from the beginning. Too bad it has so few episodes. Its action sequences, with several of the most spectacular combats. The plot hooks pretty quickly and leaves us wanting more.

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