Spider-Man No Way Home Review: Is The Perfect Ending To The Best Spider-Man Trilogy! Spoiler Free!

Cast: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch

Director: Jon Watts

Filmyhype Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

If we really want to blow him away, this third Spider-man with Tom Holland is not very well written. Many junctions, many decisions and many plots would not resist a double check of what the most convenient characters could do, the film is brought where it needs to go without paying too much attention to coherence or refinement of writing. But even more than usual it would be a futile exercise to do so. Few films know how to have fun as the latter dedicated to Spider- Man and Spider-man No Way Home in particular is enthralling, capable of crushing all the problems and small issues on its path with the strength of that great rhythm that we admired in the two. earlier, Spider-Man Homecoming and Spider-Man Far From Home. And as in those two, the plot, the starting point and the synopsis are the most important.

Spider-Man No Way Home Review

Spider-Man No Way Home Review: The Story

Spider-Man has the problem not just that everyone now knows his secret identity. It ruins his life and ruins it for his friends. Without restraint he asks Dr. Strange to erase the memory of himself from everyone’s mind, ending up creating much bigger problems and bringing in enemies from other parallel dimensions. Peter Parker doesn’t know them, but we do. The villains of the other Spider-Man films are those in which Spider-Man was played by other actors. They are Lizard, Goblin played by Willem DafoeJamie Foxx’s Electro, Thomas Haden Church’s Sandman and Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus, digitally rejuvenated.

It is a great story that has to do with other dimensions and balances of the world but which, as always in the Spider-Man films, has a very domestic and intimate feel. It is never the survival of the millions that matters, but the well-being of the few around him . Above all it is a story that contains something in the writing that works very well on the viewer: for Peter Parker these appearances are unknown, he has no idea who they are and for whom he followed the films they are the past. The characters listed are just some of the appearances, others have not been revealed and we will not reveal them here, but the point is always the same: playing two levelsso that the audience feels something more than the characters are not given, a sense of nostalgia and the passage of time. Each character must in his own way try to find redemption.

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Some of these characters from other dimensions, the ones that come from the first Spider-man films released in the early 2000s, are older, have more experience and a sweetness in the look that impresses. Alfred Molina (Doctor Octopus) is a fantastic actor (not that we didn’t know it) and the way he understands and interprets this type of characters in this type of film, working both on the speck, the threat and then on an overwhelming humanity as it would in any arthouse film, it is exceptional. But it bears repeating, it is not the only outstanding performance of a film in which we always get the impression that the characters are saying something to us and only us in the audience who are also talking to us about the passing of time. They all seem to work better than the films we saw them in.

Spider-Man No Way Home Review and Analysis

It goes without saying that, from a technical point of view, Spider-Man: No Way Home is a joy for the eyes and ears: the special effects are well-finished (as opposed to those of Venom!), The perfect sound design. Jon Watts himself has evolved considerably as a director: the scenes in which Spider-Man’s “spider sense” is activated are all shot with skill, creating tension like in a thriller.

But what really amazes in this third starring film by Tom Holland is the perfect balance of show, humor and drama. We finally go back to the origins of the character created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko: no longer “from great powers comes great fun” but the famous “from great powers comes great responsibility”. Spider-Man before being a superhero is first and foremost someone who saves people. And saving someone can have multiple meanings. This stubbornness of his in wanting to save everyone at all costs is his greatest strength and at the same time his greatest weakness. Inevitably, someone risks losing out.

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And it is precisely for this reason that “the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” is the most loved Marvel character: he is a boy, and therefore whoever reads him literally grows up with him, with great potential but at some point, like everyone of us, he must make sacrifices, he must choose. If there is one thing that distinguishes adulthood, it is seeing the range of possibilities diminish more and more. We cannot remain “in power” forever, at a certain point we must choose who we want to be. This is the heart of Spider-Man: No Way Home: even before Spider-Man, it’s Peter Parker who must decide who to be It will not be easy.

Spider-Man No Way Home

The great powers and great responsibilities are not, however, only of the protagonist. This film is a one-of-a-kind item. We have incredibly managed to find a perfect balance between entertainment and drama, between two mammoth studios like Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, between three trilogies dedicated to Spider-Man (and you can feel the strong imprint given by Sam Raimi to the character) and all the film (and not only) of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. An impressive thing. An editorial project in front of which one should only take off one’s hat and admit that it is something admirable.

Many argue that these last 20 years of superheroes, which began with Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, have flattened the taste of cinephiles, accustoming them to the flavor of fast food. The speech is more complex than that (also because in the last two years it is thanks to blockbusters and popular films that theaters have been saved), but if this too were “the taste of fast food”, then long live the fast food. Because there will also be “fan service” in this Spider-Man: No Way Home, there will be a desire to squeeze films, characters and TV series at all costs, gaining more and more loyalty from the public, but everything is done with such intelligence that , even if we understand very well the intention to please and capture the spectators as much as possible, we do not like to fall for it more.

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And then of course there is him, Tom Holland the actor of this trilogy who with Spider-man No Way Home closes a narrative arc and perfects the character’s situation. At the end of the film he will be a done and finished Spider-Man, ready for other adventures and with a balance, more or less stable, passed through the formation of the hero and all the questions of powers and responsibilities that characterize the character. And while some of the other well-known characters in the film have superior drama, Tom Holland is great at playing this nervous and troubled Spider-Man., electric and zompetant, who is a spider man even at home, who never moves normally and who combines a perhaps exaggerated awkwardness with a huge heart. Run by two women (Aunt May and MJ, who literally tell him what to do all the time) he is a hero-non-hero who captures many of the founding characteristics of the comic, designed to blend seamlessly into a narrative universe. Because in a world of superheroes each with their own personality, no one is naive, childish and teen like him. Which is the point of Spider-Man.

The Final Words

A risky but successful operation gives the audience an emotionally impacting film and a Tom Holland who perhaps for the first time is grappling with the essence of Peter Parker’s character. Spider-Man lives up to the hype of the past few months. A film that absolutely deserves to be seen at the cinema and even more than once. The soundtracks, as well as the CGI are incredible and Spider-Man comes closest to his comic essence and a level of emotionality suitable for the character!

What We Liked

  • The perfect balance of entertainment, humor and drama.
  • Tom Holland finally fully owns the character.
  • Special effects and sound design are top notch.
  • We return to the strong emotions and pathos of Sam Raimi’s trilogy.
  • The editorial project that brings together 20 years of cinema and series is impressive.

What Didn’t

  • This is the culmination of a 20-year journey: if you don’t go inside you could get lost.

4 ratings Filmyhype

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