Spider-Man No Way Home Ending Explained: How Everyone Forgotten Peter Parker? Is Peter Died At End?

What will happen to Peter Parker after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home and when will we see Tom Holland wearing the costume again? The explanation of the ending and the future scenarios of the franchise.

With great power comes great responsibilities, but with a now open multiverse come great possibilities: What will happen to Peter Parker after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home? The possibilities are many as well as the limits and restrictions (based on the contracts that Tom Holland has already signed with Sony and Disney for his upcoming appearances). What is certain is that Tom Holland’s desire to continue interpreting the character with more delay, perhaps inserting films of a different type between one appearance and the other (the Uncharted franchise other films even with more authorial ambitions) it can easily be fulfilled.

Spider-Man No Way Home Ending Explained

In light of what happened in this film and its ending, it is not difficult to imagine his stay in the MCU appearing in films dedicated to other superheroes, as well as in the nascent Marvel-themed franchises made in Sony. More complicated, however, to understand when and if we will see another Spider-Man with Tom Holland protagonist. If, on the other hand, you are looking for some indication of the extra scenes after the credits, run and read the dedicated in-depth study.

Everyone Has Forgotten Peter Parker

Despite the desire for revenge against Norman Osburne that resulted in Aunt May’s death, Peter makes the right choice and doesn’t kill him. Advised and aided by the two Peter of the multiverse, Peter injects him with the cure, making him come back sane. Due to his indecision, however, a Spider-Man (the one played by Toby Maguire) is injured but does not seem in danger of life.

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Meanwhile Doctor Strange is unsuccessfully attempting to contain the spell made at the beginning of the film, whose containment box was detonated by a Goblin bomb. In the sky some purple gashes open from which we can glimpse some figures in the process of materialization (fans of the Spider-Man comic will recognize some iconic villains that Peter usually fights in the books). Stephen explains to Peter that from all the existing multiverses all the people who know the identity of each individual Peter Parker are coming, doing terrible damage.

Desperate, Peter asks Doctor Strange to cast one last spell and fix everything. To put things right, however, everyone, really everyone, will have to forget who Peter Parker is. The Avengers, the world, friends, Ned and MJ. Peter accepts the condition and hastens to greet the two Peter Parkers of the other dimensions. More heartbreaking is the farewell from Ned, with whom he exchanges the usual sequence of gestures, and the long kiss with which he says goodbye to MJ. She confesses her love to him again but stops Peter from answering her, asking him to go and find her right away and tell her the words he was about to say when they are together again.

The last goodbye is for Doctor Strange, visibly moved by the idea of ​​having to forget the boy too. The spell is brought to fruition, the gash in the sky closes and Peter finds himself alone.

Spider-Man No Way Home: Ending Explained

Everyone has forgotten Peter Parker, but not Spider-Man: even J. Jonah Jameson wonders during his direct streams why the much-hated vigilante does not reveal his identity. Peter runs to the donut shop where MJ works with a speech written on a piece of paper: he is ready to introduce himself and reveal it to the truth. Just as he walks in, Ned comes along too. Peter sees him and MJ talking about MIT, which apparently both have been admitted without a problem. Peter talks to MJ and finds her more hopeful and upbeat than usual. He therefore decides to delay his revelation. From the foreground of her, however, we understand that the girl has a strange sensation in the presence of the stranger: on a subconscious level some memory has perhaps remained?

In the final scene of the film, Peter pulls the books and workbooks out of his backpack to attempt admission to university. We see him enter a small rented room, with the voice of the owner asking to pay the rent without delay. The room, the rent, the solitude – everything is similar to what was seen in previous versions of Spider-Man.

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Peter goes to put a flower on Aunt May’s grave : here he meets Happy, who obviously doesn’t recognize him. Happy wonders if people like Aunt May and Tony Stark leave the good done in the world once they die. Peter answers yes, through those they have known who still remember them.

How Does Spider-Man: No Way Home End?

Peter asks Stephen to cast one last spell to fix the situation: to save the world, everyone will have to forget who Peter Parker is. Peter accepts, say hello to the other two Peter from other dimensions, Ned, MJ AND Steven.

Doctor Strange manages to cast the spell and the whole world forgets what Spider-Man’s true identity is. Peter is left alone and rents a small apartment in New York (similar to that of the other Peter Parkers).

In the final scene, Peter meets Happy at Aunt May’s grave. Happy doesn’t remember who he is. Peter tells him that he believes that the good May and Tony did for the world did not disappear with their death but lives with those who remember them.

Is Peter Dies at The End of Spider-Man: No Way Home?

No. Everyone, however, forgets that they met him.

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