Smile Movie Ending Explained: How The Smile Curse Works? What Happened To Rose’s Mother?

Will the protagonist of Smile  Movie be able to get rid of the sinister entity that smiles at her waiting to kill her or is the curse that weighs on Dr. Cotter impossible to dissolve? You will find out only in the final stages of a small but surprising debut horror that is reserving positive surprises even at the box office. Written and directed by Parker Finn, Smile is a film of tension and horror that introduces a mysterious supernatural creature whose killing spree seems unstoppable. To know how the film ends and how the curse at the center of the story works, read on. If, on the other hand, you want to get an idea of ​​the film without previews, take a look at the review of Smile Movie.

Smile Movie Ending Explained

Smile Movie Summary

Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon) is a doctor in an emergency room for psychiatric emergencies, so she takes care of patients who face enormous psychological distress every day. One evening, answering the last call of the day, she finds herself talking to a girl who has just arrived at the hospital, Laura (Caitlin Stasey), distraught and on the verge of a crisis. Laura, after having witnessed the violent suicide of one of her professors, she declares to be persecuted by a malicious entity, which takes the face of people she knows and who always approaches them with a disturbing and unnatural smile on their faces. The entity then revealed to her that that is the day she will die: shortly after the young woman takes her own life in front of a distraught Rose, who cannot do anything to help her.

From that moment on, Rose’s life changed radically: the “thing” that persecuted her patient seems to have targeted her and decided to make her the next victim. Scary noises in the house, smiling figures that seem to follow her everywhere, and moments of blackout in which she does things she doesn’t remember anything about. Investigating the deaths that preceded her, Rose realizes that she is the last link in a very long chain. From suicide to suicide, from trauma to trauma, the entity moves from one victim to another, feeding on the pain and shock felt by their minds: each witness, in fact, inevitably becomes the next to take their own life. Now Rose’s goal is only one: to find out if there is a way to break the pattern and save herself.

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The story begins when the patient of a psychiatric clinic brutally commits suicide after reporting that she is tormented by frightening visions. The most chilling aspect of the story is that as she inflicts her mortal wounds, the victim has put an evil smile on her face. And that smile certainly can no longer get out of her head Dr. Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon), the only direct witness of this dramatic event. On returning home she seems to see the girl who committed suicide again in the dim light of the room, always with that evil smile on her face. But her auditory and visual hallucinations are becoming more frequent in her mind. Rose does not distinguish what is real and she is mistaken by everyone for a psychiatric patient. Investigating what is happening to her after witnessing that suicide, she realizes she has entered some sort of unstoppable deadly chain. And the scariest thing is that no one seems to understand it.

Smile Movie Ending Explained: How The Smile Curse Works?

During the film, the protagonist Rose (played by the actress Sosie Bacon) tries to find out as much as possible about the creature that torments her and that seems to want to kill her. With the invaluable help of her cop’s ex, Rose uncovers some crucial information about the nameless entity. How will he choose his victims? This being seemed to be attracted to the trauma suffered by particular individuals who have witnessed the death of a loved one or even a stranger, in particularly gruesome circumstances, leaving a deep impression on their minds.

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The entity, therefore, jumps from one host to another, each time leading the host body to commit suicide. After the possession, in a short time, the creature gradually takes control of the body of the intended victim, leading it to kill itself in a particularly violent way. Entity-driven suicides always have a common feature: they occur in the presence of a witness who witnesses the scene and who will become the new victim of being. That’s exactly what happens to Rose at the beginning of the film.

To weaken its prey, the entity shows them realistic hallucinations of particularly violent events or takes the appearance of people dear to them: it makes itself recognized only when it wants, making its false appearance smile in a very cruel and inhuman way. Only one man managed to escape the entity. He explains to Rose that the only way to save himself to do so is to kill someone in a particularly brutal way in the presence of a witness, who will be infected instead of the assailant. However, the price to pay is high. The man who escaped the entity is in fact in prison for murder. Victims never withstand the entity’s psychological assaults for more than a week.

How Smile Movie Ends

Dr. Rose slowly discovers all this information. It takes her four days, during which the creature’s attacks become more and more persistent and diabolical. Terrified, Rose devises a plan to get rid of the entity. He understands that first of all he needs an isolated place: as long as there is no suitable witness, the creature will not induce it to kill itself, because otherwise, it would remain without a host body. She then goes to the old decadent house where she lived as a child. Here, thanks to a flashback, we discover the macabre truth about the death of the protagonist’s mother. Rose’s mom didn’t commit suicide. She realized that she had exaggerated her taking her pills with her, she had asked her daughter as a child to call for help. But Rose was tired of her unstable mother and had left her to her fate.

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Smile Movie

Back in her childhood home, Rose is attacked by the creature, who uses her mother’s features to torment her. But Rose is determined to beat her. When the creature tells her that she cannot escape from her mind, Rose replies that not even her entity can and she uses her imagination to get the better of and burn the creature. Victorious, Rose comes out of the hut and returns to the former cop, confessing that she rejected a serious relationship with him for fear that she might see beyond her defenses her true self. When the man smiles devilishly, Rose realizes she has lost her. Her creature appears to her in her true form and enters her body through her mouth.

The former policeman, still in love with Rose, rushed to help her. The creature now has a witness who will be traumatized by the death of her host body. When he enters the house, Rose turns to her, she smiles at him badly, now at the mercy of her entity. She sets herself on fire. He watches the scene and is likely to be the next victim in an endless chain of deaths.

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