Sky Rojo Season 3 Ending Explained: What Happened to Gina’s Son?
Sky Rojo Season 3 Netflix series was released recently and here we explain everything that happened in the last episodes. Sky Rojo Season 3 already reached Netflix so fans of Lali Esposito and Miguel Ángel Silvestre can enjoy the end of this intricate story. If you have already finished watching the eight new episodes of the series, but you still have some questions, we will answer them here. On January 13, 2023, the new installment of the series about the three prostitutes who escape from the clutches of the maniac owner of a brothel premiered.
Sky Rojo Season 3: The Story Plot
If until now Coral (Verónica Sánchez) was in charge of telling us her story, in this season she hands over the microphone to Miguel Ángel Silvestre in this task. His character, Moisés, will tell us that in the past, given the lack of vital information about his brother’s death at the hands of Romeo and the villain’s double jump with a corkscrew to make him believe that his mother is still alive (really, you have to give him a nose to put the blood sausages that they put in the script), he returned to be faithful to him.
And that implied, of course, joining as a faithful follower of the hunt for girls, who settle in Almería to live a new life as, beware, pastry chefs, attracting new loves into their lives and relaxing more than necessary. So much so that Romeo will have the opportunity to set them up and hire a hitman to resume a relentless pursuit that, now, will put an end to the conflict. In short, as so far in previous seasons of Sky Rojo, the important thing is how well-shot it is. Álex Pina and Esther Martínez Lobato have inaugurated the “castizo pulp”, a subgenre in itself that is impossible to ignore even though their greatest contribution is to put many things in the shaker and shake it hard to produce a torrent of colors.

“You can resurrect. You can change your life, but you can’t forget where you come from. Because the day you do, the past appears again at your door” says Sky Rojo in its season promotion. Wendy has met Greta (Catalina Sopelana) and they are both very excited because theirs has been love at first sight. Gina has also found love, a man who has no problem raising the child she is expecting with her. And Coral… She seems to want to try it with a boy, but she only wants to have a relationship with drugs, because she is still hooked on them, and she no longer has the excuse of having to take drugs to endure everything that happened in the club.
It is then that the past emerges. Something they can’t get rid of. Is it better to tell your current partners that they were prostitutes and that they are on the run from their kidnappers or is it better not to reveal where they come from so that they do not change their perception of them? The first conflict of the season is served because each of the three wants to act differently. Of course, in all invented life there is always a fissure through which that past can appear. And in theirs, it will not be an exception. Objective: blow up
Sky Rojo Season 3 Ending Explained
WARNING: The following is the full explanation of the Sky Rojo season 3 finale and includes major spoilers for everything that goes on. If you haven’t finished watching season 3 yet or don’t want to miss out on the surprises, we advise you not to continue reading. If, on the other hand, you want to find out how Sky Rojo 3 ends, you will find the whole plot here.
In the series finale entitled Gold, Frankincense, and Lead, Coral intervenes by saving Moisés’ life at the last moment and preventing him from completing his attempt to commit suicide. The showdown at the venue sees Moisés, Coral and Wendy point their guns in Romeo’s face for what is the showdown we’ve been waiting for three long seasons. This time there is no escape, the human trafficker can no longer count on anyone’s help. Wendy tells him that killing him then and now would be too easy and that a man like him doesn’t deserve that leniency. “This is for Gina”, she says, before knocking him out with the butt of her gun.
Who Survives at the End of Sky Rojo Season 3?
Although Gina died at the beginning of the season, the rest of the girls manage to survive at the end of “Sky Rojo”. This includes Wendy, Coral, and the rest of the workers inside the brothel. The girls were transported on a bus to be able to live freely. Diego and his sister also managed to stay alive, even though Darwin had hit them with a golf club. Who does not survive is Romeo. After many attempts to exterminate him, the owner of Las Novias died inside his premises, which was set on fire thanks to the efforts of the protagonists and their alliance with Moisés (he changed sides after learning that it was Romeo who let Romeo die Christian and murdered his mother).
Why Does Wendy Walk Away From Coral?
Near the beginning of the series, Wendy finds out that Coral had continued to use drugs and was lying to them all this time. Because of this, the character of Lali Espósito moves away from her and takes Gina’s baby to take care of it with Greta, since a drug addict was not reliable to take care of her little one. However, both manage to make peace when they come together to kill Romeo and end the threat that has been chasing them for a long time. Although drug battles will always be difficult for Coral, perhaps getting rid of Romeo will help her not have to resort to substances to clear her mind.
Why Doesn’t Coral Start a Relationship With Moises?
Throughout the entire series, there was always some sexual tension and feelings between Coral and Moises. Although Miguel Ángel Silvestre’s character saved her on several occasions (and helped them kill Romeo at the end), she at her worst did terrible things to her, including gouging her eye out. Therefore, despite having a kind of redemption, everything that Moses inflicted on Coral was too much for her to truly forgive him. Besides, he would always be a memory of everything bad that happened to him during that time of her life and she couldn’t move on. Both go their separate ways, but Moisés will always look for a reason that gives meaning to his life from him.
What Happened to Gina’s Son?
Gina’s son also manages to survive and, after the latest events, is left in the care of Wendy, her partner Greta and Coral, who live comfortably. Romeo is put into the boiler of the Las Novias club, which then ends up exploding. Mosiés, Coral and Wendy don’t turn around as the place that was a real prison for them blows up. Once off the school bus that took them away from the battlefield, Coral finds it difficult to say goodbye to Moisés. Between her sobriety and his choice to lead an honest life, perhaps the last word has not yet been said for them. Coral, however, can’t forget what he did even if – she admits – Moisés is the only one who can understand the hell they both went through. “As much as I don’t like it, it brings us together,” Coral says, tearfully. Moisés agrees with her: their destinies are united.
“I’m going to look elsewhere for another life, or another swimming pool,” Moisés says, turning his back on Coral. The two wish each other good luck and set out on their respective paths. The series ends with a hug between Wendy and Coral, while the girls – and Diego – celebrate the arrival of the car on the bus with Becky, Greta – who kisses Wendy – and the baby on board. The nightmare is over: “we stopped celebrating others and started celebrating ourselves” says Coral’s narrator, revealing that the secret lies in being able to transform pain into hope. Wendy, Greta and Coral drive the colorful bus to the start of their new life.