Servant Season 4 Episode 1 Review: ‘Pigeon’ The House Returns as A Favorite And Claustrophobic Place

Cast: Lauren Ambrose, Toby Kebbell, Nell Tiger Free, Rupert Grint, Jack Hoogerwerff, James Hoogerwerff, Alison Elliott

Director: Dylan Holmes Williams

Streaming Platform: Apple Tv+ Ratings: 4.5/5 (four and a half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Night Shyamalan’s series on Apple TV+ Servant Season 4 has begun its fourth and final season, which will put an end to the inexplicable misfortunes of the Turner family and the nanny Leanne. Is it worth starting the season that will end his story? We tell you. Since Apple TV+ opened its doors, one of its exclusive series that has attracted the most attention has been Servant, thanks to the involvement of the twirl master, M. Shyamalan. It was a golden moment for M. Night Shyamalan. After the controversial Old, his highly anticipated new film Knock at the Cabin will be in theaters from February 2nd. In the meantime, the fourth and final season of his first TV series, Servant, arrives on Apple Tv+ on January 13, which closes an important chapter in his career, with a weekly appointment.

Servant Season 4 Episode 1 Review Pigeon
Servant Season 4 Episode 1 (Image Apple Tv+)

So, let’s try to take stock, in the review of the first episodes of Servant Season 4, of how the beginning of the end looks like after the shocking finale of the third season. An incipit that immediately makes it clear that the time for games is over and it’s time to take action. After a tricky, albeit remarkable start, the series began to lurch and lose direction with season 2 and ended up breaking the compass with a hammer in season 3. But unlike other streaming platforms, and I’m not looking at anyone, that hasn’t caused Apple TV+ to cancel it, although its story will close forever with this fourth season.

Servant Season 4 Episode 1 Review: The Story

The arrival of the nanny means that, for inexplicable reasons, the doll ends up coming to life and appearing human, unleashing all kinds of inexplicable situations around the figure of the nanny, and that has to do with the so-called Church of the Little Saints, a religious sect. Well, the third season marked the liberation of Lyanne from the sect and the arrival of a growing legion of beggars who protect her and venerate her as a goddess… But the Church of the Little Saints, far from renouncing Leanne, will try to make her return to your bosom.

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In this context, Dorothy, the deranged mother, also has plans to try to get the nanny off her back, sending her far away from home. But, in the “final twist” of season 3, everything ends up turning against her in a matter of seconds, and it is Dorothy herself who ends up leaving the home after a lurid accident. And so, we come to the first chapter of season 4 of Servant, which, like previous seasons, will be releasing one chapter per week. Although we will have to wait a few weeks to see how the story finally closes, the first chapter of Servant Season 4 follows the general trend of previous seasons, giving one of lime, and one of sand.

Servant Season 4 Episode 1
Servant Season 4 Episode 1 (Image Apple Tv+)

The story progresses rather a bit, and most of the episode revolves around two main lines: the Church of Little Saints turns up its aggressiveness to get Leanne back, and Dorothy’s tense homecoming. The one with sand (or the good one), is once again that oppressive setting, those superb camera framings, or some cinematographic tricks, such as going through glass with the camera, which is sublime and leaves unique shots. The moments of action are well resolved, and here they revolve almost entirely around Leanne resisting an attack by a herd of faithful from the sect inside a car (which, saving the distance, is reminiscent of La Cabina by Antonio Mercero a so far-fetched).

Servant Season 4 Episode 1 Review and Analysis

The performances remain remarkable, especially the main leads, including Rupert Grint (Ron in Harry Potter), who remains by far the best. The whitewash is made by the usual old defects: there are quite silly details, which almost seem like a joke (such as the fact that the members of the sect cannot be seen by people, and they leave the crime scene running) and the references and rifles from other horror classics are all too obvious. ” Pigeon” refers here to a situation that vilely copies, and in an updated way, one of the key scenes of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. It is not the first time that the series “pays its particular tributes” to other films and horror and thriller genres… but it already smells a bit. In the same way, the series continues to introduce new characters, such as a pair of twins with two more colacoos than those of The Shining or a rather tall guy from the sect, reminiscent of the giant from Twin Peaks… and who will probably weight the remainder of the season.

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That being said, Servant Season 4 Episode 1 works to the extent that it introduces the right ingredients for the viewer to bite the bait and want to know what will happen next, but it still has many unknowns to explain, and we are very afraid that some will remain unanswered. So, if you’ve seen the previous three seasons, the start of Servant T4 is not bad at all: in fact, the 24 minutes have tasted little to us thanks to its agile pace, although not without some WFT moments. Pay attention to what a pigeon eats. We leave it there…

Servant Season 4 Episode 1 Review
Servant Season 4 Episode 1 (Image Apple Tv+)

The war between Leanne and Dorothy is getting closer and closer, while other characters bordering on the surreal are involved – such as the two nurses. Every aspect, object, and character in Servant contributes to giving the show an atmosphere that is always poised between the real and the supernatural, between science and faith. The tension is becoming more and more palpable between the characters and the knots will have to come home to roost. Motherhood and fatherhood that until now had divided in a certain sense the seasons focused on one or the other, return arm in arm for the final chapter and we get closer to revealing the truth, thanks to a great interpretation by Lauren Ambrose.

Now Jericho can’t spend so much time with his bedridden mother who can’t lift weights – or rather Leanne makes him hold him very little in her arms with the excuse of hospitalization, and she pines away at the thought that the servant constantly looks after him. Meanwhile, Sean takes refuge in the kitchen – her favorite place as we know, the end and the beginning of the character – to try to regain his wife’s trust by grabbing her by the throat. Without perhaps fully realizing, despite everything they’ve been through, the danger that Leanne now represents. It seems that thanks to the time at home, Dorothy is now starting to remember what happened to Jericho. The central theme of the mourning show and that linked to the crime news of forgetting the babies in the car return preponderant and now, if Dorothy remembers, the reckoning is near. Will we finally be able to see a mother gaining awareness of pain, hitherto completely in denial? No one can stop her anymore. And no one should.

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Servant Season 4 Episode 1 Review The Last Words

Servant Season 4 has started without going far from what was seen in previous seasons. Its excellent technical invoice and good performances barely manage to cover up a story that lurches and continues to leave questions in the air. Will you have enough time to solve all the unknowns and doubts? The photography is still spectacular. The performances, especially Rupert Grint. The nods to the classics? The fourth and final season, enthusiastic about how it has resumed the threads from the shocking previous ending. The feeling of claustrophobia increases, as well as the underlying psychological thriller which becomes more and more horror. All aspects and atmosphere of the show are heightened to the max because it’s the moment of truth for everyone, especially for Dorothy.

4.5 ratings Filmyhype

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