Scream Ending Explained: Who is Behind Ghostface The Finale Of The Fifth Chapter Of The Saga

Who will be this time to take on the role of Ghostface and the mask? The conclusion of Scream 5 reveals the identity and motivations of those who decided to collect the legacy of Billy and Stu.

Scream Ending Explained: In Woodsboro, someone has returned to take on the role of Ghost Face and hide behind his terrifying mask to kill the inhabitants of the city. The first victim of the new murderer, heir to Billy and Stu, is Tara Carpenter and is the younger sister of Sam, the putative protagonist of this real revival chapter of the saga. The fifth chapter of Scream in fact does not bear the number in the title and looks like a “requel” a cross between sequel and revival of the first, historic film created by the duo Craven/Willamson. The first made since the director’s death, the first without the contribution of the historic screenwriter.

Scream Ending Explained

The film itself defines itself as “a sophisticated thriller in which you have to discover the identity of the murderer” and between returns of historical actors of the franchise (Neve Campbell in the lead) and a large team of new cast members (who will largely be cut down. from the Ghost Face blade) there is really no shortage of suspects.

This time the bond that binds victims and possible executioners refers directly to the first, historic film in the series: the main suspects are in fact all related or directly connected with Billy and Stu, the duo of assassins who took the role of Ghostface for the first time. Who is hiding under his macabre costume this time?

Scream Ending Explained: The Pair Of Assassins Return

Wanting to be a tribute to the first film of the saga, the fifth Scream could only present a couple of assassins behind the Ghost Face mask. Another not negligible detail: as always, the rules set out in the film prove to be correct. Before he dies, former sheriff Linus (David Arquette) gives Sam and the others as a first rule never to trust their boyfriends. In the excited final stages of the film we discover that he was right. In fact, Richie Kirsh is hiding behind the mask of Scream (Jack Quaid), Sam’s current boyfriend. The meeting outside Woodsboro that brought them to know each other was anything but casual: Richie is in fact a big fan of the film series Stab (the alter ego of that of Scream within the saga) and, angry for the poor quality of the last chapters of the saga, he decided to intervene personally to give inspiration to “a Hollywood without ideas”.

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After learning that Sam is actually the illegitimate daughter of Scream’s first killer Billy, Richie approached her and managed to become her boyfriend. His plan was to kill his sister Tara and most of her friends connected to the first assassinations that inspired Stab’s first film, and then put the blame on Sam, his father’s “spiritual” heir. Sidney and Gale’s intervention and Sam’s survivor temper, however, put an end to his plan.


Richie also has an accomplice: the beautiful and witty Amber (Mikey Madison). The two pretend not to know each other and not to be interested in horror films, while in reality they are huge fans (at a pathological level) of the genre and in particular of the Stab saga. Amber tells Sam, Sidney and Gale that she met Richie online, in a reddit dedicated to the horror saga, after discovering that the house where her family moved was the one where the final slaughter of the first film took place. Amber proves to be a fundamental element for the plan: living in Woodsboro can in fact bring future victims and in particular Tara, whose initial attack was aimed at luring Sam back to the city and ending her in a trap.

The two killers are killed by the two main sisters Sam unleashes his killer instinct by punching Richie to death, slitting his throat and finally shooting him in the head. The revived Tara (who has suffered more attacks than anyone in the film) shoots Amber in the head after she, horribly disfigured, attempts to attack her older sister and the two survivors from the first film in the saga. Once the police arrive, Sam promises Tara that they will not separate and accompanies her to the hospital. It turns out that the twins Mindy and Chad also managed to save themselves.

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Shortly before, he asked Sidney if he will be okay, considering his decades of experience. The woman replies: “over time”. Gale tells the two that he will not write a book on this affair to avoid other films and other emulators but intends to tell the life of the former Linus (who died to save Sam and Tara) in a novel.

The film closes with a shot of the outside of the house of the second slaughter in the morning, with journalists crowding to tell what happened live. Scene interrupted by an appearance of a few seconds of Ghost Face, a sign that there will be a sequel. 

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How Does The Fifth Scream End?” answer-0=”Sidney, Tara, Sam and Gale manage to get the best of the two assassins Amber and Richie and kill them. It turns out that Mindy and Chad also made it to escape. The other partygoers who stayed in the house died. Sam promises Tara that he will never leave her again. Gale explains that he will not write a book on this affair to avoid further murders by mythomaniacs but will tell the story of Linus. In the final scene, Ghost Face appears for a few frames, a sign that the film will have a sequel. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Who is behind Ghostface in the fifth Scream?” answer-1=”Richie, Sam’s boyfriend and Amber, Tara’s friend.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Will Scream 5 Have a Sequel?” answer-2=”Since Ghostface appears for a few seconds in the closing scene, it is likely that yes, there will be a new chapter starring Sam and Tara. ” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Who Survives In The Fifth Scream Finale?” answer-3=”Sidney and Gale survive once again along with the new protagonists, sisters Sam and Tara Carpenter. Both Mindy and Chad survive the Ghostface attack (although they are injured quite seriously). ” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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