Restless 2022 Review: (Sans Répit) A Recurring Nemesis, Plus A Remake Comes To Make A Mess Again

Director: Régis Blondeau

Starring: Franck Gastambide, Simon Abkarian, Michaël Abiteboul

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 2/5 (two star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Restless 2022 French movies on Netflix with Korean remakeRégis Blondeaus. The story of a gray police officer One of the people who had the same fate, the mother had just died, and she accidentally hit the dead person again. But there were people who saw the incident that caused him to be severely blackmailed.

Restless 2022 Review

Restless 2022 Review: The Story

Thomas Blanc, a police lieutenant who recently lost his mother. is traveling in a hurry to catch the funeral but then he bumped into the people. one until death with not wanting to get into trouble even though he is a policeman, so he disguised the corpse. But then a mysterious phone line called. He began to threaten him about the corpse until his life was even more turbulent. He had to figure out who the caller was, what he wanted, and what exactly the person he crashed into had to do with it.

Restless 2022 Review And Analysis

this movie Original from Korea the title is The Hard Day, The Hunt for the Deceiver. The plot is the same. Just change from Korea to France only. But this remake cuts things off from the original, turning the French version into a daring remake. one story only. The overall story is driven by the protagonist’s dark comedy. who is a Kangqin police, secretly accepting bribes, doing gray matter but had not yet stepped into the dark side Accident one so hard to death I didn’t know what to do, so I carried the body and took it and buried it with my recently deceased mother? Hoping things were quiet, but no. Instead, a mysterious person called him to threaten him about the corpse. until Thomas had to find a way to escape this incident. In addition, the fate of repeated karma being suspected by the police again escape from one’s own fault escape the blackmailer They also had to escape from the police themselves.

The plot of the story mentioned above the operation of the story is almost half of the story before proceeding with the main content. The hero must track down to find out who called to threaten him. Then the corpse that he crashed to death Was surprised that it was a drug dealer that his unit was still looking for. With all these elements, there is a tragic comedy event that follows, where there is a scene where the protagonist must try to find a way to get rid of the corpse. or the fault that oneself had to make first. At the beginning of the story, the presentation was not very coherent. There is no laying out who the protagonist is. what to do next which the main plot To make the audience understand the overall picture is almost 40-50 minutes, which the movie tries to make us conform and believe in what the characters do. like bringing a corpse that the hero accidentally killed to be buried with her mother who had just died He had to find a way to put the body in his mother’s coffin using balloons, radio-controlled mini soldiers.

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Restless 2022

But the first problem with this movie is that the protagonist is a stubborn, blunt, scammer, irresponsible cop, in other words, a bad cop. It’s like we’re watching the bad guys. trying to do worse to cover up the bad things that oneself Bring the trash to fill up the trash again. That made the story uninteresting. because as said It is not well laid out as the main character, and in the next scenes you can guess what will go on. who is like a strong type dark expression Dom Toretto in The Fast. but found an easy rehearsal then sit and cry A stuffed toy was taken to disguise the corpse in a strange way. Lying with a smooth face. In conclusion, what is the personallity of the protagonist that the movie wants it to be?

The second problem is the movie doesn’t know what category to put itself in. The action-thriller only got part of it. There are three fight scenes. A little more investigation. The overall plot is a bit funny. It’s so vague that it doesn’t focus on the whole story like the Korean original. that it will proceed in a funny investigation It also presents a character drama that enhances the protagonist to be interesting and a bit encouraging. But this French version Those elements had disappeared until I had to honestly say that I’m not really into this hero.

and another problem with this movie is the remake It should be as good as or better, not remake and reduce a lot of things, so it makes the story look old. Old here means that it is not different from the movie formula. Hundreds of thousands of stories have been created, just turning the character into a bald-headed bad cop who is hiding his stupid actions only makes the story uninteresting. In addition, when answering the knot, it doesn’t turn around, break corners, what’s inviting? But the original version tried to convey corruption in the Korean police industry. The French version is not at all.

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Another frustrating thing is the Jump scare scene that I don’t know what I’m wearing it for. It is a scene where the hero is searching for information in the dark. Then he opened the drawer, saw a dog, and there was a loud noise. is to see this dog, why would you scare the audience? really don’t understand the indifferent audience was sure to flinch. Because before, there was no sign that the movie would have something like this at all. The more I watch this movie, the more questions I have in my head. Why do we have to help this guy? It lacks a plot in the story’s very important protagonist, and it continues the storyline in the way that has been done hundreds and thousands of times from other movies. It is both easy to guess and frustrating that will the remake come to you, won’t it be anything new or different? can’t do it in one way or another Go for the original version, it’s even more fun.

Restless 2022 Review: The Last Words

It’s a remake that’s not good than the original. It lacks a plot in the story’s very important protagonist, and it continues the storyline in the way that has been done hundreds and thousands of times from other movies. It is both easy to guess and frustrating that will the remake come to you, won’t it be anything new or different? can’t do it in one way or another Go for the original version, it’s even more fun.

2 ratings Filmyhype

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