Resident Evil Season 1: Ending Explained! Is Bea The Key? Does Jade Wesker Die?

Resident Evil Season 1 is available on Netflix. Resident Evil, the Netflix series, is based on the Capcom game of the same name. The story takes place in 2022 and 2036. In 2036, an adult, Jade Wesker, travels through London and various other zombie-infested locations to find a cure. She is pursued by the Umbrella Corporation, the organization that is believed to be the reason for the apocalypse. In 2022, we see young Jade and her “twin” sister Billie move to New Raccoon City with their father, Albert Wesker. As the two daughters, Jade and Billie, settle into their new surroundings, their father, Albert, begins working at the Umbrella Corporation where he is involved in the development of a drug called Joy. If you have any questions about the end of Season 1 of Resident Evil, we tell you everything!

Resident Evil

The ambition to create a television format dedicated to Resident Evil pushed Netflix to shape a work suspended between the original material and the film. Still, already very low expectations of the fans – scalded over the years by terrible proposals marked with the heavy name of the saga – they do not seem to have numerous reasons to take off, because the first episodes of the show struggle both on the narrative front and on that of small entertainment, unable to find the unitary style that can give a concrete identity to this complicated product.

Resident Evil Season 1: Plot Summary

London in 2036 is a wasteland, with its gray skies cloaking the empty streets of a metropolis that did not survive the apocalypse. The silence of the English capital is pierced by the cries of the infected, beings now oblivious to their humanity who satisfy the only instinct of nourishment by gathering in hordes of hordes, hiding in the darkness of abandoned buildings to escape the annoying daylight. The leaden clouds follow Jade Wesker (Ella Balinska), a lone researcher who has left her husband and the child of their union in a haven to study the behavior of the undead and look for a way to contain the virus, but after six months of investigation, it doesn’t seem any closer to the coveted discovery. Fourteen years earlier, in 2022 when it crossed the threshold of New Raccoon City, the catastrophe had not yet occurred.

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Jade (Tamara Smart) is now a young girl who moves to a new city with her father Albert (Lance Reddick) and her sister Billie (Siena Agudong): the South African conglomerate that welcomes them is a community built by Umbrella to house her employees, an oasis of purity lost in the scorching heat of the black continent where the company can carry on the development of Joy, a drug that aims to overwhelm the antidepressant market. Dr. Wesker is the head of the department that studies this new drug, but he is also a father who struggles to find the time to devote to his daughters, who have major problems integrating into the new social circle. As if the family headaches weren’t enough, the researcher must also find a way to manage Joy’s dangerous side effects, which link the experimental drug to the biological weapon responsible for the destruction of Raccoon City.

In this location in South Africa, we follow the lives of two sisters, Jade and Billie. Two different but equally problematic girls, whose father is another old acquaintance of Resident Evil players: Albert Wesker, a prominent figure in the complex gears of Umbrella. What the two girls don’t know, and what they will learn to understand during the first season, is how important and delicate the role of the father is, and how many and what secrets are hidden behind the power of Umbrella and the scenes of its patents. pharmaceuticals, and more. The story of the two sisters, played by young people Tamara Smart and Siena Agudong, is the most interesting part of the first season of Resident Evil: The series, because it sinks more into the intrigues that move between the meshes of the mythology of the Capcom franchise, but also because it knows how to involve the viewer in the personal stories of the two girls and their search for the truth as suspicions arise, grow and develop.

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Resident Evil Season 1 Ending Explained: Is Bea The Key? Does Jade Wesker Die?

Jade was on the run from the Umbrella Corporation, thinking Evelyn was still in charge. It turns out that Billie took the reins and found a way to control Evelyn. Jade also discovers that Billie’s blood has altered from her exposure to the T-Virus and that the only thing that can keep her from dying is Jade’s blood. Unbeknownst to them, Jade has also found a way to fend off the zombies. Thanks to the enzyme extracted from the queen of Calais zombies, Jade discovers that you can prevent zombies from attacking you if you spray it on your body.

At the end of Resident Evil Season 1, when she finally returns to the ship, she discovers that Bea has escaped, which she had told her to do before. Arjun and Jade return to dry land to save their daughter, but the Zombie Crocodile and his minions attack them instead. Jade leaves injured Arjun at the seaside to find Bea. The reunion with her daughter is cut short when Billie arrives on the scene, exchanges a few words with Jade, shoots her, and leaves with Bea. Billie could have killed Jade, but she didn’t. She leaves her alone and bleeding, while Jade sees her daughter taken away by helicopter.

In the 2022 timeline, young Billie and Jade escape from Evelyn’s clutches with Albert and Bert. Fighting against her hallucination, Billie attacks Simon and bites him. As Albert promises to help, Evelyn shoots her son, knowing there is no cure and he will soon turn into a zombie.

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At the end of Resident Evil Season 1, as Evelyn loses her mind over the loss of her son, Albert decides to sacrifice himself, allowing Bert to get Jade and Billie to safety. He also gives the girls the address of Ada Wong, the only person who can help them now. The problem is that Ada is in Japan, very far from New Raccoon City, South Africa.

The biggest reveal of the season is that Bea, Jade’s daughter, is special when it comes to the T-Virus. Curiously, the huge crocodile that destroys and kills everything in its path acts as an adorable pet when it comes to Bea. Jade discovered her blood was special when the truth about her father was revealed. It turns out that Albert Wesker was a clone, and in order not to die, he had altered Billie and Jade’s DNA.

The series doesn’t go into great detail regarding the captive zombie, but it’s clear he has something to do with all hell breaking loose on the world. After Albert destroys the society building while trying to help his daughters and Bert escape, the zombie is freed. We see his hand appear in the rubble, indicating that he started infecting people and everyone quickly turned into zombies. Things must have escalated pretty quickly from there, as very soon billions of humans transformed, leaving the survivors in hiding.

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