Remarriage & Desires Review: Intriguing And Fulfilling, Capable Of Entertaining To The Last

Starring: Kim Hee-seon, Lee Hyun-wook, Jung Eugene

Creators: Kim Jung-min, Lee Geun-young

Streaming Platform: Netflix Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Remarriage & Desires Review: That Netflix has a particular affinity with Korean productions is certainly no secret, and if in the past such a combination could have passed more quietly, the international success of Squid Game has sanctioned once and for all the dominance of the streaming giant in the field, and even those who are not particularly knowledgeable on the subject now know that if they want to seek-drama and the like, there is no better place to look. And just these days, another title that deserves your attention is being added to the already vast Netflix catalog, and we explain why in our review of Remarriage & Desires.

Remarriage & Desires Review

Remarriage & Desires Review: The Story

Love, intrigue, betrayal, tricks, and revenge are usually the basic elements of any drama series that can carry an eloquent title like Remarriage & Desires, but the new Netflix show written by Lee Geun-Young and directed by Kim offers them to you. Jung-Min (Amhaengeosa, Jo-seon chong-jab-i) can’t help but stop you for a moment and think that maybe it’s worth pressing the play button and not getting too distracted by the screen in this case.

Arguments of this kind have also been addressed by numerous productions from every country (think, for example, Revenge by ABC Network or The Girls of the Switchboard, of Spanish production), and, understandably, they are not enough to make a TV series captivating. eight episodes lasting about an hour each. The question is more than legitimate: why spend time watching this show rather than anything else? The answer, however, isn’t that hard to find, and it starts to show up from the very first episode.

In Remarriage & Desires, we follow the story of Seo Hye-Seung (Kim Hee-Seon), a young widow and mother of a family in search of justice (and revenge) after the deception of a woman, Jin Yoo-hee (Jeong Eu- Gene), had tragic consequences, including her husband’s suicide. Through a well-known elite Korean marriage agency run by wealthy entrepreneur Choi Yoo-sun (Ji-Yeon Cha), which wealthy individuals regularly leverage to gain or maintain prominent positions in society through convenience marriages, Seo Hye-Seung will find herself face to face with the woman who ruined her life, and this time she won’t let history repeat itself.

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Remarriage & Desires Review and Analysis

Although the exposition of the facts requires a slightly higher degree of attention from the viewer, also considering the frequent flashbacks and sometimes leaps, the series aims not to leave anything behind, going to explain everything necessary for the plot. and for the deepening of a given character and takes the right time to do so. He does not hurry and does not take too long, although the most impatient may not like the rhythmic trend that still requires an intricate narrative of this type, especially one that pays a lot of attention to outlining its characters, even the surrounding ones. like the up-and-coming politician Son Pil-young or the woman behind the man’s success, Go Ae-ran.

The key aspects of the story probably do not aspire to be among the most unexpected, as the various genre clichés are quietly used, but on several occasions, Remarriage & Desires show that they know how to manage them without too much effort – there is little, for example, that the devious Jin Yoo-hee is unwilling to do, with nastiness and indifference to make even Victoria Grayson envious – and the show can count, in most cases, on solid interpretations (absolute MVP of the Ji-Yeon Cha series).From a production point of view, it is pleasant to see how he did not skimp on the budget, something that is quickly realized, but which appears even more evident in certain scenes (such as that of the masquerade party), starting with the costumes and from the sets. Finally, a final mandatory mention goes to the use of music, always perfectly matched and hand in hand with the narration.

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Remarriage & Desires Review: The Last Words

In our review of Remarriage & Desires, we tried to offer you an overview of the most recent Korean series distributed by Netflix, which to us seemed good entertainment and not to be despised. If the show were to get a positive response from critics and audiences, especially in terms of views, a second season could easily have room for action, and it is difficult to think that the platform would not take the opportunity.

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