Prey Movie Ending Explained: The Prequel To Predator: Easter Eggs, Ending And Post-Credits Scene Explained

In case you thought one big, nasty Predator wasn’t enough, we’ve got a whole bunch of nasty aliens for the sequel to Prey Movie. If you haven’t seen the Predator prequel on Hulu, let us catch you up in a hurry: Prey, the fifth installment in the Predator saga, puts a spin on the veteran sci-fi series, leaving one of the space hunters in the Big Plains more than three hundred years ago. Instead of facing off against a platoon of Vietnam-trained American soldiers and a large Austrian Übermensch, this guy takes on a series of high-level predators—including a bear, which he knocks out with one punch—before facing off against the human warriors of the Comanche tribe.

Prey Movie Review

Like the 2018 movie ‘ Predator’, which was full of Easter eggs, Prey also had various references to the other installments of the Predator franchise. Prey is the prequel to all the films that make up this cinematographic universe. It takes place in the 18th century, where the Predator faces Comanche warriors; especially Naru, the main character whose intelligence makes her a worthy rival to the alien warrior.

Prey Movie Ending Explained: Ending Linked With Sequel

Naru is the protagonist of Prey, who throughout the film seeks to prove to her tribe that she is worthy of becoming a hunter, as is her older brother, Taabe. It is she who realizes that it is not a conventional animal that has been attacking her tribe, so she decides to investigate more about this mysterious creature. However, just as she is about to hunt the monster she is captured along with her brother by a group of fur trappers. The group plans to use the two as bait to capture the Predator, but the Predator ends up killing the captors. Sadly, the creature also kills Naru’s brother.

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This is how the final confrontation between the skillful protagonist and the Predator takes place. Naru discovers that if she eats an orange flower, his body temperature drops, so she becomes invisible to his enemy. In this way, he takes the opportunity to take him into a trap and take off his helmet, which he ends up using to attack and kill him. Finally, Naru returns to her tribe with the monster’s head in her hands, for which she is recognized as a hunter and warrior.

This Is The Post-Credits Scene Of the Prey Movie

As an animation, in the post-credit scenes of Prey certain cave paintings are shown about the events that happened in this prequel. Surprisingly, however, an alien ship eventually appears above what appears to be Naru’s Comanche tribe. Although it is not clearly explained what it means, it could represent that Naru and his tribe were attacked again by these alien creatures. These events could be seen in a new Prey movie, considering that this prequel has been generally liked by the public and fans of the franchise. However, some think that this alien ship in the post-credits scene represents the return of the Predator in later years, which could be seen in the 1987 film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Easter Eggs From Prey: This Is How It Is Linked To The Predator Movies

Prey has ‘easter eggs’ that link it to other films in the Predator franchise. One of them is the dialogue that Naru’s brother pronounces in the confrontation against the alien monster. Tanabe says “if he bleeds, we can kill him”. This is a direct quote from the first ‘Predator’ movie, in which Arnold Schwarzenegger said the same words to defeat his enemy. Another ‘easter egg’ is the fact that the protagonists are the Comanche tribe. In ‘Predator 1’, Billy’s character was descended from this group. In this sense, this prequel helps to understand why he feared the creature so much in 1987 since the stories about the Predator were transmitted among his family from generation to generation.

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Lastly, the most notable easter egg in Prey is the pistol Naru attacks his opponent with after obtaining it through the fur trappers’ translator. It is nothing more and nothing less than the same weapon that was given to Danny Glover in ‘Predator 2’. At the end of Prey Naru gives it to the elder of his tribe. Although in the prequel it is not narrated how the Yautja recovered the pistol, at some point they had to obtain it, as is seen in future “Predator” films.

What Does The Prey Post-Credits Scene Mean?

Prey does not have a proper post-credits scene. However, in the credits, it is overlaid on a graphic that narrates the events of the film with animations that evoke indigenous paintings, from Narus humble origins to the defeat of the Predator that had decimated his tribe. The idea is to suggest that the story of Naru has been passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition: the story of the Comanche’s greatest warrior, the one who overcame unparalleled odds to save the group from an unthinkable threat.

Only the graphics don’t end with the Predator’s defeat. Moments after his euphoric celebrations for slaying the beast, Naru and his tribesmen are confronted by a thunderous explosion in the clouds, followed by the appearance of three more alien ships. They seem to be back for revenge. Considering the enthusiastic response to Prey, we can think of a sequel to join the ranks of Predator.

“We have so many ideas,” writer-director Dan Trachtenberg told Syfy Wire about the possibility of a sequel: “How could we turn off thoughts about fun and exciting stuff? But certainly what was exciting about the [credits sequence] was what would be in any other movie, an ending tag, a live-action tag [plus the credits]. That our end credits sequence has a story point, I think that’s impressive.”

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What Does Prey’s Easter Egg Consist Of?

Brace yourself, we’re going to take a quick Christmas Carol-style trip to Predator 2, which pitted Danny Glover as one of Los Angeles’ finest against the ultimate alien villain. You may remember how that movie ends: Lt. Mike Harrigan, played by Glover, battles the Predator throughout the city, from the subways to the streets and rooftops, before tracking him down to his spaceship hidden deep in the landscape. urban. Harrigan manages to kill him with his weapon, but then… well, a squad of fellow spacers emerges from the shadows.

Instead of murdering Harrigan by way of retribution, he is presented with an ancient flintlock pistol as a trophy for his victory. Now, back to Prey. In the third act of the film, Naru is captured by a group of French colonialists who intend to use her as bait against the Predator that is after them. The plan fails and most die. One of them, a translator named Raphael, gives Naru her flintlock pistol to heal the leg that has been ripped off. What’s etched on that gun? Raphael Andolini, 1715. And what do we find in the gun in Predator 2? Raphaël Andolini, 1715.

Since Naru still has the gun at the end of Prey, this portends one of two things: either the Predators are time nomads hunting creatures across time, or the Predator from the first sequel has managed to get hold of the gun. from Naruto. Whether it’s a fun little reference for eagle-eyed fans or an explicit teaser for the sequel, which seems inevitable given the great reception of Trachtenberg’s film, it’s a very interesting relic, a taste of what It’s achieved when you give the right person the keys to a well-loved series.

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