Poacher Series Review: The Central Mystery Unfolds Organically, Keeping Viewers Hooked With Twists And Turns

Cast: Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Ankith Madhav, Kani Kusruti, Suraj Pops, Ranjita Menon, Vinod Sherawat, Snoop Dinesh

Director: Richie Mehta

Streaming Platform: Prime Video

Filmyhype.com Ratings: 4/5 (four stars)

After the crime drama series Delhi Crime, released on Netflix in 2019, filmmaker Richie Mehta brought the Poacher web series, which has come on Prime Video. This time Ritchie has made illegal hunting of elephants for ivory the basis of the story. For the last few days, there has been a lot of discussion about the web series Poacher produced by Alia Bhatt. It was said about this web series that it would be among the best series of its time. The story of this web series is presented, and its visuals will force the viewers to think about the suffering caused by animals. However, it has also been announced that no animals caused any kind of trouble while filming the scenes. The Poacher succeeds in hooking the audience right from the beginning. It not only captivates but also forces one to think deeply.

Poacher Series Review
Poacher Series Review (Image Credit: Amazon Studios)

However, it is also loose in some places. The web series Poacher begins with the brutal poaching of an elephant in the forest. The hunter mercilessly shoots the huge creature, and the elephant lies unconscious on the ground. It breaks your heart to see him bleeding and his teeth being pulled out. This is where a tremendous story full of twists and turns begins. Poacher makes it clear from the very beginning that this is a serious series based on a serious issue, which will take you to many such places, seeing which you are going to feel a lot. In this 8-episode series, Emmy Award winner Richie Mehta has described the pain of animals very well. Poacher means hunter… Kerala is famous all over the world for its beauty. Kerala, full of natural beauty, is called GOD’S OWN COUNTRY. But what will happen when we come to know that Kerala is not at all safe for animals, especially elephants? Richie Mehta‘s web series attracts people’s attention in this direction.

Poacher Series Review: The Story Plot

The eight-episode series Poacher is a crime thriller and investigative drama inspired by true events. The series covers the entire chain of poaching and smuggling business in detail, keeping it close to reality. Poacher gives the message of how humans are destroying nature by entering the forests due to their greed. The series is mainly in Malayalam language, but Bengali language has also been used in the dialogues along with English and Hindi. However, the series can be streamed in other southern languages ​​along with Hindi. The story of the series is woven in the light of the 2015 Wildlife Act. It begins with Aruku, who was part of an elephant hunting team, but due to guilt, he confesses to the authorities and exposes an ivory smuggling racket in which some influential people are also involved. After this, a team of forest officials starts investigating it.

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Hunting of animals was banned in India in 1991. This was done under the Indian Wildlife Act. In 1995, the Kerala Forest Department exposed the country’s largest elephant poaching racket. This racket had access to big and dangerous gangs from foreign countries. Series director Richie Mehta has done extensive research on this subject, this can be understood while watching Poacher. You see elephant hunting, illegal ivory smuggling, and different rings related to it in the series. It starts with a hunter surrendering himself. He tells about a man named Raj, who is illegally killing elephants behind their backs by pretending to give up the hunt to the police. Now the search for Raj begins. Senior forest officer Neel (Dibyendu Bhattacharya) forms his team, which is responsible for stopping elephant poaching and exposing the people behind it.

Poacher Series
Poacher Series (Image Credit: Amazon Studios)

Forest officer Mala Jogi (Minissha Sajayan) is given the responsibility for this case. Mala is accompanied by Alan (Roshan Mathew), who is an expert in numbers as well as snakes, and actress Kani Kushruti. Mala loves animals. This case is special for him because his father himself was a hunter. Mala’s path as she seeks to atone for her father’s sins and hunt down Poachers is not an easy one, but she, Neil, and Alan set out on this journey, leaving their families behind, not knowing what lies ahead. Is. Minissha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya have done a great job in this series. All three have worked hard on their characters, which is visible on the screen. Kani Kushruti has presented her role in a very effective manner, when she is not on screen the audience misses her.

Forests are disappearing rapidly around the world. People are building big highways and buildings by cutting trees and plants. At the same time, elephants present in the forest are also being hunted indiscriminately. Every angle of the story is present in Richie Mehta‘s Poacher. Seeing this, it is natural to feel ashamed of oneself. Far away from Kerala, the country’s capital Delhi has become a gas chamber. So the traffic of Mumbai is world famous. Poacher‘s story begins with an informer. Which tells the story of the hunting of 18 elephants as seen through his eyes. The entire forest department is shocked to hear the words of the informer. But the question is, is there only a gang of Poachers behind this? The answer is no. From Poachers to international smuggling gangs, white-collar art sellers selling idols and rich people buying the idols, a huge network is part of the poaching happening in the forest.

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Poacher (Image Credit: Amazon Studios)

The twist in the series comes with the entry of Nimisha Sajayan as Kerala Forest Range Officer Mala Jogi. Inside the garland, there is regret for not being able to save the animals. So, there is also the anger of being the daughter of a hunter-father. In such a situation, Mala can do anything to save the animals from predators. Mala’s friend Alan is also with her on this mission. Although Alan is a computer programmer in an NGO in Delhi, he is a snake expert and Wildlife Trust analyst. Neil Banerjee plays the role of a retired RAW agent in Poacher. Despite battling the disease himself, Neel is trying to save animals. Many people in the series have knowingly or unknowingly helped the Poachers and are now ashamed of their actions.

Poacher Series Review and Analysis

After watching Richie Mehta‘s Poacher, one realizes that we and you are also responsible for the crimes being committed on animals in the forest. This story is not limited to the forests of Kerala only. Its impact is on everyone from Delhi to the entire world. Animals are being hunted in the forest. So animals on the roads lose their lives after coming under vehicles. Some animals lose their lives due to electrocution on electric poles. There is a real story in every scene of Poacher. Nimisha Sajayan has played the role of Mala very well. Dibendu Bhattacharya has also given an excellent performance in the role of Neil Banerjee. Roshan Mathew has done a tremendous job in the role of Alan. Kani Kusruti as SHO Dina has also brought life to the story. The entire star cast of Poacher is amazing.

Many stories have been shown keeping the forest and animals at the center. Vidya Balan’s film Sherni, which was released on Prime Video a few years ago, raises the issue of shrinking habitations among forests and animals and raises the question, of have humans encroached on the space of animals. Richie’s series Poacher rests on the pillars of the jungle, animals, and emotions. Its biggest strength is its writing, which has full support from the three lead actors Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya. The titles of each episode of the series hint at its story: The Confessor, The Crusader, The Scapegoat, The Blind Eye, The Kidnapping, The Jungle, The Big Fish, and The Graveyard.

Poacher Prime Video
Poacher Prime Video (Image Credit: Amazon Studios)

The scenes of the forest and government offices look real. Due to the location of the dense Kuthumpuzha forests of Kerala and the research done for the series, it gives the feel of a documentary, but this has not affected the entertainment of the series. As the story progresses the thrill of the investigation increases. The actors speak their dialogues in the same language. Alia Bhatt is associated with Poacher as an executive producer. Alia’s name gives a glamor touch to the series, but the narrative remains untouched by it, which is the biggest feature of Poacher.

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Nimisha has brought alive the character of Mala Jogi, a serious and dedicated forest range officer, towards her work. The character is inspired by Manu Sathyan, DCF of Kerala Vin department, who played a key role in busting the ivory smuggling racket. Meanwhile, Roshan Mathew has given a credible performance in the role of wildlife crime data expert Alan Joseph. Dibyendu Bhattacharya has completely entered the role of Neil Banerjee, Field Director of the Kerala Forest Department. The supporting cast is also impressed with their well-written performances. Ritchie has kept the actors’ performances as close to reality as possible. Like Delhi Crime, here too women artists have got full opportunity to emerge.

Poacher Series Review: The Last Words

Director Richie Mehta has once again proved that he knows how to present serious issues with the necessary sensitivity. Yes, Poacher sags a bit in the middle. Many of its sequences are dramatic, but Richie teaches you a great lesson through this series. It also makes you feel the pain that you should feel after seeing the cruelty towards animals. “Poacher” is a well-crafted and thought-provoking series that tackles an important issue with sensitivity and suspense. It’s a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers with a social conscience. However, if you are looking for entertainment. So, Poacher‘s story may seem a bit stretched to you. But after watching this, thoughts of the environment, forest, and animals will come to everyone’s mind. If we do not think about animals and forests, then we are playing with the lives of ourselves as well as children. The message given in the Poacher‘s story can initiate a big change and a better start.


4 ratings Filmyhype

Poacher Series Review: The Central Mystery Unfolds Organically, Keeping Viewers Hooked With Twists And Turns | Filmyhype

Director: Richie Mehta

Date Created: 2024-02-23 13:53

Editor's Rating:


  • Realistic and gritty: The series doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of poaching, showcasing its devastating impact on wildlife and the challenges faced by forest officials.
  • Engaging story: The central mystery unfolds organically, keeping viewers hooked with twists and turns.
  • Strong performances: The cast, including Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya, deliver powerful performances that bring the characters to life.
  • Beautiful cinematography: The visuals capture the stunning landscapes of Kerala's forests, adding depth to the story.
  • Raises awareness: "Poacher" sheds light on the complex issue of wildlife crime and its interconnectedness with other social and economic factors.


  • Pacing: We felt the middle episodes drag a bit, impacting the overall pace.
  • Over-dramatization: The climax might feel slightly unrealistic compared to the show's otherwise grounded tone.
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