Pieces of Her Ending Explained: What Happened in Oslo and What Was Jane’s Role? Who Is Grace?

The Deal Between Jasper And Jane? What Does Nick Want From Jane? Who Is Grace And Why Does She So Easily Agree To Kill Martin

Pieces of Her is the thriller series with Toni Collette available on Netflix and based on the novel by Karin Slaughter. The series tells the story of Laura Oliver, a speech therapist who survived cancer and a mysterious and violent past in eight episodes. Laura lives with her daughter Andy, a thirty-year-old woman unaware of the truth about her mother’s life. However, everything changes when the two women survive a brutal attack and Andy begins to put the pieces together, discovering that Jane Queller is actually hiding behind the name of Laura Oliver.Pieces of Her Ending Explained

Episode after episode, Andy learns details about Jane: her talent for the piano, her rich family in which she was born and raised, her affiliation with a radical left-wing terrorist group, her involvement in the murder of her father, Martin Queller and the dangerous relationship with Nick Harp. How does Andy’s research end?

Pieces of Here Ending Explained: What Happened In Oslo?

Upon learning of his daughter Jane’s pregnancy and her relationship with Nick Harp, Martin Queller tries to induce an abortion by mixing a mysterious substance into his drink. However, his plan fails and Jane, tired of her father’s control, plots to kill him. During the 1988 World Economic Forum, he confides his fears to Grace Juno, a woman who blames the effect of Quelcorp’s drugs for the murder-suicide of her husband and children. Jane shows Grace her gun in her purse and Grace tacitly agrees to kill Martin. After killing the man, Grace points the gun to her throat and dies.

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But Who Is Grace And Why Does She So Easily Agree To Kill Martin?

Nick had no intention of killing Martin Queller. The boy’s plan was to replace Alex Maplecroft, who was supposed to take part in the Forum, with Grace Juno, whose role was supposed to be to ridicule Queller.

In one of the many flashbacks that make up the series, we discover that Maplecroft was a hostage in the hands of Nick. We also see the moment when Harp’s plan takes shape. The character, played by Joe Dempsie in the flashbacks, trains Grace in the days leading up to the Forum: the woman’s task is to throw a swag of red-dyed banknotes at Queller, a way to symbolize the dirty money obtained by any means by Quelcorp .

Following the massacre, Jane agrees to turn herself in and work with the feds in exchange for protection. She gives birth to Andy while serving his sentence in prison. Once outside, Jane takes on a new identity in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program. For thirty years, Nick is one of the most wanted terrorists in the United States.

The Deal Between Jasper And Jane?

On the death of his father, Jasper Queller gives life to the Queller Foundation, an association whose purpose is to “ensure that no American citizen is left alone in time of need”. In reality, the foundation was not born with such a noble nature, not by Jasper at least, but following a real blackmail. Jane is in possession of a tape in which Nick and Jasper discuss the plan to expose Martin in Oslo. Jasper hopes that helping Nick will allow him to inherit the family business.

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When Jane chooses to turn herself in, she reveals to her brother that she is in possession of the recording in question and threatens to disclose it publicly if Jasper doesn’t put an end to Quelcorp’s dangerous trials. For thirty years, the box remained hidden. It is for Jane/Laura an insurance that protects her from Nick and that makes Jasper keep his promise.

What Does Nick Want From Jane?

Since he was a boy, Nick has a strong influence on Jane. Manipulative and violent, he tries in every way to keep her tied to him, even going so far as to tell her to hunt her down if she ever tries to leave him. Following the shooting that begins the chain of events that leads Andy to the path of truth, Nick is able to discover that Jane is still alive. The video, which went viral, makes it possible for Nick to track down Jane, who she cannot help but be worried about her own fate and that of her daughter.

The paths of Nick and Jane cross after thirty years from the World Economic Forum in Oslo. The man contacts her and the two stipulate an agreement: Jane will give him the tape that she still has and that he can use to blackmail Jasper – candidate for the vice-presidency – and obtain her pardon; in return, Nick will never try to contact her or Andy again. However, Nick doesn’t keep his word and finds a way to get close to Andy, resulting in a car accident. The girl finally knows the identity of her father.

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When Jane joins them, Nick just wants to get hold of the tape. But Andy and Jane manage to stop him, causing a fire in which the tape is destroyed. Nick is arrested by the FBI, Jane asks her brother Jasper to use the means in his possession to find out what the man intends to reveal. Nick, in fact, is the only one who knows that it was Jane who gave Grace the gun that killed her father.

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