Peaky Blinders Film: Release Date and Star Cast Everything We Know About The In Production In 2023

The Peaky Blinders film will go into production in 2023. Meanwhile, here are the first sneak peeks on the plot, cast and future of the franchise created by Steven Kight.

In January 2021 the official news had arrived that the sixth season of Peaky Blinders would be the last, but that the history of the Shelby family would continue with another “episode” in the form of a feature film. Steven Knight, creator of the series, confirmed during the British Film Institute London Film Festival that filming for season 6 is almost complete, and that according to plans the new episodes will arrive on TV around the spring of 2022, while the film will go into production. in 2023, as stated to Variety’s interview. Although the film is still a long way off, we can already collect the first information on the plot, characters and future of the franchise.

Peaky Blinders Film

Peaky Blinders Film: Story The Plot

When it was announced that Peaky Blinders’ sixth season would be the final one, Steven Knight said that although Covid has partially upset his plans, his main idea has always been to end the story with a film, but what will it be about? Of course it is still too early for an official synopsis, but we can start to get an idea through the statements of the members of the production. Both BBC executive producer Tommy Bulfin and Knight himself have revealed that the sixth season scripts and concept of the film will give a satisfying closure to fans of the series and its protagonists.

Although it is not known what will happen in the finale of the sixth season, the creator of the series had previously stated with conviction that he always knew what the starting point and the arrival point would be for Peaky Blinders: the series on Birmingham bookies would have in fact it covered the entire period between the two great wars, so it is very likely that the film will be focused on the second world war .

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The Future Of Peaky Blinders After The Movie

There is no official news on the future of Peaky Blinders after the film, but even in this case we can venture hypotheses always starting from the official statements of Knight: when he announced the final film, the creator of the series revealed that the film will be “the end of Peaky Blinders as we know it

This most likely implies that the film will retain the same style, the same themes, and even the same characters from the series, but it is also indicative of another thing: the possibility of one or more spin-offs. The story of the Shelbys will therefore end with the feature film currently in pre-production, but this does not necessarily mean that the film will be the final farewell to the world of Peaky Blinders, which, more likely, will evolve. simply towards something different.

Star Cast: Who Will Return From The Series?

Since the Peaky Blinders film will coincide with the conclusion of the Tommy and family story, it’s easy to guess that the actors in the series will reprise their roles for the final act as well. Interviewed by Digital Spy after the announcement, some of the leading actors expressed their ideas on the possibility of returning for the film.

Paul Anderson, interpreter of Arthur Shelby, although initially reluctant to the idea of ​​a film, finally embraced it, stating that he would consider it if the script was as interesting and detailed as those of the series.

Finn Cole (Michael Gray) commented on the idea of ​​the film saying that Peaky Blinders lends itself well to the big screen since the series brings the same cinematic quality to TV. Even Harry Kirton, who lends his face to the little Finn Shelby, spoke enthusiastically about the possibility of a Peaky Blinders film because he places a lot of faith in Knight’s work and also because it would be interesting to follow the changes of the protagonists in a more distant future.

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