Peacemaker Episode 6 Review: The Series Keeps The Tone High With A Very Well Balanced Episode

Director: James Gunn

Cast: John Cena, Freddie Stroma, Chukwudi Iwuji

Streaming Platform: HBO Max (click to watch) Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

In this week’s episode of Peacemaker things start to heat up, but not to the point of catching fire. The action gives way to the great opponents of the anti-hero to gather and gain more strength for the great final clash. As he faces the consequences of his actions, along with the entire ARGUS team, the villains take time to achieve part of their goals. Namely, the focus has shifted a bit and a greater depth is shown in what the cops are doing, as well as the aliens and Chris’ own father, the White Dragon. With significant screen time, we can see how each of them utilizes hate and all the factors that have happened so far to stand out and have a chance to triumph when the final showdown arrives.

Peacemaker Episode 6 Review

This does not exempt the chapter from showing the consequences of all this for the main team of the series. With Adebayo discovering the truth about Murn and the protagonist confronting the fact that everyone thinks he is incapable, the tension between them grows more and more. If on the one hand he starts to feel left out, on the other he manages to finally get a little closer to Harcourt too and this creates a very nice moment between the two during the breaks.

Peacemaker Episode 6 Review and Analysis

To be honest with you, despite having action and being a good episode, this week Peacemaker showed more of a transition point than anything else. It only serves to take the characters we know from point A to B, where the outcome will take place. It’s interesting to see that, as much as they are winning the battles, they are actually losing the war and they need a moment to reorganize their ideas.

As much as this also gives the villains time to build even more strength, we have more dialogue and a real evolution in everyone’s relationship. Considering we only have two more weeks to go, if it’s all a runaway adrenaline and trouble sequel, there’s still room for development on this before they wrap up the plot. It’s a moment of necessary breathing, something that many productions have unlearned to do these days.

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This is due to the experience of James Gunn, who always knew how to do this very well. Just look at the first Guardians of the Galaxy that this same structure is crafted in a similar way. Remember when the heroes stopped by Yondu’s ship and convinced him that they needed to unite? Then there’s that whole sequence of them organizing the costumes, talking to each other to strengthen the bonds and everything else. Here we also have these elements, with the only real difference being that instead of preaching union, they decided to emphasize even more the intrigues between the group.

Adebayo doesn’t feel comfortable in the situation of being between his mother and the team, as well as the fact that he betrayed the Peacemaker in a simple way. Harcourt struggles with his feelings, both for his companions and in his relationship with the anti-hero. Even the Vigilante starts to rethink his position there, which brings some conflicts against his best friend. All this will explode in the next episodes, but it is already being well formed as of now.

The Peacemaker Villains Reunion

If on the one hand they start to collide, on the other the villains have a considerable increase in screen time to work with. The White Dragon gets out of jail and decides that he will kill his own son, gathering followers to go after the character. As old as he is, I wouldn’t put my hand in the fire about his abilities myself, which can be a lot of work if they show up at the wrong time. Although I believe this will not be finalized this season yet.

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The cops are also given more prominence, showing them running after Chris in his trailer and uniting their core with the aliens. The ETs finally make a big move and decide to go on the attack, creating a true task force to fight the main team’s unity. It’s worth noting that Goff, the leader of the invasion, lived with the Peacemaker himself for a while and we don’t know how this will affect the final battle between the two.

I truly believe that, in the midst of all this, we will still have great madness not to say that the series has lost its essence. As well? The team decides to head to the barn, where they say there is an underground base and a “cow” that is giving away material for the aliens to feed on. I have no doubt that it will be some kind of extremely bizarre animal and that it will generate some moment of disbelief on the part of the heroes. After all, we’re talking about a derivative of The Suicide Squad.

With the public announcement that Chris is a wanted criminal for several murders, I have no doubt that the promised special appearance is also of some hero going after him. With a movie coming up, maybe it’s The Flash? Or will they bring in someone else from the pantheon seen in theaters to make a cameo and reveal that he’s still active? Unfortunately, only the next episodes will tell. With only two left, it’s good to prepare that it’s now when things will heat up for good.

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Peacemaker Episode 6: The Last Words

The series keeps the tone high with a very well balanced chapter in all its facets and that prepares us for the imminent final conflict. We are still delighted with a series of The Peacemaker that remains faithful to its irreverence and a commitment to audiovisual styling that has the unmistakable stamp of James Gunn. The final climax (we remind you that there are 8 episodes in total) is just around the corner and the mixture of impossible ingredients makes us foresee something very, very pyrotechnic…

4 ratings Filmyhype

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