Peacemaker Episode 4 Ending Explained: What Is The Butterfly Project Really?

In the fourth episode of Peacemaker, Judomaster almost tells a secret to Peacemaker. The episode’s final reveal offers a clue as to what the Butterfly plan really is. The mysterious Butterflies may have a more complex secret mission than we imagine. The first three episodes of James Gunn’s TV series were released last week. At the end of the first episode, a map shows the active Butterflies known around the world, perhaps with the aim of dominating the planet.

Peacemaker Episode 4 Ending Explained

The team captured Judomaster (Nhut Le). In the fourth episode of Peacemaker, “The Choad Less Traveled”, he escaped for a short time and Peacemaker (John Cena) got the revenge of their previous fight. The fight turns in Peacemaker’s favor and Judomaster begins to explain that the Butterflies are not “what you think”. But then Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks) came along and shot Judomaster in her chest before she could finish finishing. Judomaster has not yet regained consciousness. The episode ends with the revelation that Peacemaker’s ARGUS team leader, Clemson Murn (Chukwudi Iwuji), is secretly a Butterfly.

Clemson Murn Is Part Of The Butterflies

Clemson Murn’s emphatic orders and his use of ARGUS technology enabled Peacemaker and Vigilante to take down United States Senator Royland Goff and his family. If Murn is a Butterfly, this suggests that there are two Butterfly factions that do not share the same objective. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) used Clemson Murn and rejected Leota’s concerns about her past, suggesting she wishes to help Murn’s faction get rid of the other. The group of Butterflies spread all over the world, given the support of Judomaster, may not want world domination, but rather a new home.

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As mentioned in the Infowars parody , the Butterflies are masquerading as liberal senators and are fighting for better climate change legislation. As climate change poses a threat to them, Butterflies need to get this legislation to keep Earth a safe haven for them. Previously, they have already had to flee their original home…

The Involvement of Leota Adebayo

Judomaster said Butterflies are more important than Peacemaker imagines. But his statement was perhaps only intended to prevent a fight he felt he was losing. However, the timing with which Leota Adebayo shot him was very convenient in preventing Judomaster from explaining more about the Butterflies. Forest also follows her mother’s orders to keep the truth about Peacemaker’s villains evening. Episode 4 also reveals that Peacemaker is keeping Royland Goff ‘s Butterfly alive , it’s likely the Butterflies aren’t as evil as they seem.

What Is The Butterfly Project

If Amanda Waller is trying to hide the truth about Butterflies from Peacemaker – in fact she often has secret motives – we wonder if Peacemaker is on the right side of this conflict. Narratively, it would be interesting for the protagonist to take sides against Waller. There are some clues to suggest that Amanda Waller is trying to recruit White Dragon , Peacemaker’s father. It would certainly be effective if Peacemaker eventually sided with the Butterflies, “illegal aliens”, against Amanda Waller and her father who is a white supremacist.

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