Ozark Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: What Happed To Ruth? Who killed Darlene and Wyatt?

What Happed With Ruth? Did Ruth Killed Javi? Is The Byrde Family Leaving For Chicago?

Ozark Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: Ozark Season 4 Part 1 with seven episodes is now available to stream on Netflix! Episode 7 sees the season’s multiple storylines come together, with deadly consequences for two main characters. And there’s a lot going on besides the deaths, including at least two FBI cases, a wedding, and a major purchase. Not to mention Ruth’s introduction to the music of Lionel Ritchie.

Ozark Season 4 Part 1

Other characters, meanwhile, find themselves at the end of the first part in a very different position than they started out in, which suggests that Ozark fans can expect a second part of very exciting season later this year. We tell you everything about the end of Ozark Season 4 Part 1 on Netflix!

Ozark Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained

Although the FBI has yet to take action with Javi, the fact that he was responsible for the bomb blast that killed several federal agents means that any deal with him is unlikely to be honored. Thus, Javi is trapped not only by his uncle and Marty, but also by the FBI. After seeing Wyatt’s corpse at Darlene’s house, Ruth tries to take the shortest possible route to her cousin’s potential killer. The people who come to Ruth’s mind are Marty and Wendy Byrde, which is not surprising since she blames the latter for killing Cade and Ben.

So once Jonah reveals that Javi killed Wyatt, it seems like Ruth is almost certainly headed their way. Therefore, Ozark Season 4 Part 1 ends with Ruth en route to Javi. However, she hasn’t reached it yet, so Javi is still alive for now. The fact that Ruth pulls up on the side of the road means she might decide to come up with a plan before attempting to take on the powerful Mexican cartel boss.

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Generally known to be quite reckless, Ruth is still smart enough to know how well protected Javi is likely to be. So she might be hatching a plot to catch him instead of going with the guns, just to make sure she succeeds. Although Javi isn’t dead yet, it looks like this time Ruth will stop at nothing for revenge.

Is The Byrde Family Leaving For Chicago?

At the end of Ozark Season 4 Part 1 they still haven’t left the Ozarks, and with Ruth now planning to kill Javi, the Byrdes’ deal with the FBI also appears to be in serious jeopardy. At the start of Season 4 in what is sort of a “Pre-Epilogue” where we see them heading to Chicago in their Van, the Byrde family’s car is involved in a horrific accident and is last seen. crumpled up and knocked over on the side of the highway. So even if the family does end up leaving for Chicago, it looks like they might not make it.

What Happens To Darlene and Wyatt? Who Killed Them?

Well ruth planning to leave Ozark with Wyatt but he refused her offer and want to marry Darlene. Ruth was very upset with his decision because the toxic relationship of Wyatt and Darlene. Well one of the most shocking movement in Ozark season 4 was the death of Wyatt and Darlene, lots of people of Ozark want Darlene dead. Javi who killed both Wyatt and Darlene because she not shut her business as cartel wanted.

What Happed With Ruth? Did She Killed Javi?

After death of Darlene and Ruth cousin broth Wyatt, Ruth loved very much and want to save him from cartel due to his relationship with Darlene. At the end Jonah revealed to ruth that Javi killed her cousin brother Wyatt and end the end of Ozark Season 4 Ruth on her way to kill Javi to take revenge his cousin murder. Well ruth on her way to kill Javi but she hasn’t reached him means he is still alive and his story will continue in Ozark Season 4 Part 2.

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What Happened In The Ozark 4 Part 1?

The Byrdes have a chance to escape Ozark and leave all their crimes behind, but to do so they will have to strike a deal with Omar Navarro. The boss is very smart: he asks Marty to use his influence on FBI agent Maya Miller to get out of it clean, move between Mexico and the United States without being arrested. Navarro senses threats within, and fears that his nephew Javi wants to oust him from the throne to rule the drug empire himself. If the Byrdes succeed in this feat, they will be free to manage their business independently.

The first half of the season is focused on the attempts at a deal between the FBI and Navarro , while the Byrdes continue to act as intermediaries to secure their coveted freedom. The criminal finally offers his nephew the keys to his empire, and secretly shows his good faith to the FBI by betraying Javi himself. The boss’s impulsive nephew does not accept the failure of his illegal trade, so he retaliates by organizing a fake smuggling that ends in an explosion: several federal agents die during the operation.

The FBI gets nervous and threatens to withdraw the deal with Navarro, only to make another one. The Mexican criminal will continue to run the cartel for another five years, giving them information when requested. Everything seems to be going well, yet it is not.

What Happens to Navarro?

Navarro is enjoying his immunity when a twist happens: Agent Miller thinks the FBI wants to keep the boss free for that amount of time just to have access to the influx of money from the money seizures. The woman is not there and orders his public arrest: Omar Navarro is no longer a fugitive, and in handcuffs is brought inside the Bureau.

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The criminal feels betrayed by the Byrdes (he believes they are behind everything), and above all he is disappointed by Wendy because he had seen potential in her, a woman capable of carrying on, with her wit and ruthlessness, a drug empire.

Who Died in Ozark Season 4 Part 1?

The first part of Ozark 4 offers three excellent deaths:

  • Frank Cosgrovedies at the hands of Darlene, after going to her home to threaten her. The growing heroin smuggling in Ozark became a dangerous business for Kansas City organized crime, and Cosgrove wasn’t happy at all.
  • Darlene Snellis killed by Javi, now completely out of control, just hours after her wedding to Wyatt. Navarro’s nephew is furious with the woman because she did not stop her dealing (as she was ordered), so he pays for this affront with his life.
  • Wyatt Langmorehas nothing to do with Darlene’s dirty business, but he is still killed by the insane Javi just because he was there at the time.

Why is Ruth Screaming In The Final Scene?

Ruth is perhaps the character who suffered the most in Ozark. She lost her father, then Ben, the man she loved. And now she too was her cousin Wyatt, who was the last opening to cling to. With no family left and nothing to fight for, Ruth is furious. In one of the last scenes, the young woman goes to the Byrdes to tell her who killed Wyatt and Darlene. Marty, who has always treated Ruth like a daughter, does not talk about her: she fears that the situation could get out of hand and therefore end up being murdered by Javi too. However, it is Jonah who tells her the name of Navarro’s nephew. Now completely out of her mind, Ruth runs into the car to look for the criminal.

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