Operation Hyacinth: Ending Explained Who Is the Killer? Robert and Arek Together? Spoilers!

Discover The Explanation Of The End Opération Hyacinthe Explication De La Fin

Operation Hyacinth (Opération Hyacinthe) is available on Netflix! If you want to know the explanation of the end, read on! Real events inspired Operation Hyacinth. Based on the shameful story of Communist Poland regarding the treatment of the LGBTQ + community in the 1980s, it uses this period of oppression between 1985 and 1987 to tell a gender crime story about a serial killer targeting male members of the gay community. A covert operation by the Polish Communist Police which has registered more than 11,000 of its citizens. They keep “pink case” files on each of them, beaten and arrested, forcing them to denounce one of the members of their marginalized population.

Operation Hyacinth

Tomasz Zietek plays an idealistic young detective named Robert. He is charged with investigating a series of murders committed by a serial killer. Whoever it is, he goes after male members of the LGBTQ + community. The case is closed after his partner extracts a confession from him. The case does not suit Robert, who leads an investigation that puts him in front of his sexuality. If you have any questions regarding the end of Operation Hyacinth on Netflix, we’ll tell you everything!

Operation Hyacinth: Ending Explained Who Is the Killer?

The killer is revealed to be a henchman working for an anonymous senior officer of Milicja Obywatelska. Before committing suicide, Professor Mettler tells Robert that he was blackmailed into cooperating with OM, which strongly suggests that he too was a victim of Operation Hyacinth. He then recruited several students from his university, the same institution where Arek studies.

Having seen Arek leaving Robert’s room, Edward discovers his son’s gender identity and summons Arek to question him. It makes for a wonderful moment as Robert stands up to his father for the first time in his life. Later, he retrieves the video tape from earlier in his father’s office. This time, he watches the entire video and finds that the senior MO officer he saw in his father’s office a few days ago is one of the active participants in a sex party.

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When Robert goes to collect his reward, it is the same officer who gives it to him. The system depicted in the film is so corrupted that Edward knowingly protects a senior officer, even though this man has orchestrated multiple murders. The officer and his henchman attack exclusively homosexuals present at the party to preserve his anonymity.

Edward gives the officer information about Arek, who was also present at the party, and begs him to spare his son. In response, the officer assures the father that Robert is under Edward’s responsibility. Having heard all of this, Robert follows the henchman to prevent him from killing Arek. In the ensuing struggle, the henchman dies. The end of Operation Hyacinth shows Robert heaving a sigh, with the body floating in the background, as police sirens sound. We ask ourselves what will happen next, and what will happen. All we know is that Robert, having nothing to lose, supported Arek, as he should when in love.

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