One Hundred Years of Solitude Part 1 Ending Explained: What Happens to the Buendía and Macondo?
From’ 11 December 2024 it is available on Netflix One Hundred Years of Solitude. This is the TV series that represents the first TV adaptation of the famous novel by Gabriel García Márquez, a Colombian writer winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1982. The show consists of 8 episodes and is directed by Alex García López and Laura Mora. The plot is faithful to the original novel and tells the story of the Buendía family, who found themselves facing various dramatic events, between wars and passions. “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, the adaptation of Gabriel García Márquez’s masterpiece produced by Netflix, narrates the Buendía family saga in the fictional town of Macondo over several generations. The story, which mixes magical realism with supernatural moments and deep symbolism, explores themes such as fate, the repetition of history, and the scars of time and war. The first season introduces the Buendías and their tragedies while intertwining fantastic events with the harsh reality of life in Macondo.

One Hundred Years of Solitude Part 1 Ending Explained: Summary of the Plot
The plot of the TV series One Hundred Years of Solitude follows the story of a family that finds itself facing the curse of loneliness and unhappiness. Each episode tells new problems and challenges. Many strange things happen in the city of Macondo, founded by the Buendía. As the place has a magical nature, those who live there take it easy. In the midst of all this, a murder takes place, which represents yet another mystery. The victim is José Arcadio, the eldest son of José Arcadio Buendía and Ursula Iguaran. Although it was there when the city was formed, José lives his life outside the city. He returns after years when his family members are now strangers. When he is ousted from the family after his marriage to Rebeca, José is not so disappointed. His death, which occurred at home while he was alone, is now shrouded in mystery.
Rebeca reveals that she has not warned anything that could give insights into the investigation. When found dead, the blood coming out of the ear and the smell of smoke are noted. Furthermore, there is no murder weapon and no clue that proves how the killer entered and left the room. To find him dead is his mother, who follows a streak of blood, which leads her to her now lifeless son. Initially, one thinks of suicide. But considering that José Arcadio was a happy and satisfied person, at least in the eyes of others, this theory loses credibility. Also, if he killed himself, he would have had to leave a weapon next to him. This confirms that he was killed and that the killer left with the murder weapon. At this point, it’s up to all the suspects to evaluate and start with Rebeca.
Who Killed José Arcadio?
Did Rebeca kill José Arcadio in the Hundred Years of Loneliness series? No concrete evidence is found on the guilt of the victim’s wife. But why would she kill her husband? He was happy with him and it wouldn’t make sense to kill him. The only thing you can think of is that their relationship, in reality, was not what it looked like. But Rebeca’s behavior after José’s death suggests it wasn’t her. Suspects fall on other characters. José had recently started to take over the lands of those who have always owned Macondo. Nobody could raise their voices against him and, therefore, it can be thought that these people found the solution by killing him. The investigations led to the conservatives, furious with him because he saved his Aurelian brother from execution. But it seems unlikely that they wasted time planning this murder, as they had now taken control of the city and could have executed it in front of everyone. Nobody knows for sure what José Arcadio has done in recent years to be able to confidently indicate the culprit. Therefore, his death remains shrouded in mystery.
The Story of Aureliano José and Amaranta?
The story of Aureliano José and Amaranta, respectively nephew and aunt, is definitely the one that attracts the most attention. She raised him as if he were his son, but over the years a relationship was born between them. Aureliano is obsessed with his aunt and there are times when she gives up. In the end, however, he is convinced of how wrong all this is and closes everything. Aureliano José is embittered and decides to join in battle with his father. Aureliano José dies in war, shot to death by a conservative soldier. Amaranta does not find love with anyone else and dies on the day she finishes creating her shroud.

In the outcome of the first season, events precipitate:
- José Arcadio is mysteriously murdered in his home, possibly by the peasants whom he had cheated and stolen land from. This murder highlights one of the main themes: past mistakes and sins always come back for revenge.
- Aureliano José Arcadio’s son tries to start an incestuous relationship with his aunt Amaranta. Although forbidden love is a constant in the Buendía family, Amaranta breaks the cycle by rejecting it, showing that destiny is not completely inevitable.
- Aureliano Buendía, the colonel, becomes the monster that Úrsula feared. Consumed by war and his ideological obsession, he attacks Macondo, destroying his own peace and consolidating himself as a tyrannical figure. Despite conquering the city, his actions further distance him from his family and his original values.
The episode culminates with the death of José Arcadio Buendía, the patriarch, surrounded by a cloak of yellow flowers that rain down on Macondo, a magical event that symbolizes death, change, and destruction.
The Death of the Founder of Macondo?
The history of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and the curse of the Buendia family begins with José Arcadio Buendia. After Melquiades’ death, the man loses his head and gets carried away by the ghost of Prudencio Aguilar. He becomes so aggressive, so much so that he is tied to the chestnut where he remains tied until his son receives a premonition. Aureliano dreams of his father and a yellow flower. So, send a message to the mother. Ursula does as asked by her son. José Arcadio is thus freed and receives more comfortable accommodation. Eventually, the founder of Macondo dies, and yellow flowers rain from the sky like snow. Those flowers that Aureliano dreamed of represent death and anticipated that his father’s end was near. The rain of yellow flowers, on the other hand, marks the pain of the city for the death of its founder and a sign of change. This is the end of one era and the beginning of another.
Main Themes at the End of the First Season
- The repetition of history: The life of the Buendías is an endless cycle of errors and tragedies that are transmitted from generation to generation. From incest to wars and betrayals, patterns repeat themselves, questioning whether fate can be broken.
- The impact of generational trauma: Parents’ sins affect children, perpetuating a cycle of pain and disconnection. Despite this, characters like Amaranta show that, although difficult, it is possible to resist the cursed inheritance.
- War and the destructive power of ideology: Through Aureliano, the series criticizes how obsession with ideologies can lead to the destruction of peace and family well-being. Their actions reflect how civil wars and political conflicts destroy entire communities.
The Symbolism Behind the Yellow Flowers?
The rain of yellow flowers in the death of José Arcadio Buendía is a deeply symbolic moment. It represents the end of an era, the inevitability of change, and the fragility of ideals over time. This magical event paves the way for the drastic changes Macondo will face in future generations.