On My Block Season 4: Ending Explained Who is Dead ? Who is crowned King of the Ball?

Who is harassing Jamal? Does Abuelita Die? What Are The Core Four Plans After High School? What Abuelita Card Does She Leave With The Core Four?

On My Block is available on Netflix! If you want to know the explanation for the end of Season 4, read on! In season 4 of On My Block, some nasty things happened that will mark viewers forever. We knew a character was going to die soon because there hadn’t been a main character death since season 1. And we knew the final season wasn’t going to be all rainbows and unicorns, especially in Freeridge, where the neighborhood is overwhelmed by gang activity.

On My Block Season 4

What we didn’t know, however, was that there would be multiple character deaths. The two character deaths took place separately in Season 4, but they still hurt. If you want to know if a sequel will see the light of day, read this. Otherwise we give you the explanation of the end of Season 4 of On My Block on Netflix!

On My Block Season 4: Ending Explained

Meanwhile, after what he’s done, the gang thinks he’s the wrong person to lead them and they demote him. On the other hand, another gang tries to kill him in broad daylight. Cesar is really scared and comes back to his brother. He tells her that he’s really sorry for being a jerk and that he was right about the world of crime. Cesar finally says he will come to Portland with them and start a new life.

On the other hand, Jasmine offers Ruby to accompany her to the prom. They go there together, with Jamal and his date. Sierra also accompanies them. Now it’s time to crown the King of the Ball and the choice falls on Ruby and Jamal. To everyone’s surprise, Ruby wins. As the school principal invites the king and queen of the ball to dance, Ruby asks Jasmine to come dance with him. Everyone dances, but Cesar is always with someone else and not with Monse.

At the end of Season 4 of On My Block, Cesar leaves Vero and visits Monse, who is upset and sitting in the school parking lot. They both talk to each other and Cesar finally talks to him about his feelings. But all good things must end. Cesar thanks Jamal for believing in the incredible when no one else did, for finding RollerWorld that led them to Lil Ricky, and lets him know that without Jamal he probably wouldn’t have made it. And they find out that Abuelita left them a map, so RollerWorld 2.0 it seems?

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Overall, it was a perfect ending to the series. It’s sad that Oscar was killed but that wasn’t the biggest surprise either. The essence of On My Block was to focus on life experiences, travel, and all forms of relationships. Life experiences, like going to different universities, having responsibilities that may get in the way, or traveling, like Latrell growing up with them but taking a completely different path, like Cesar if his friends hadn’t saved him.

Or the relationships, the adorable relationship of Jamal and Abuelita, Jasmine and Ruby, and the inevitable Monse and Cesar. Showing the importance of life and friendship, the final episode is definitely 5 star from me.

Has Monse Settled her Differences with Brian?

Yes ! We were so happy to see Monse, Monty, Brandy and Brian reunite, discuss the reasons for their division and become a real family in the last episode of Season 4. Unfortunately there was a lot of confusion due to the lies that Julia said to Brian. After Monse reads Julia’s book, she realizes that Julia was a contradiction. She tells Monty, Brian and Brandy that Julia admits in her writings that she twisted the truth.

The lies she told Brian made Brian think and say hurtful things about Monty, even though they were false accusations. During the discussion, Brian apologizes to Monty for the hurtful things he said, and Monse asks if they can get together as a family. They all accept by holding hands, and now they’re a big blended family.

Who is Crowned King of The Ball?

After seeing Jamal become president of the senior year class (which was Ruby’s dream), we were happy to see Ruby become prom king. Ruby was extremely focused on becoming President of the Senior Class and King of the Ball, but since he and Jamal were on bad terms at the start of the season, he lost the chance to become President of the Senior Class.

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Jamal was a popular football player and no matter how much slander he was subjected to, he always managed to secure the post of president of the senior class. He didn’t really want to show up, but he did because he was popular and everyone was waiting for him. Also, we think he showed up to anger Ruby. At least one of Ruby’s dreams came true in the end: he became the King of the Ball.

Who Is Harassing Jamal?

Jamal doesn’t seem to have a break when it comes to stalkers. In season 3, Jamal is harassed by a strange girl named Kendra. We find out that Kendra first used Jamal as a sex education project, but then began to have feelings for him. Jamal doesn’t seem to have a break when iIn Season 4, we don’t see her until the last episode, when she stares at Jamal from afar at the prom. When Jamal notices her, she runs away. Jamal, happy to see Kendra, chases after her. However, when he gets to her height, she has already jumped into an all-black Escalade truck. The same Escalade truck that followed Jamal throughout Season 4.

After Jamal begs whoever is in the truck to let Kendra go, a mysterious man comes out. The Mysterious Man / Stalker is revealed to be Noel Aroma, Jamal’s idol. After a lot of fanboying, Noel lets Kendra talk about why he’s harassing Jamal while he telepaths a conference call. Kendra tells Jamal that she is Noel’s main intern, in charge of recruiting for his incubator. She tells Jamal that Noel has been following him for months and thinks he is the right candidate. Noel ends his call and presents Jamal with a letter of offer to work for him. With little hesitation, Jamal accepts. Now Jamal has a goal.

Does Abuelita Die?

Unfortunately, Abuelita dies in the fourth season. His death is revealed in the closing moments of Season 4. We saw his death coming, but we still hoped for the best. She dies of cancer, and according to Ruben (Ruby’s father), she died peacefully just after Ruby’s departure for prom.

This makes sense as her last conversation with Jamal seemed very bittersweet and final. What made his death less moving was the farewell party the Core Four threw for Abuelita. She mentioned earlier in the season that she didn’t want a funeral. Instead, she wanted a celebration of life.

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What Are The Core Four Plans After High School?

Unfortunately, the Core Four take different paths after high school. We were hoping they would stick together and all go to the same college, but maybe the distance was needed. They grew up together and were together all the time. They will most likely remain friends, and that’s all that really matters! We will analyze the plans of Monse, Jamal, Cesar, Ruby and Jasmine after high school.

  • Monse will take a year off to write an autobiography before entering Wellesley, a university for women only.
  • Jamal will skip college and work for Noel Aroma at his billionaire tech company.
  • Cesar will move to Portland to stay with Isabel and help take care of Lydia (Oscar and Isabel’s child). He will also take courses at Portland Community College.
  • Ruby will go to the university of her dreams, Stanford.
  • Jasmine will go to Berkeley.

What Abuelita Card Does She Leave With The Core Four?

Of course, Abuelita had to help Jamal, Ruby, Monse and Cesar one last time. At the very end of Episode 10, Ruby reveals that Abuelita left something in the Core Four. After opening the gift, we discover that it is a card. A card to find RollerWorld money!

RollerWorld money has been mentioned several times in this season, but it was missing. In a flashback that took place a year ago, Ruby and Jamal confront Cesar and accuse him and Oscar of stealing the money. Cesar says he doesn’t have it, and that’s when Jamal, Ruby, and Cesar officially stop being friends.

Then in another flashback, Cesar accuses Oscar of stealing the RollerWorld money, but Oscar says he doesn’t. According to the map Abuelita made for the Core Four, she had the money all along, and she hid it. If you remember, the last person with RollerWorld money was Oscar. He was patched up by Abuelita in Season 3. While patching up Oscar, Abuelita looked at the bag of money and said something to Oscar. The last words she says to Oscar in this conversation is, “What are you going to do with the money?” Then we move on to another scene. It’s unclear how Abuelita was able to get Oscar’s money, but since she knew exactly where the missing money was, she somehow got it.

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