Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5: Ending Explained Why Does Darth Vader Leave Reva Alive?

The first season of Obi-Wan Kenobi is nearing its end after the broadcast of its fifth and penultimate episode. In it, some key revelations have led to many assumptions… that will be revealed in the outcome of the series, available next week. The fifth chapter of the series reveals, in a conversation between Obi-Wan and Reva, that the Third Sister was one of the children that Darth Vader attacked the night of Order 66 and that his target since then had always been to take revenge on both Anakin and his master.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5

Obi-Wan was thus the trophy that Reva wanted to present to the Sith Lord to gain his trust and find a situation in which to fulfill his revenge. Thus, after the escape of the Jedi and his allies from the clutches of Darth Vader at the end of the episode, Reva decides to attack him from behind with her lightsaber but fails miserably: Vader always knew who she was and what Vader’s intentions were she Defeated, the Third Sister ends up lying on the sand wounded and humiliated not only by Anakin but also by the Grand Inquisitor.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 Ending Explained: Does Reva Know Who The Boy Is?

There, in the sand, Reva finds Obi-Wan’s holodisk, which he had dropped after his quick escape on the ship… and the figure of Bail Organa, Leia’s adoptive father, appears in it, repeating the same message that Obi-Wan had seen moments before: “I know we’re not supposed to communicate, but your silence worries me. If he’s found you, if he knows about the children, if I don’t hear from you, I’ll head out to Tatooine. Owen will need help with the boy. “In case there was any doubt, the final scene of the episode shows young Luke sleeping peacefully in his bed.

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And it is worth remembering that, at the time of the Star Wars saga in which Obi-Wan is located, Reva did not know that, by kidnapping Leia, she was kidnapping Darth Vader’s daughter much less so was Luke. In fact, in theory, not even Vader knew that Padmé gave birth to twins after Mustafar. In this scene from the fifth chapter, Reva thus discovers that Bail Organa is not only worried about his daughter Leia, but also about another child on Tatooine. What he still does not know, or should not know, is that it is about Luke, the son of Anakin Skywalker and Leia’s twin brother, something that she could discover in the sixth and final episode.

In any case, after this revelation, Reva already has much more information than Vader has ever had. If the Third Sister finally discovers the connection of both children and that they are children of Padme and Anakin, she will know it nine years before Vader knows that Luke is her son and thirteen before learning the true origin of Leia.

Return To Tatooine

This twist at the end of the fifth chapter also suggests that the action of the last episode of the series is going to take place on Tatooine. On the one hand, because Reva is still alive and with information about “a boy on Tatooine” she could be very useful in her attempt to take revenge on Darth Vader and Obi-Wan.

On the other, in his hologram message to Kenobi, Bail Organa tells him that he will go to Tatooine if he doesn’t hear from him. Having lost his device in the arena, there is no way for the Jedi to communicate with Leia’s adoptive father, so Leia will travel to Tatooine to help Owen protect Luke… and Obi-Wan, of course. , should also end the season on Tatooine.

Why Does Darth Vader Leave Reva Alive?

After impaling her with their lightsaber, Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor fail to finish Reva off, even though she is still alive, leading to the unavoidable question: why did Anakin let Reva live again after she tried to kill her? Betray him? This decision especially attracts her attention after telling her that she knew her intentions from the first moment and that if he had not killed her before her it was because she was useful to him.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 Ending Explained

One theory is that Vader, calculating as he is, did it on purpose to take advantage of someone with the determination and power of the Third Sister for revenge. What is clear is that Reva is going to have a fundamental role in the last episode of the series, which will be available next Wednesday. Reva no longer works for the Empire, she has exclusive information that she will try to use in her favor and Obi-Wan knows her past. However, the Third Sister’s ultimate fate has already been revealed in the Star Wars video games …and it’s not very rosy.

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