Nine Perfect Strangers: Episode 7 Ending Explained Is Carmel Trying to Kill Masha?

Nine Perfect Strangers is available on Amazon Prime Video!   If you want to know the explanation of the end of episode 7, read on! Nine Perfect Strangers Season 1 Episode 7 begins with Masha reflecting on painful memories of her past. While her daughter is cycling, she is hit by a fast-moving car. Which plunges Masha into a deep spiral of grief. Carmel brings Masha back to reality by punching her in the face.

Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 7 Ending Explained

His face bloodied, Yao intervenes and manages to tie Carmel to the ground. As they rush out of the area, Frances begins to panic. Tony senses this and suggests that they move away from this place together. As he begins to chant the prose from his book, Tony suddenly transforms into long hair and white robes. Yes, this is all a big sight as the treatment starts to get out of hand. If you have any questions regarding episode 7 of Nine Perfect Strangers and especially about the end, we tell you everything!

Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 7 Ending Explained

At the end of episode 7 of Nine Perfect Strangers, Carmel turns to Masha again, revealing that one of her eyes is cloudy and blue, and Masha then has a brief flashback of the bullet she has. received. Carmel is then revealed to be the same person who shot Masha years ago and almost killed her.

The person Masha sees in the flashback is the one who attacked her and whose eye is just as cloudy. The fact that we also see Carmel pulling a phone out of a hiding place in her bedroom tells us that this unlikely guest of the Tranquillum house has been sending these threatening messages to Masha all this time.

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Carmel is probably driven by a desire for revenge, as Masha slept with her husband several years ago and seemingly put him on the path that led him to abandon Carmel. Although she says that she forgives Masha, it seems that Carmel has been plotting her revenge for many years and that she has even attempted to kill Masha in the past.

She also seems to be in control of her faculties and was probably bluffing when she assaulted Masha and claimed to have hallucinated that she was Lillian. As Masha’s actions become more and more dangerous and unethical, it seems the Marconi are in a tough spot.

Considering Napoleon and Heather both had particularly strong reactions to hallucinogens in the past and all three were apprehensive about consuming the potent blend in the first place. There are a lot of things that can go wrong. Of course, there is also the slim possibility that Masha is right and that the Marconi could experience Zach in their hallucinations.

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