Nine Perfect Strangers Ep 04 Review: A Vibrant Episode That Establishes New Dynamics Through Small Revelations

Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 4 Brave New World Review Spoiler Ahead Find Out Ending

Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

After the cliffhanger with the loaded question of intent and some frustration received by Masha playful, ‘ Nine Perfect Strangers ‘ reaches that could say the second act with an episode 4 (titled “Brave New World”) in which we find ourselves with the first revelations about Tranquillum and some of its more reserved guests.

After a small flashback focused on Masha, we jump back to the present with the character of Nicole Kidman pondering a crucial moment and decides to reveal why that day has been so strange: Yes, they are medicating them. “It’s called a microdose,” says the director, assuring that it is perfectly safe.

Nine Perfect Strangers Ep 04 Review

From here the guests decide whether to stay or leave. Spoilers: they stay with reservations. There is a step from scandal to “oh well, well” and even people are literally jealous because they don’t get anything that speaks volumes about the codependency relationship that has been created between hostess and guests in just a couple of days.

Quiet Codependency

Another thing is that the script finishes justifying it. It is still difficult to see Masha as a charismatic guru and with a revolutionary method in that mixture of mysterious presence and authority. Actually more than bad is disconcerting. I imagine that in tune with everything that is happening in Tranquillum.

It is not the only secret that is revealed in that strange dinner. We also found out that Lars (Luke Evans) is an undercover investigative journalist to do a story on the institution. A curious revelation because the script by David E. Kelley and John Henry Butterworth remains very little interested in exploring the character further, about which we know little more than what we saw in the first chapter.

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Yes, the dynamics between Frances (Melissa McCarthy) and Tony (Bobby Cannavale) are developing more and more with more and more confidences and we also have a couple of key moments with Carmel (Regina Hall), who recounts her ordeal with her abusive ex-husband, something that will explode in one of the dynamics that Masha proposes. Although they have accepted the “magic mushrooms” theme with reservations, the group is still very suspicious of everything they are living and doing in Tranquillum.

For the rest, it seems that it is increasingly clear that there is a loneliness (and when it is not, it is disconnection with the other) prevailing in each character that is what backs up the relationships that we are seeing in the series, including that trio between Yao (Manny Jacinto), Delilah (Tiffany Boone) and Masha herself.

Arriving At The Equator Of The Series Without Looking Like It

We are in the middle of ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ and it is a very dangerous moment in which it does not seem that things have really advanced much in this first half. Beyond that subplot of Masha’s stalker who stumbles into fiction, the tone of the series does not invite great advances and evolutions.

It may be because Kelley is used to other rhythms and now he goes with a march in which he is not entirely comfortable and that is transmitted to the series. However, it is recognized here those ingredients that the screenwriter likes so much as that addictive dose of mystery, that look at what is behind the shell and that not taking himself too seriously.

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After the conclusion of ‘Brave New World’, the few answers seem insufficient about what is happening there in Tranquillum. Right now I am increasingly intrigued by that almost toxic relationship that seems to exist between Masha, Yao and Delilah and I don’t know when we will get to the point where Zoe definitely explodes. The series continues to leave wanting more but the important thing is that we are hungry for new episodes.

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