NieR Automata Ver.1.1a: What Are the Differences Between Anime and Video Game?
NieR Automata Ver1.1a Episode 1 was exactly as you would expect it to be. However, the episode will leave anime fans with different opinions.
NieR Automata Ver.1.1a is both the most obvious and baffling video game to adapt into an anime, and honestly, this duality seems quite fitting considering the game Yoko Taro and the folks at PlatinumGames created back in 2017. Its post-apocalyptic world, the over-the-top action and the main characters of 2B, 9S and A2 all scream anime the moment you see them. But as his story of a proxy war between man-made androids and otherworldly machines begins to unravel, it’s clear his story is being told using the building blocks that only an interactive medium can deliver. Unlike HBO’s The Last of Us, it’s hard to imagine how some of Nier: Automata’s biggest reveals, twists, and moments will strike without having a controller in hand.
While these questions will have to wait until we’re later in the story, the opening episode of the Nier: Automata Ver.1.1a anime, which premiered January 7 on Crunchyroll with new episodes to follow every Saturday, comes as another dichotomy. The anime follows the often-foul-mouthed nature of the game and is officially called NieR: Automata Ver1.1a, with its first episode titled “or not to [B]e”. Yes, even before starting the episode, it’s clear that this is an adaptation of Nier-ass, right down to Yoko Taro herself who helps write the series with the team at A1 Pictures (Lycoris Recoil, Kaguya-same: Love Is War).

The pilot episode closely follows the opening chapter of the game. It introduces us to 2B and 9S on their mission to search for a target on a massive offshore rig, only to find that said target is the entire rig itself, until the pair arrive at the orbital bunker. The episode switches back and forth between their perspectives and also shows us the brief but devastating interlude where one robot is attempting to revive another using a bucket of oil. This implies that the series intends to string together various playthroughs of the game, which would be an intriguing way to tell the story.
For the uninitiated, the Nier games didn’t end when the credits first roll, instead requiring you to engage in several playthroughs from different perspectives that end up telling the whole story. While there may be some bewilderment at the moment, I look back on this repetition as a vital piece of the puzzle that helps the midgame resonate so strongly. We’re curious to see if this format change will allow Taro to play with our ideas of where we think the story will go next, as he’s already confirmed that changes will be made to the series. Here is the trailer posted on YouTube:
NieR: Automata Ver.1.1a Anime vs Video Game
The Nier fan inside us dug this episode when it came to that story and its characterization, including the Japanese actors behind 2B and 9S reprising their roles. But visually, the show misses the mark. The characters and action look great as 2D animation, but the shift to CG animation for some machines and mechs ranges from jarring to just plain ugly, especially when the two styles are paired together in the same shots.
While the use of 3D in anime isn’t inherently bad – I think it’s used quite well in the new Trigun Stampede series – the way it’s presented in Nier is often really distracting. And while it’s one thing to get caught up in the moment during the opening air assault bombshell, we’re concerned that this will be a problem for the entire series, especially when it comes to emotional beats like those involving Pascal and the Machine Village. While some of the animations may disappoint, that’s not the case with the anime series’ incredible soundtrack. Yes, the anime only uses tracks from the game, but as it remains one of the best-ever soundtracks of the past decade, it was a wise move on the studio’s part. Like the music from 2022’s Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.
But back to our differences between NieR Automata Ver.1.1 anime and video game, many videos are comparing NieR: Automata anime trailer with scenes from the game and it has gained huge popularity online. It is possible to compare several different scenes by checking the videos posted by users on YouTube, Reddit and other social media sites. NieR: Automata is an action RPG directed by Yoko Taro and released in 2017. In June of 2022, it was revealed that the game had surpassed over 6.5 million units shipped and downloaded. With its heartwarming story from the mastermind of Yoko Taro and fantastic action gameplay from PlatinumGames, it was not only a sales hit but also a critical hit with gamers.
NieR: Automata Ver1.1a is an anime based on the video game NieR: Automata. It was made by A-1 Pictures, behind works such as Lycoris Recoil and the anime series Persona. It is directed by Ryouji Masuyama, with a series of compositions handled by both Yoko Taro and Masuyama. When we look at these videos comparing scenes from NieR: Automata Ver1.1a to the game, we can see that much of the camera work and character movement is the same as in the game. Movies originally made with 3D models are remade as 2D animation.
During the recent Aniplex Online Fest 2022 event, Yoko Taro and Ryouji Masuyama talked about NieR: Automata Ver1.1a. During a section titled “How is the animation movie created -?” Yoko Taro commented that while the graphics inherited the look of the game, the anime uses camera freeze or emotional depictions of characters to do things we couldn’t do in the game, going on to say that this left a lasting impression on him.
What is the Result?
After all, what you want to know besides the differences between the video game and the NieR Automata Ver.1.1a anime is whether it’s worth investing your time, right? Our answer is yes, and now we’re also revealing why. We also loved how the ending of the episode gave 2B Pod’s sidekick the spotlight, transitioning into a charmingly quirky puppet show that’s used as a vehicle to showcase one of the game’s many wonderful endings. Nier is a game that encourages you to experiment with its bizarre systems and mechanics, often rewarding you with an unexpected and non-canonical ending to the story.
In the credits, we saw what happened in Ending U, which occurs if the player chooses to self-destruct 2B while aboard the Bunker’s security. We look forward to using them as a weekly invigorating dose after each episode. So if a friend who is a huge anime fan but hasn’t played any of the Nier or Drakengard games asks you if he should watch the series… honestly, we’re still not sure of the answer. As with other direct anime adaptations of games like Persona 4, it’s hard to recommend them as anything other than ancillary entertainment for those who already love the thing they’re based on.

However, given Taro’s knack for the unexpected, fingers crossed that our expectations are subverted yet again. Masuyama also stated that the cinematics of the game itself is very beautiful and complete as it is, so there was a part of him that didn’t want to change them so much. So it’s not exactly about bringing it into an anime version and filling in the gaps, so to speak, it’s about bringing it closer to the scenes from the movie, including all the places where we’ve made changes.
Some of the recently revealed animations, being game scenes animated as they were, are likely a result of this design philosophy that sees the cutscenes as complete and doesn’t want to change them. It seems that the anime has paid its due respect to the source material. Also, Yoko Taro says she proposed some changes to the story, saying that the story was for a game and that it wouldn’t be interesting if made into an anime as it is. However, Masuyama and the Aniplex producers thought that the story should be changed as little as possible for the fans. The original creator was trying to destroy the original story, and the anime staff desperately stopped him. Such a debate kept going back and forth for a long time, as Yoko Taro later revealed.
Final Thoughts
We wrap up our reflections on the difference between video games and Nier Automata anime by saying that this first episode ends with 2B retaining his memories of the suicide mission and questioning their motto of “Glory to mankind”. And for a game filled with existential ruminations about free will and the meaning of life, it almost seems fitting that the Nier: Automata Ver.1.1a anime has an uphill battle to prove why it needs to exist in the first place. While the great characters, phenomenal music, and architectural structure of the excellent story are all on full display, the uneven animation is the only thing it can let down on, especially against the visual brilliance of recent adaptations like Arcane and Edgerunners. But given how much Nier: Automata revolves around forging one’s path through life, let’s hope that the anime can carve its unique path and have a change in the future in this regard as well.
Recapping the technical data we told you that NieR Automata Ver1.1a is an anime adaptation of the action RPG Nier: Automata, developed by PlatinumGames and published by Square Enix. The series is produced by A-1 Picture, which also previously created SAO, Shigatsu, and Lycoris Recoil. Ryouji Masuyama of Blend S is the director and Yukio Nagasaki is the sound director who also worked on Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Love Live, and Yona. This ensemble is certainly no small one and the fact that they wanted to experiment with such a type of animation is not necessarily to be condemned because it could pave the way for a new visual language, once perfected.
The creators of the anime previously confirmed that the series will have an original story, but the basic premise will remain the same. After humanity is driven from Earth by mechanical aliens, a force of android warriors is sent as a last-ditch effort by humans to save their home. A war will start between the raging machines and intelligent androids. The storyline will follow androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their attempt to complete the mission and reclaim the lost land. The opening theme of the series is called escalate, performed by Aimer, and Antinomy or アンチノミー by Amazarashi will be the final track. The nicest thing about the episode was that he wasted no time introducing us to the main characters and their motivations.
There were no mincing words and no pointless storylines to keep the audience engaged. Just like the game, the anime throws you right into the middle of the story, but also provides a basic perspective of the story for viewers, including those who haven’t played the game. However, the entertainment could have been much better. The use of CGI is quite evident and immediately shocks you. The use of 2D animation could have made the episode better than it was. But there were also some noteworthy moments. The action sequences were one of the more memorable parts; incorporated with slow motion, the scenes will keep the audience hooked to the screen.
Starting the anime with a hilarious series of action-packed scenes was the right choice. The story progression also ran smoothly. It also provided an adequate rundown of the main characters and their personalities. They are androids but are very similar to humans. The desire for communication and the display of emotions are some distinct characteristics. The episode’s unexpected ending will leave viewers wondering what happens next. The opening theme is one of the best anime openings to come out in a long time. The soundtrack also played a key role in the storytelling process. Judging by the first episode, the anime looks promising. There are many positives to the series, which helps look past the negatives. The plot will instantly create a root for the protagonists and form an unlikely connection. It will be exciting to see how the story progresses and how well the character development will be done.