Never Have I Ever Season 3 Review: The Adventures Of The Clumsy Nerd Devi Vishwakumar

Starring: Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Poorna Jagannathan, Richa Moorjani

Creators: Mindy Kaling, Lang Fisher

Streaming Platform: Netflix Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

On August 12, the Never Have I Ever Season 3 comedy series of the most popular Indian vibes on the streaming platform debuts on Netflix. Never Have I Ever 3 will refresh your hot summer days. The TV series, albeit in a different way than in previous seasons, is irreverent, funny, and ready to surprise you. Characters evolve and mature like never before and new themes are knocking on the show’s door. You must finally decide who between Paxton and Ben is the guy who makes her heartbeat. Maybe the ending won’t satisfy everyone, but the journey will be exhilarating. Here is the review of Never Have I Ever Season 3.

Never Have I Ever Season 3 Review

Never Have I Ever Season 3 Review: The Story

The third season starts from here, from this first milestone reached. Never Have I Ever Season 3 aims to reveal what comes after the person we have always dreamed of, publicly reciprocates our love. After all, of teen movies that go that far, we could list in the millions. So, what happens after the declarations of love and intentions? For Devi and Paxton, there is the triumphal entry into school, under the gaze and above all the judgment, for Devi, of the others. It is on the fear of what those around us think that the path that the third season of Never have I ever… makes us take through Devi is concentrated, also reminding us, from time to time, that the mourning that went through her for the death of his father has not been, as is normal, yet fully worked out. Thanks then to the chorus, less heated here, but well set in the second season, the series also manages to explore the vast range of romantic relationships and the weight of the expectations of others on how to build the future. Never Have I Ever Season 3 still hits the mark with its mix of healthy lightness, functional irony and seriousness when needed and bodes well for the fourth season that winks at Devi’s sensational last-minute decisions.

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Let’s start by saying that the third season of the show is different and in narrative continuity from the previous ones. On the surface, it might seem like a conflicting statement but trust me it’s not. Never Have I Ever Season 3 is for themes and evolution of the characters much more mature than past seasons, not that those were childish, and at the same time it is in continuity with the previous path because it is the direct consequence of the same. You will find that all the characters, without exception, evolve, grow and mature a lot from the second season to this one, thanks to the period of over a year that is represented in the third season. The characters became more aware of their abilities, their abilities and inclinations and in general themselves. Finally, the protagonists of Never Have I Ever know who they are not because others identify them in a certain way but because they can fully understand and accentuate themselves.

Never Have I Ever Season 3 Review and Analysis

I started the review by telling you that the series is different but at the same time it follows the path outlined in previous seasons and as you have been able to see from what I have anticipated and analyzed it is just like that. The themes, the space dedicated to the characters and their relationships are different and at the same time represent the direct consequence of what happened in the past. Never Have I Ever is a series that treasures the story already told and in the new stories tries to add an extra touch while remaining perfectly coherent.  Don’t worry, fun and laughter are guaranteed!

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I am sure that the ending will be very divisive, in many respects both inert to the future and the ability to let go of the past and as regards the strictly more romantic side of the series. What I can guarantee you is that when you finish Never Have I Ever Season 3 you will immediately want to start watching the series again from the first episode of the first season. This show is a drug, it creates an addictive effect. One episode led to another and within a day you devoured the whole series. Don’t worry, the third will not be the last but the fourth will also arrive.

In the past, we had already defined the format of 30 ‘per episode as perfect for Never have I ever … in terms of rhythm and solidity of the script and we reiterate the affirmation. In addition, the chapter titles, listing the experiences Devi has never had and that she is about to explore, make reading the series very accessible. Devi and her friends have love as their pivotal goal and everything that goes around him, with all the usual questions. Losing or not losing virginity before college? Prefer physical or mental affinities and connections? With the help of the long-awaited and finally achieved love story between Paxton and Devi, Mindy Kaling scores a good point in the self-esteem area and tries to prove the veracity of the assumption at the beginning of the review. “Nobody else thinks the two of us make sense,” Devi tells Paxton, as the trailer for this third season reads. “No, you think we don’t make sense” the boy answers confidently.

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It is Devi to think that she is not enough for Paxton. The real challenge for young Vishwakumar is being able to please herself. On the path to achieving this awareness, Kaling furnishes him with an encounter, the one with an Indian boy, who will have the double task of debunking Devi some prejudices too much compared to those who share her same origins and at the same time make her understand how being at ease with oneself can change the cards on the table concerning how we see the world and how it looks at us. Finally, the author is not satisfied with this reflection and asks, in Devi’s worried and tearful words, a question that many of us have asked at least once and not necessarily in adolescence: “what if no one will ever love me, why am I always out of place?” It must be said that the Italian translation does not do justice to Devi’s real discomfort that in English she is afraid of ” being too much “. The answer that Never have I ever… gives to this question we leave it to the series, without spoilers, anticipating that it is what we all hope for.

Never Have I Ever Season 3 Review: The Last Words

Never Have I Ever Season 3 refreshes the excitement already generated with the first two seasons. The series conceived by Mindy Kaling is hilarious, comical, moving and serious at the right point. Her protagonist, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, is growing with her character and increasingly perfecting the ability to return the contradictions and torments of adolescence in all their glory. Never have I ever Season 3 deals with the difficulty of the first love relationships with perfect dramedy tone but above all the biggest challenge, the one that everyone fights with himself, before being able to accept himself.

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