Netflix’s One Piece All Easter Eggs: Series Has a Lot of Easter Eggs! Have You Found Them All?
Come on, there’s no point in making fun of us, You know too that there is an avalanche of Easter eggs in One Piece live-action. Eiichiro Oda together with the showrunners Matt Owens and Steven Maeda did a painstaking job, capable of honoring the manga and inserting so many references into the series. Meanwhile, if you haven’t read it yet, here is our review of One Piece, but everyone else is ready to discover how deep the rubber rabbit hole goes. Because they hid details everywhere, and we did everything we could to find them all, or almost all of them. Indeed, if by chance we missed someone once we read the article, write it to us in the comments, and for what it’s worth knowing there will be spoilers for all One Piece live-action.
One Piece and the Beginnings
Let’s start with the map at the beginning of the series: You can glimpse Roger’s ship, the Oro Jackson. A drawing that we later see again in Kaya’s villa. But by stopping and zooming in you can also see Jaya and Alabasta. During Roger’s execution, there are various characters that we will see again later in the manga. A young Smoker, Mihawk, Shanks, and Buggy are glimpsed. Then there is an individual in a green coat that we see from behind, most likely Monkey D. Dragon. In Alvida’s pirates, there are practically all the ones from the manga, even the one with the horned helmet who in the anime gets a good kick where the sun doesn’t shine from Nami. Even the pirates of Shanks, in addition to the most famous members, are taken from the manga in detail, even with their clothes.

The Mr. 7 that we see is precisely the one who in the manga is killed by Zoro before the crew meets the Baroque Works. Then in the scene with Shanks and baby LuffyBinks’ liquor music can be heard in the background. Nami’s outfit as soon as we see her arrive on stage is taken from a version of the character even before the manga. In her notebook, there is even a drawing of Wano and some underwater ruins. On the wall that Luffy and Koby look at there are bounties of pirates that perhaps we will see in the future: Foxy, Bellamy, Cavendish but also Jango, who we have not seen for now.
Morgan, Marine and Nami!
The marine who is tricked by Nami is the one who scratches Morgan’s statue in the manga. Which was confirmed by the actor, among other things. The sign we see in the courtyard of Morgan’s base is identical to the one in the manga. Even with the same writing. And yet the safe in his study is identical to the World Government logo. We also see the Baroque Works again in a letter on Garp’s desk, probably because the navy is hunting him. While in the credits of the first episode we read the name of Kong, commander of the military forces of the World Government. Who at Roger’s time was instead grand admiral of the navy. Luffy’s shirt in episode 2 is taken from the color spread of chapter 198. The writing on the back of the shirt is instead of a Shanks shirt from the color spread of chapter 28.
Outfits Everywhere and Glasses?
Nami using glasses to read is canon, while the outfit she wears while reading the map comes from the color spread of chapter 28. In the same scenes, Luffy’s clothes are taken from the cover of the eleventh volume, as is Luffy’s outfit. Zoro. While what Luffy wears in Kaya’s villa comes from the cover of the Red Data Book, Zoro instead has the clothes from the cover of volume seven. Nami’s red Chinese dress then comes from the cover of chapter 32. Usopp talking about killing a dragon and then cooking it over an open flame is a reference to what will happen much later in Punk Hazard. Where she will find herself together with Luffy, Robin, and Zoro in front of a dragon. The penguin statues in Kaya’s villa are taken from the cover of chapter 17.
Famous Wines, Zoro, Usopp and Baratie
In Kaya’s cellar, there are avalanches of wine barrels. Some have the Deesse brand, the same brand that Doflamingo guzzles. Instead, the bottle Zoro takes is Ithurzburger Stein. Wine is mentioned by Fullbody in the manga during the Baratie saga. Fullbody, among other things, described it as sour and dry, exactly as it says on the bottle label. Zoro’s outfit at the end of Shirop Village is taken from the color spread of chapter 28. Moving on to Baratie, Luffy’s clothes for this arc come from the color spread of chapter 28. Usopp’s, however, is from the special color spread of volume 8. Nami’s always comes from the same arc of the manga but hers is also found in different color spreads. Inside the Baratie many paintings recall places from the world of One Piece. There is one with giant bubbles, so the Sabaody archipelago; we glimpse Gaimon with giant animals around him; then one with a giant squid that the crew will then meet.

We also see a sea lion similar to the one on Fishman Island. In the kitchen, there are various drawings on how to cook different types of creatures, including the elephant tuna that Sanji prepares. The recipe, among other things, is taken directly from Sanji’s official recipe book. Then in the room, the marine and the pirate arguing are Fullbody and Gary respectively. Among the alcohols that Sanji mentions there is also Umeshu, the one that Doctor Kureha always drinks. The fact that Luffy takes milk to eat is a reference to the first chapter of the manga. In that case, Shanks offered the baby some milk and then made fun of him. When we see Don Krieg appear on the ground next to him Pearl is defeated. Zeff’s outfit in the kitchen with Sanji is based on his clothes when he was still a pirate. While Luffy’s for episode 6 comes from the color spread of chapter 98.
Zoro, Arlong and the Future!
When Nami reads Noland’s story to Zoro you can see that the drawing in the book is the same as the one in the manga. And if he zooms in carefully, you can even glimpse a panda man. Nami’s outfit here is taken from the cover of volume 11. The cards they use to play Arlong Park have a symbol that mixes that of the sun pirates with the jaws of Arlong. Zoro’s outfit in this saga is taken from that of the manga, while Usopp has the same one on the cover of volume 11. Even if Arlong Park is different from the manga, you can still glimpse the entrance from the water which is identical to the comic. In the newspaper with Luffy’s bounty, you can see a headline about the revolutionary army that conquered the kingdom of Vira. In the manga, Nami says this while she reads the newspaper. In the live-action you can see the army’s logo and, if desired, also Dragon’s name written in small letters. The final oath is made on the same barrel we see at the beginning of the series. And then at the end, we see Smoker, from behind, who will be hunting pirates in the next season. By the way, when will the second season of One Piece be released? Let’s hope, in the meantime, that Netflix renews the series…