My Brother, My Sister Review: A Film About The Complicated Relationship Between Two Brothers

The Elements That Keep The Quality Of The Film High Are The Performances Mio Fratello, Mia Sorella

Director: Roberto Capucci

Starring: Alessandro Preziosi, Claudia Pandolfi, Ludovica Martino

Streaming Platform: Netflix

Ratings: 3/5 (three stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

The relationship between brothers is known to be as deep as it is often conflictual and it is at the center of the film we are reviewing: My brother, my sister. A drama that delves into the relationship now worn out by time and the unspoken, between two brothers divided by the circumstances of life. The film immediately takes us into the complex dynamics of these two characters who see their paths meet again after almost twenty years. Two deeply different brothers who will see the balance reached in their lives questioned. The narrative revolves around this conflict and proposes different family relationships in a parallel way by exploring the characters who are protagonists. It also highlights the importance of mere presence, how much having someone close can make all the difference in the world . In its theme, however, unfortunately the film does not offer us anything particularly innovative.

My Brother, My Sister Review

How many other films have we seen at the center of which are family dynamics and the need to solve them? The messages and interpretations of its protagonists, on the other hand, undoubtedly leave their mark. Claudia Pandolfi and Alessandro Preziosi take on the clothes, Tesla and Nìkola , brilliantly and ironically, called in this way by their physical father in homage to Nìkola Tesla. Ludovica Martino is Carolina, Tesla’s daughter and Sebastiano’s sister, played by Francesco Cavallo, a teenager suffering from schizophrenia. Directed by Roberto Capucci, on his second feature film which he also wrote the film. An exciting and emotional story which is therefore not completely convincing, especially towards the end; let’s analyze it better in our review.

My Brother, My Sister Review: Story

After twenty years apart, Nik and Tesla, two brothers, meet at their father’s funeral. The man, a well-known physicist, left a legacy to collect. But soon the two will discover how the will of the father went far beyond the simple distribution of money: the man wished that the paths of the children could be reunited before separating again. He expresses as his will that the two live in the house he left to both in the hope that they can rebuild that relationship lost over the years and return to being a family. The news wreaks havoc in the life of Tesla who has always lived in that house with his two children: Carolina and Sebastiano. Nik, for his part, just wants to leave, but to honor his father’s request he decides to stay. The climate between the two is extremely tense, especially due to the different lifestyles.

Tesla considers Nik as selfish and irresponsible and fears for Sebastiano’s serenity. The boy suffers from schizophrenia and Tesla fears that any change could put him in crisis. Determined to keep the matter hidden from her brother, she will soon have to change her mind, because Sebastiano seems to be very fascinated and intrigued by his uncle’s presence. The two discover they have several points in common. But if Nik’s arrival keeps Tesla on edge over the Sebastian issue, it represents instead the perfect opportunity for Carolina to take the big step towards independence. In a climate of initial tension, things begin to unfold and the unresolved issues, secrets and lies set aside over the course of twenty years come to the surface.

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Complicated Dynamics

The issues addressed by my brother, my sister that you are discovering in this review are many. First of all, as already mentioned at the heart of the film there is the relationship between a brother and a sister. However, it is interesting to see how in the film there is in reality the representation of a multiplicity of relationships, all different but at the same time similar. The one between Sebastiano and Carolina is parallel to that between Tesla and Nik, as brothers. The father’s desire to see them together becomes a way to address outstanding issues, to seek answers to many questions but above all to discover a truth that has torn a deep relationship. Two brothers who needed each other but which circumstances have pushed away. Same complicated relationship as that between Nik and his father, is that between Tesla and Carolina, one of the most strained relationships in the film.

Carolina felt neglected by her mother who instead dedicated herself in an apprehensive and overprotective way to the care of her brother. The arrival of her uncle will make her move away from her mother but will allow her to find her own path. Nik’s presence transforms from an initial problem into a resource, an opportunity to deal with Sebastiano’s illness in a different way. Whoever takes care of the boy tends, involuntarily, to change his attitude to constantly want to protect him, Nik instead treats him differently; he takes care of him but binds with him by leveraging his passions and interests and putting the disease in the background. This is how they will discover the common passion for music, which in the film becomes a means of expression for Sebastiano. Equally important was to see how a mother learns to live with this disease and the stigma associated with it, with difficulty.

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My Brother, My Sister Review: Technical Aspects

The strength of the film, as already mentioned, is unfortunately not the originality of the story. Brothers trying to recover a relationship, or parents trying to make amends, are themes already proposed in the entertainment scene. What makes the film qualitatively good is the performance of the protagonists. Claudia Pandolfi and Alessandro Preziosi dominate the scene with very convincing performances. The first manages to embody well a mother in difficulty and who tries to do her best to take care of her child, showing even her most fragile and vulnerable side; you don’t decide to be strong you often have no other choice. Alessandro Preziosi likewise gives the idea of ​​the unattached globetrotter who lives life as it comes. Even his character, however, hides an unexpected fragility and sensitivity. The two offer very intense and exciting moments.

Ludovica Martino’s interpretation is also good. The dialogues are well written and the narration follows its linearity until it approaches the conclusion. An event seemed out of place and without apparent resolution. The only thing it can do is just confuse the viewer. Photography gives us many panoramas of Rome, especially among the streets of the city, but also shots of the sea with its waves and its unique colors. The chromatic tones of the film are mainly dark and cold, from blue to gray of the interiors. Another flaw was the lack of clarification on Sebastiano’s disease and its evolution, something on which the film gave the impression of investing from the first minutes but which then lost in the unspoken.

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My Brother, My Sister Review: Conclusion

At the end of our review of My brother, my sister still recommend watching the film, despite some flaws. The elements that keep the quality of the film high are the performances of the protagonists, while the story loses a bit both for lack of originality and for some oversights towards its conclusion. This develops slowly and builds up a raw tension until the moment of confrontation; the duration of almost two hours is not excessive but from the second part the story begins to get lost. The themes and messages he wants to send certainly arrive. A film that hinges on the difficulties and misunderstandings that can arise in a family, no matter how complex it may be.

It invites us to reflect on the delicate balances that are created when a disease is present and how this affects the various members of the family. It is also a film that shows us how often appearances can be deceiving and the ideas we have about someone can be decidedly misleading. But above all it makes us understand the importance of words and dialogue. Talking, discussing and dealing with problems is the only way to avoid them becoming boulders and ruining relationships. It is clear that to err is human and no one is perfect, but sometimes the comparison, one more word can make a big difference, even if these same words can hurt.

Positive Sides

  • Good performances by Claudia Pandolfi and Alessandro Preziosi
  • The reflections he wants to trigger are interesting

Negative Sides

  • History that is not particularly innovative but rather is lost a bit in the second half
  • Lack of further investigation of Sebastiano’s disease
  • A narrative event could have been avoided as it only generated confusion in the viewers

3 ratings Filmyhype

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