My Brother My Sister: Ending Explained What Happens To Sebastiano? Sebastiano Has A Car Accident?

Sebastiano Survives, Nick And Tesla Make Peace Mio Fratello, Mia Sorella Sebastiano is saved in the finale of My brother, my sister? The boy's fate and the possible reconciliation between Nick and Tesla in the finale of the Netflix movie.

The ending of My Brother My Sister sees the family conflicts between Tesla, Nick and her children come to a head. The film – a co-production between Mediaset and Netflix – is a family drama that revolves around the sudden, forced coexistence between a brother and a sister who have not spoken to each other for twenty years.

After the death of their father Giulio, the children Nick and Tesla discover that the father has left half of the house where the woman lives (separated from her husband) with her two teenage children. Sebastiano is the main source of concern for his mother: gifted cellist, he is also suffering from a serious form of schizophrenia, so much so that for months he has been organizing his phantom colonization trip to Mars.

My Brother My Sister

There is also no lack of friction between Nick’s free and unconventional spirit (always ready to go around the house naked or go to the beach, not caring about every rule) and the precise and anxious Tesla, who fears that the chaos generated within the four walls of his brother’s home it will damage the balance that the child has laboriously achieved. Nick manages to forge a deeper bond with his nephew which will be put to the test in the final part of the film.

My Brother My Sister: Ending Explained Sebastiano Has A Car Accident

Nick and Sebastiano go to the beach the day before the boy’s important concert at the Conservatory, accompanied on the piano by Emma. The day goes on without too many hitches, at least until evening falls. Sebastiano is eager to go home, while Nick urges him to stay a little longer, at least long enough to enjoy his last beer at the beach bar.

Here the man meets Emma and the two start chatting. The sight of the girl beside Nick triggers a violent crisis of jealousy in Sebastiano, which leads him to scream and tear off his shirt. Back home, his sister calms Sebastiano, while Tesla attacks Nick for what happened, regretting having entrusted Sebastiano to him and having granted himself a day off. Nick then decides to leave and packs his bags.

Meanwhile, his granddaughter arrives and gives him the money left by her grandfather Giulio: in the letter addressed to her, the old man asked her to give the money to her son in case the cohabitation was not successful. Nick leaves the house, leaving behind the letter he received from his father, who. is read with dismay by Tesla.

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The next day everything is ready for Emma and Sebastiano’s concert. The boy is very nervous before going on stage: the lights and the people disturb him, so much so that instead of starting to play the cello, he runs away. On leaving the conservatory running, the young man is run over by a car. Nick, retracing his steps, finds his sister hugging her son’s body.

Sebastiano Survives, Nick And Tesla Make Peace

Sebastiano is hospitalized, to everyone’s concern. Nick and a heartbroken Tesla finally managed to reconcile. Nick reveals to Tesla that the real reason he left it was his father who became the lover of Giada, his fiancée and future bride at the time. Nick had fled to avoid revealing the truth about his beloved parent’s conduct to his sister.

Then we see the “spirit” of Sebastiano who converses with his mother, uncle, and sister beyond the glass of the intensive care. The boy’s soul is said to be aware of having serious problems, aggravated by having taken only part of his medicines. Then to each family member he recommends the best way to fulfill himself and be happy. It is a kind of vision, a representation of spiritual closeness.

We discover a little later that the boy survived the accident. In the final scene, the two brothers and sons of Tesla go to the sea to disperse the ashes of Grandfather Giulio, who caused so much harm to the family, but who also made sure that the two children were reunited after 20 years of silence. Sebastiano throws himself into the water, happy, closely followed by his family.

The Family Secret Revealed In The Father’s Letter

Initially, the tensions between Nik and Tesla are the order of the day. Then things start to go better, and Tesla slowly manages to open up again to the affection of a brother who loves her, even if he messes up her life and confronts her with the problems she should solve, in the family and personal sphere. Then at a certain point, the situation escalates again, and Nik decides to leave. At that point, Carolina (Ludovica Martino) intervenes and hands Nik a letter from his missing father. If Nik decided to leave, her father had already arranged that Carolina would have to give him her share of the inheritance (in cash) and a letter. In the letter, which Tesla manages to read a few minutes later, it says:

“Dear Nikola, my son.
If I was any other kind of father, I wouldn’t have done what I did. If I had been another type of man, after having made a mistake, having betrayed you and taken Giada away, I would have had to come to you wherever in the world you were and express all my displeasure by looking into your eyes. That would have been the thing to do”.

The letter continues with Nik’s father asking his son’s forgiveness for having had an affair with his woman, Giada, and for having raised a wall of incommunicability between them. Tesla then discovers that Nik has gone away because he wanted to protect her from the inevitable clash between him and her father, which would have destroyed the family. Tesla was angry with Nik precisely because she thought she had been abandoned; a feeling that had been exacerbated by her son’s diagnosis of schizophrenia five years before her. To make the situation more complicated for the woman, she divorces her husband, the father of Seb and Carolina, a man completely absent.

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The Ending of The Film: The Accident, A Near Death and The Ashes

Before going into the explanation of the ending of My brother, my sister, a premise: in the last minutes of the film, Tesla’s son, Sebastiano, suffering from high-functioning schizophrenia, runs out of a theater where he was supposed to hold a concert together to his beloved music teacher, Emma (Stella Egypt). The boy, already “tested” by a day at the beach with his uncle, cannot handle the sound and visual stimulations that arrive on stage, amid the strong lights of the spotlights and the applause of the audience and rushes out, ending up running over by a car running.

Tesla and Nik, with Carlotta and Emma, will find themselves in the hospital, with Sebastiano in critical condition. In this scene, they witness an unreal monologue from Sebastiano. The boy gets up from his bed, approaches the French window of his room, and addresses his loved ones, gathered beyond the glass. Sebastiano begins to speak addressing each of them, and we realize that it is no longer him, he seems serene and lucid, as if schizophrenia had abandoned him. Seb talks to his uncle, his mother, Emma and Carolina, and settles all their loose ends with each of them. Then he turns and addresses himself, still lying on the bed. At this moment we are almost certain that Sebastiano is dead, but in reality, he does not die, and we will have confirmation in the next scene in which we find him together with the whole family.

The scene in the hospital is not realistic, it is a poetic and somewhat deceptive moment, which for the whole family symbolizes the rediscovered unity, after a period of absences, silences and strong misunderstandings. In the following scene, for a moment we are led to believe that the urn of ashes contains Sebastiano’s remains, but in reality, it is written that they belong to Giorgio, his grandfather. Sebastiano, whom we see next to him, is alive, has recovered after the accident, and dives into the water, which previously fascinated and intimidated him.

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It’s a somewhat simplistic ending, perhaps, but consistent with the film which in the end is a pleasant dramedy, with two good and close-knit protagonists (even if their relationship at times seems more that of a couple than two brothers). A film that descends like a glass of wine (and many drink glasses in the film!) and in which complex, difficult situations are resolved easily. My Brother, My Sister is a film that aims to make viewers feel good, giving them the illusion that life’s problems are solved with inheritances and money on the way, clarifications, colorful campers and above all Alessandro’s generous nude scenes Precious.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How Does My Brother, My Sister End?” answer-0=”Sebastiano survives the car accident. Tesla and Nick makeup and he confides that it was his father who seduced his betrothed Giada. Nick had decided to leave so as not to reveal the truth to his sister. In the final scene Sebastiano and his family, finally reunited and with no more friction and misunderstanding, go to the lake to disperse the ashes of their grandfather. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Sebastiano Dies At The End of My brother, My Sister?” answer-1=”No. The boy survives the car accident, as we see in the final scene. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Whose Ashes Are Scattered in The Ending of My Brother, My Sister?” answer-2=”The ashes are those of Giulio Costa, father of Nick and Tesla and grandfather of the two boys. ” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Is My Brother, My Sister Based on a True Story?” answer-3=”No, it’s based on a screenplay by director Roberto Capucci. ” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”What Do The Names of Nick and Tesla mean in My Brother, My Sister?” answer-4=”His father Giulio, a well-known astrophysicist, wanted to name his two sons as one of the greatest physicists of the last century, the brilliant Croatian scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. ” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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  1. I had to this final review to understand the ending as it very confusing. I thought it was still Sebastiano spirit that was with them and
    went he went under water the spirit left. How would know that it was the grandfather’s ashes. My husband was an-warding winning film editor and the ending cut as far I am concerned does not end the film, other than Sebastiano dying.

  2. Guys, your reviews above are very lacking in details…There are no 2 brothers, or sons, for that matter, in this movie…The characters are sister Tesla, brother Nik and Tesla’s son Seba and daughter Carolina…Where are you getting another son (s) from?…Carolina is Nik’s niece, not his granddaughter…Maybe you’re confused re Emma, who is not a family member but moreso Seba’s musical tutor and Carolina’s best friend…Glad I saw these facts clearly instead of going by what you have reviewed…Yikes…Svegliatevi,,,,

    1. Nikola Tesla, the scientist by whom the characters were named, was not Croatian. He was Serbian, born to Serbian parents, in a place then in Austro-Hungarian Empire, today Croatia. He himself stated that he was Serbian.

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