Multiverse Of Madness: All Cameos Explained Mordo, Captain Carter, Black Bolt, Mr. Fantastic? Who Makes Up The Illuminati

The day has come, and fans of Marvel Studios can now go to theaters to see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the new film from the studio and which has huge expectations. And it is that as its headline says, the arrival of the Multiverse is unleashed and this film with Sam Raimi as director, will continue to address what we have already seen in series like Loki and the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Although the great protagonists are Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), many expect to see several cameos and that they were promised in the campaign of The Multiverse of Madness. And this is because in one of the last official trailers the appearance of The Illuminati was confirmed, a group of the greatest Marvel heroes whose members were unknown until now. Although some winks were made in the previews and the appearance of a well-known X-Men character was confirmed, there are several who will be surprised by who makes up the team.

Attention! Below are spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and don’t want to find out what happened, don’t read on.

What Are The Cameos In Multiverse of Madness?

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has several cameos, especially we get to see several Doctor Strange. The Defender version teams up and betrays America Chavez, Doctor Strange who was part of the Illuminati, and the evil Doctor Strange who faces the protagonist Strange. But the big cameos are without Suda The Illuminati, although they have a sad end, were a great moment for the fans. Here we mention each one and who they are:

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Mordo: This version of Mordo, whom we met in the first Doctor Strange played by actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, is quite different. In this second part he plays Mordo again, but the version of the Sorcerer Supreme who is part of The Illuminati.


Captain Carter: A big wink for fans was the return of Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell), who in this universe is the version of Captain America. As we saw in the animated series What If…? Peggy is the captain of this universe, although of course in the British version of her. In the series, it was explained what would happen if Steve Rogers was not the one who received the super-soldier serum, and Carter was. In Doctor Strange 2, we were able to see this version in live action.

Captain Carter
Captain Carter

Black Bolt: A cameo that few noticed is that of Black Bolt, an original member of The Illuminati and who was played by actor Anson Mount, who played Black Bolt in the Inhumans series. This production was not very successful, but Mount still repeated his role, although with a reinvention of the hero who starred in the series.

Black Bolt
Black Bolt

Captain Marvel: Very different from Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), this captain is the version of Maria Rambeau, Danvers’ partner and friend, and in this universe she is the heroine. The character was portrayed again by Lashana Lynch, who was Rambeau in the 2019 Captain Marvel solo film.

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

Mr. Fantastic: Without a doubt, the revelation that Marvel had kept the most was Reed Richards, leader of The Fantastic Four and played by precisely the actor that fans were asking for: John Krasinski (The Office, A Quiet Place). This interpretation was one of the most applauded, but it also leaves many doubts for the future, since a Fantastic Four movie is confirmed, and we will have to wait to find out if Krasinski will be confirmed in the role. This is due to its shocking ending.

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Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic

Professor X: As seen in the trailers, Sir Patrick Stewart returned to his role as Charles Xavier from the X-Men movies, being the first mutant to debut in the MCU. The inclusion of Stewart as the leader of The Illuminati was the one who had the most prominence and leaves the door open for other mutants to join the Marvel Cinematic University.

Professor X

Bonus track: Although it was not one of The Illuminati, in the first post-credit scene another character made a cameo, Clea (Charlize Theron). One of Strange’s romantic interests in the comics and is Dormammu’s niece, Clea showed up without much explanation to ask Stephen for help in the multiverse.

Who Is Clea

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