Ms. Marvel Episode 6 Review: First Season Ends With A Very Fun And Action-Packed Episode

Ms. Marvel Episode 6 Review: Ms. Marvel is entirely a Marvel Studios series, there’s no question about it. And unfortunately, we do not affirm this lightly or in a largely positive sense, far from it. As in almost all the MCU serial experiences, even the adventures of Kamala Khan suffer from a narrative inconsistency at times unbearable and unbearable and in general, constantly lives on a qualitative seesaw without ever settling on a respectable average level. Ms. Marvel has come to an end After the conclusion of the six episodes that make up the first season, the Disney+ television series has closed all the plots that it had pending and has left the continuation of the adventures of Kamala Khan in a sensible ‘standby’ that will be resumed in The Marvels.

Ms. Marvel Episode 6

We were hoping, for example, that this ending could fill some of last week’s devastating plot holes on which we had not expressed ourselves both for fears of spoilers and just waiting for the final chapter. Instead, not only did it not happen, but at times the reactions of the protagonists are even more out of place and the story continues avoiding any kind of explanation of Kamran’s powers and time travel. It’s an ending that nevertheless has something to say, it has some well-crafted sequences and genuine good moments between various characters, but it stands on too many flaws that cannot simply be ignored.

Ms. Marvel Episode 6 Review: The Story

We find Kamala (Iman Vellani) returning from Pakistan to Jersey City ready for a bit of relaxation but immediately becomes aware of the terrible situation that has hit Bruno (Matt Lintz) and Kamran (Rish Shah), now chased by Damage Control. And it may seem trivial, but the episode is all here: it is only a desperate escape attempt after another to try to bring the Clandestine to safety, a mission that is not at all simple given the enormous deployment of forces by the DODC and Karman’s difficulties in dealing with his new skills. Now, as anticipated, it is an ending that undoubtedly has positive sides, starting from the partial revival of that colorful, sparkling and just a little childish aesthetic – like its protagonist after all – that had so characterized the first half of the season.

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Here, moreover, used in the right measure given the much more serious atmosphere and the more pressing situation, consequently, the choice not to excessively saturate the episode with these aesthetic decorations was the cleverest. It is also an ending in which the references to comics are endless, to say the least, from the largest and impossible to miss such as the historical costume of Ms. Marvel and a certain iconic expression up to small gems that can only please. A set then seasoned with a CGI that, although far enough from excellence, is infinitely superior to the embarrassing effects of last week, which even recalled some not-so-aged moments of the first Spider-Man by Raimi. In short, it is an ending that, if taken on its own, also manages to entertain without worries.

Ms. Marvel Episode 6 Review and Analysis

It is when it is placed in the general context of the series that the house of cards collapses loudly: the transfer from Najma (Nimra Bucha) to Kamran of powers that he did not even know he had, the actual unexplained time travel that causes enormous problems of continuity, Kamala’s family’s unnatural reaction to her powers; these are all aspects in stark contrast to the maniacal care that characterized the first episodes. It cannot be believed that parents who are reluctant to send their daughter to a small convention now accept with ecstasy her identity as a superheroine or that it is enough to call or think someone to create time loops or pierce skills that the spectator did not know existed until now.

It’s a fantasy, true, but even this genre sets rules that it then must follow, which Ms. Marvel didn’t do. If we then add the ridiculous figure that Damage Control makes at every opportunity when instead it should be one of the biggest obstacles in the field accustomed to dealing with such “threats”, the sense of suspense and real danger for Kamala and associates is also canceled. Here it is even neutralized with Mum’s tricks, I missed the plane, making Hawkeye’s already laughable Tracksuit Mafia seem fearsome in a nutshell, Ms. Marvel passed the stumbling block of mid-season it could no longer find the compass that had made it one of the freshest and most intriguing MCU series.

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The Ms. Marvel series hasn’t exactly had a pleasant run like other Marvel Studios predecessors, see Wanda Vision, Loki, or even Hawkeye. All of them reached their last episode maintaining the pulse of interest in the viewer and without giving them a hint of doubt or resignation. However, the first season of Ms. Marvel has been going blind since its second episode. The pilot showed the greatness of the Marvel comics character, offering us a fresh and modern, youthful product, building a comfort zone in which we could hardly do anything but smile.

Ms. Marvel Episode 6 Review

Unfortunately, with the passing of the episodes, it has been shown that that great pilot episode had been just a mirage. Ms. Marvel stumbled forward, hesitant, showing weakness more important, they gave to the cultural plot and recovered strength in Iman Vellani’s smile and superhero flashes. Perhaps that has been the great “sin” of Ms. Marvel Season 1: it has not been a series of superheroes, but a conceptual amalgam where the traditional, the Arab, the familiar, the superheroic, the adolescent and the naif conspired to offer a story that has gone around too many times.

Fortunately, Ms. Marvel’s Episode 6 already available in the Disney+ catalog— has been a comfortable characteristic piece of the genre. The story has ended exactly as expected: the conversion of Kamala Khan into the heroine we should know, the revelation of her suit, the media exposure and a first villain conflict that will leave a scar. This episode has had everything that the previous ones have lacked. The end of Ms. Marvel is full of action, fights, fun, and a lot of wits. The hands of Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah —the same ones that composed the first episode— have been noted in the visual section. Of course, the Batgirl movie is lucky to have these filmmakers.

The most positive point of this season finale of Ms. Marvel has been, again, the family component. The Marvel series on Disney + has not fled at any time from the bond and family ties of the protagonist. The entire narrative fabric has been made up, for the most part, of this creative decision with Kamala Khan. So, it makes all the sense in the world – and it couldn’t be otherwise – that it is Kamala Khan’s progenitor who offers the definitive outfit of Ms. Marvel on the small screen. An outfit that, by the way, is extraordinarily faithful to her counterpart in the comics and fits Iman Vellani like never before.

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As for Kamala Khan, only the post-credits scene of Ms. Marvel makes it clear that her destiny lies in The Marvels, along with Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) and Photon (Teyonah Parris). We are looking forward to the future of Ms. Marvel in the MCU because, if she follows the line of the comics, she will be key in the shared universe. And you, what do you think of Ms. Marvel and the end of the series? Leave us a comment! Ms. Marvel closes her first season with a very fun and action-packed episode. Kamala Khan’s family ties keep the narrative consistent, and Iman Vellani is fabulous, as always. However, the Disney+ program fails to take flight after an irregular history full of ups and downs.

Ms. Marvel Episode 6 Review: The Last Words

Ms. Marvel’s ending doesn’t disappoint. It is not a masterpiece, but it manages to entertain without too much effort, peppering the episode with infinite references to comics and the right dose of that fresh and sparkling aesthetic that had characterized the first mid-season. A simple episode, summarized in a simple desperate escape from Damage Control, ends the first epic of Kamala Khan satisfactorily. It is when you insert it into the general design of the series that the house of cards collapses loudly because none of the immense plot holes that especially the fifth chapter had caused. The reactions of the characters – primarily the family to the discovery of Kamala’s secret make no sense, and what starts the ending itself has no explanation, Damage Control is a laughable threat that makes an embarrassing figure at every opportunity; in short, too many things do not work with a series that at the beginning gave very different hopes.

Cast: Iman Vellani, Matt Lintz, Rish Shah

Directors: Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah

Streaming Platform: Disney+ Ratings: 3.5/5 (Three and half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

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