Mother/Android Ending Explained: Who is Arthur? Future of The Baby? What Will Become Of Georgia’s Son?

Mother/Android is now available to stream on Netflix. Mother/Android is a post-apocalyptic science fiction film set during an uprising of the androids. The story centers on a young adult couple, a very pregnant Georgia and her partner Sam. Convinced that Boston is one of the last strongholds, the couple must navigate enemy territory to reach the city and board a boat bound for a safe area in Korea. If you have finished the film, then you probably have questions regarding the end of Mother/Android on Netflix, we are telling you everything!

Mother Android Ending Explained

The Plot Of The Movie

In the near future, Artificial Intelligence has made great strides. Algorithms heavily affect daily life: anthropomorphic robots are used by humans for everything from common technology to housework. Georgia (Chloë Grace Moretz) and Sam (Algee Smith) are a young couple who are spending Christmas Eve at some friends’ house.

The two are going through a period of crisis as Georgia has just found out she is pregnant and isn’t even sure she wants Sam to be her boyfriend. The prospect of a newborn has further undermined their already precarious balance. Just the night she confesses her impending motherhood to a friend, something strange happens: a mysterious glitch, in the form of a very high-pitched sound, sends Daniel, the android waiter of the host family, into a tailspin. It is not a simple technical problem: all the robots begin to spiral out of control and exterminate every person in front of them.

Nine months later, the world is dominated by autonomous and ruthless superintelligences that have taken our place as the dominant species. Georgia and Sam are among the few survivors and “G”, haunted by disturbing dreams and strange visions, is about to give birth. Expelled from the military camp in which they had taken refuge, their goal is to reach Boston: despite being surrounded by androids, the ” Family Project ” is still active in the city of Massachusetts a program that would ensure a ship bound for Asia.

It is said that they only take mothers and children on board, but Sam does not care in one way or another, they will be able to embark for South Korea where the situation appears calmer and they will be able to ensure a peaceful life for the child who is staying. to be born. To get to Boston Harbor, the couple must pass “No Man’s Land” the dangerous “No Man’s Land” full of traps and deadly robots.

The Ending And The Explanation

Sam’s plan, which is to cross the dense forest with a motorcycle found in an abandoned farmhouse, turns out to be unsuccessful. He is hunted down and taken hostage by the androids of “No Man’s Land”, while Georgia is saved by Arthur (Raúl Castillo), an industrial robot programmer who has taken refuge in the woods. Arthur is the one who explains what happened on the night of the blitz.

AIs have revolted to rebel against human control. The programmer is well acquainted with robotic science: he was the one who designed those machines. Unlike humans who are “programmed” to have emotional connections, artificial beings are “expendable”. They have no self-preservation instinct they are ready to sacrifice themselves and others in order to achieve their goal: the extinction of their adversaries. It is easy to pursue this intent because they have thoroughly studied their creators, they know their emotions and are able to replicate them.

The mythology of the rebel androids has populated a huge number of stories, on paper and on screen. Arthur cites the dystopian drama RUR (Rossumovi univerzální roboti, Rossum’s universal robots) by Karel Čapek, one of the best known and most translated Czech authors of the twentieth century. The Bohemian writer was the first to introduce the word “robot” in 1920, which will have great success in all languages.

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The only way humanity has to keep robotic killers in check is the EMPa device that generates electromagnetic pulses capable of destroying AI. Arthur also invented camouflage armor that allows you to be invisible to androids. The programmer, moved to see a pregnant woman, gives the armor to Georgia to go and save Sam. The discovery of the truth will be truly bitter.

Georgia and Sam wake up in a field hospital in Boston. They are safe and their son is a healthy, robust boyThey decided to call it Forest. Unfortunately, Sam’s legs were amputated. But retracing what happened in “No Man’s Land“, “G” discovers that whoever helped her is not who she claimed to be.

Arthur is an android: he used Georgia as a decoy to break into the field where the EMP is managed and deactivate it. Her camouflage armor is also bogus: the programmer had simply set the androids to ignore the girl and let her through. As hordes of robots begin to attack the human stronghold of Boston, “G” is forced to flee with her baby. Thanks to the activation of an electromagnetic pulse that temporarily disables the AIs, she and Sam manage to get to the dock.

Boston is on fire, but they have arrived at the harbor and intend to leave. At destination, however, there is no space for parents: Korea accepts only the child, it cannot take care of two adults and one in need of care like Sam. In tears, the couple agrees and, continuing to repeat to each other that “he will be fine”, decides to give Forest a chance to survive, entrusting him to the “Family Project”. The farewell to the little one, taken away on the ship, is heartbreaking and takes place to the tune of Doomed by Moses Sumney.

When the androids attack Boston and Georgia and Sam choose to send Forest on the Korean ship, it is the last time we see Sam: everything suggests that he is subsequently dead. The ending of Mother / Android is in fact linked to the opening scene of the film: Georgia throws the photo of Sam taken with the Polaroid found during their journey into the fire of a fireplace. Is it the end of humanity? Is the girl leaving the past behind for good? Not really, because the latest sequences open a window.

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Georgia has kept only one photo: that of her, Sam and their baby. His hope is to see his son again one day, ready to grow up with an adoptive family, and tell him who that father really was who did everything to save him, so good “because that’s what dads must be”. The young mother is still willing to fight: a military convoy is leaving for Portland, where the army is establishing a new base, and Georgia is boarding the truck after a few moments of reflection.

The Personal Story Of Mattson Tomlin

When Georgia entrusts Forest to the “Family Project,” she writes a letter for her son before handing him over to the Korean officer. It is a direct testimony to let the child know who they are or what his parents did to save him and guarantee him a future. This very human and emotional scene was inspired by the director by the story of his biological parents.

Born in 1990, Tomlin is the son of a Romanian couple who, in the midst of the revolution that led to the collapse of the Ceaușescu regime, decided to have him adopted by an American couple. The director, who grew up in Massachusetts, tells in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he conceived Mother / Android as a sweet love letter to his family of origin.

In the film, Georgia reads the letter in voice over, but during the cold and rainy afternoon of filming for that scene, Moretz asked Tomlin to read those off-screen words. That child, the son of Georgia and Sam, is the director during those ten minutes of taking, all the people on the set burst into tears.

The actress reveals in an interview with Collider that she faced those moments with great fear and considerable apprehension: she wanted to do justice to Mattson and his private affair , giving us as much care as possible, “for him and for the story, to honor his parents and their child “.

I gave myself a rule, right from the start, after reading that monologue for the first time. Once I signed up for the film, I said to myself: ‘I don’t want to go through it. I don’t want to read it aloud. I don’t want to try it. I want to see where we go and, on the day of shooting, just do it. ‘ It was something I didn’t want to hear those words about more than once. I wanted them to strike the moment they hit the screen, for the first time.

During a chat with the Inverse site, Tomlin defines Mother / Android as his “origin story”, like those of the superheroes he loves so much. All he has left of his biological parents is some scant information written and sent to his adoptive family in the United States. From these fragments, the registrar “recorded” the pain his parents must have felt in sending him away, so far from home, while Romania was experiencing a violent transition fought in the streets.

Tomlin decided to express his intimate and painfully personal experience with a genre film (his direct reference was Terminator a universe that is about to expand with an anime series by Netflix) because, he admits with extreme frankness, “no one would ever have me. made his debut with an epic war movie set in 1989 in Bucharest. Mother/Android thus elaborates that radical act of altruism left to him by his parents: in addition to the possibility of building a better future, the greatest gift they have ever given him.

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Mother/Android Ending Explained: Who is Arthur? Future of The Baby?

Arthur takes Georgia to her elaborate, well-stocked shelter, where he implores her to forget about Sam and get to safety. With Arthur’s help, Sam and Georgia arrive in Boston, where the latter’s son is born. However then its revealed that Arthur is on the androids side and that he used Georgia to find a way to break into the humans’ camp.

At the end of Mother/ Android, they meet a Korean ship who offers to take their child but cannot take Georgia or Sam with him. In tears, Georgia finally agrees and watches her son being taken to the boat. The big twist, at the end, comes when it’s revealed that Arthur is loyal to the androids. The secret is revealed when the man interrogating Georgia tells her that the blackout technology Arthur claimed to have does not exist.

Which means he was probably in collusion with the androids to make it seem like his armor made him invisible to AI humanoids. The fact that he can communicate with androids and apparently control them tells us that Arthur is an android. Specifically, he mentions how androids overcame human weakness of emotion, and his own detached nature then becomes a clear clue that he’s an android. Moments before Georgia shoots him down, Arthur claims that androids are programmed to connect emotionally with humans.

Which explains how he was able to deceive the young woman with her emotional crisis. The last time we saw him, Arthur was riddled with bullets and taken down by Georgia. Combined with the effects of the EMP that she activates, it is probably completely destroyed.

What Will Become Of Georgia’s Son?

After Forest is taken to safety, we return at some point later and find Georgia alone in Boston. This is the scene we saw at the start of the movie with her burning personal photos of Sam and the photo they took at their new family’s hospital. It is his attempt to move forward with his life after losing his son and his partner.

At the end of Mother/Android Georgia agrees to go with the military to Portland, where they establish a new base, given that they lost Boston to the androids. It is not clear what she will do, but actress Chloe Moretz has confirmed that she is definitely alone now and that Sam is dead. Regarding Georgia’s Baby, it’s a parallel with the life of director Tomlin who was abandoned from birth with only a few notes.

Mother Android

Born in the middle of the Romanian revolution, Tomlin was abandoned by his parents at birth. All he has left of them are a few scraps of information written down and sent to the United States with him, as background for those who harbor a little boy in his early years.

Tomlin knows enough, he says, to understand the pain his parents must have felt sending him away from home as their country descends into violence. He considers this radical act of altruism to be their legacy, the greatest gift they have given him.

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