Moon Knight: The Post-Credits Scene of Moon Knight Would Have Confirmed The Season 2 On Disney+

The long-awaited season finale of the series ‘Moon Knight‘ is finally available in the Disney+ catalog, however it does not confirm the return of the superhero but his mysterious post-credits scene could have revealed an important detail to have a second season of this peculiar character well, his story is not over yet. As expected, the end of the first season of ‘ Moon Knight ‘ presents a last scene at the end of the credits, just as Marvel movies do, however this brief moment does not confirm the return of the superhero as such in a second season, but it is clear that the story is not over.

Moon Knight Episode 6

Without the post-credits scene of ‘Moon Knight‘, the end of the story is technically happy for the protagonist as he can be seen at peace with his alter ego and in full control of his dissociative personality disorder, but Marvel has winked fans with a third character played by Oscar Isaac , who could be present in a second season.

Unfortunately, unlike ‘Loki’, the post-credits scene of Moon Knight does not officially confirm that the series will be back on Disney+ with a second season, and although everything seems to indicate that it will do so thanks to the mega success What has been, the truth is that we will have to continue waiting to find out what the plans of Marvel Studios are.

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After Marc Spector and Steven Grant manage to cross the gates of death, they return to life and manage to synchronize their lives to inhabit the same body together, which gives a happy ending to the story, however they must face the red sarcophagus that is in his mind, where is the one who takes control when the two of them are far away.

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According to the outcome of the plot, the protagonist leaves behind the mantle of Moon Knight and the villain Harrow (Ethan Hawke) is locked up in an insane asylum, so everything returns to normal and the world is safe, however the Post-credits scene changes everything, as not only is the villain shown killed, but the moon god technically still works alongside Marc Spector.

During the last chapters of Moon Knight it is gradually revealed that Marc Spector has a third personality that seems to be much more aggressive and violent, although neither he nor Steven know her, and in the post-credits scene it is revealed that it is by Jake Lockley , who works alongside Khonshu and if a second season is confirmed, it will surely be centered around his existence and Marc and Steven will have to fight him to regain control.

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