Moon Knight: The Identity Of Marc Spector Explained By Marvel Studios

Who is Marc Spector? Marvel Studios explains it directly.

Since the first episode of the TV series Moon Knight, Marc Spector has been presented as the other “inconvenience” in Steven Grant ‘s life, as the one who does not allow Grant to sleep and as the perpetrator of terrible murders. Then, with the arrival of the following episodes of the Marvel Studios series, new aspects of Marc’s personality emerged and it was discovered that under that tough attitude he too has a heart and feels love for a woman called Layla.

Marc Spector Explained By Marvel Studios
Marc Spector Explained By Marvel Studios

Moon Knight: Marc Spector Explained By Marvel Studios

To better outline the profile of Marc Spector, played beautifully by Oscar Isaac, Marvel Studios has released a video, which makes clear the aspects of the identity of this mercenary:

  • Mercenary Marc Spector serves as his avatar the Egyptian deity Khonshu. Marc’s enslavement is the price he has to pay for the protection the Moon God provides
  • Acting on behalf of Khonshu’s “fist of vengeance”, Marc punishes the wicked
  • Marc wears Khonshu’s ceremonial armor as have all warrior servants of the God throughout the centuries before him. Moon Knight is Marc Spector’s superhero nickname
  • Like all those suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, Marc is unable to keep his private life separate from that of his “roommate” Steven Grant, with whom he shares a body.
  • The terms of his deal with Khonshu changed after two important facts: Steven’s discovery of Marc’s existence and the arrival of his wife Layla El-Faouly. In fact, to stop the mission of the fanatic Arthur Harrow, Marc must review his plans alone, including Steven and Layla.
  • During his new mission to Khonshu, Marc soon becomes embroiled in a profound mystery involving the pantheon of the most powerful gods. Failing would mean putting both Steven in danger, of course, but above all his beloved Layla and this obviously is something that Marc does not want to make happen for anything in the world.
  • Marc promised Steve to leave him alone once his last mission is complete
See also  Moon Knight: Finally The First Teaser Trailer Of Marvel Series With Oscar Isaac | Disney+ Series

It will be like this? Will Marc Spector disappear at the end of the mission against Ammit and Arthur Harrow? It will be discovered in the next episodes of Moon Knight on Disney+.

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