Moon Knight Episode 6 Ending Explained and Post Credit Scene Explained? Is Mark Alive Now?

On the morning of May 4, Disney+ welcomed episode 6 of the Marvel Moon Knight on Oscar Isaac series.Now the entire first season of this show is available for streaming on Disney+. In fact, Moon Knight episode 6 in streaming is the final episode of the first season. Let’s find out what happened during episode 6 and how Moon Knight ends: the summary and analysis of the episode. In the episode Gods and Monsters Laya follows Harrow, while Marc, Steven and Khonshu must return to Cairo to stop Ammit, who once again threatens humanity.

Moon Knight Episode 6 Ending Explained

Moon Knight Episode 6 Ending Explained: Is Mark Alive Now?

Moon Knight episode 5 ended emotionally heavy. Marc in fact had to leave Steven on the sands of the afterlife and seems to be forced to return to the world of the living alone. In Egypt, after reclaiming Marc’s corpseHarrow gains the full power of Ammit, freeing her from her captivity and becoming her avatar.

Harrow ‘s new power kills whomever the goddess finds guilty, saving very few in the wake of her destruction. Layla also plays a central role in this final episode of Moon Knight, as she manages to free Khonshu, to allow him to counter Ammit. Harrow seeks death from her imbalance and although she believes she is not worthy for Ammit, she prefers to use someone like him, with unsettled scales, rather than someone pure of soul. Meanwhile, Khonshu tries to make Layla her avatar. The girl also communicates with Tawarwet, who explains that Marc could return from the afterlife.

Marc And Steven Rise From The World Of The Dead

Meanwhile, Marc in the spiritual realm, attempts to rescue Steven from the Duat. Choosing to abandon his peaceful life in the afterlife for a future with his counterpart, he then goes to look for him in the sands and his words manage to free him from eternal captivity. Helped by Tawarwet, the two manage to escape from the underworld, and return to the world of the living.

Moon Knight Episode 6 Ending

Meanwhile Khonshu is fighting Ammit, who however is annihilating him. The god senses that Marc and Steven are back and so decides to meet them. With a whole new dynamic, Steven and Marc strike a new deal with the god. The two now work in tandem and ask Khonshu to be released once Ammit stops. Meanwhile, Layla becomes Tawarwet ‘s (temporary) avatar, to help counter the alligator goddess.

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How Moon Knight Ends: The Final Battle

Moon Knight and Harrow finally collide, while Khonshu and Ammit do the same in a particularly heavy battle, which also involves civilians. Layla also joins the fight, sporting her new costume and skills that her father is sure to be thrilled with. When there seems to be no hope left, neither for Marc nor Khonshu, Marc passes out just like Steven did in the first episode. When Marc and Steven awaken, they find carnage at their feet, however neither is the perpetrator. Something does not add up, but there is no time to give it weight.

Moon Knight Ep 6

In this bloody moment, Harrow was also seriously injured, so Marc and Layla decide to unite Ammit to her body, making the goddess vulnerable. Khonshu orders the execution of Harrow / Ammit, but Marc, for once, chooses the path of mercy instead of violence and revenge. Marc frees himself from the bond with Khonshu, returning to the reality of his mental structure. So let’s review Dr. Harrow in that reality of the psychiatric hospital where we don’t know what is real. Marc later wakes up in Steven’s room, and the two conversing with each other as if nothing had happened.

Moon Knight’s Post Credit Scene

But how does Moon Knight end? Is there a post-credit scene? The answer is yes, the season ends with an additional threatening scene. This is set in a psychiatric hospital where Harrow is spending the rest of his life. After spilling a coffee, the man is joined by a shady figure who speaks in Spanish, who reassures the nurse, making it clear that he will take care of the patient.

As this person takes Harrow out of the center, corpses are seen upon corpses, which the two leave behind. Harrow is put into a limousine, inside which Khonshu sits, dressed rather elegantly. The god finally introduces to Harrow and the public Jake LockleyMarc’s third identity, of which neither he nor Steven are aware. Khonshu has always wanted him as an avatar, and Jake, speaking in Spanish, mercilessly kills Harrow by shooting him.

What Happens In The Moon Knight Post-Credit Scene

The mystery remains as to who caused that carnage and defeated Harrow (a phenomenon already seen in previous episodes) and is revealed in the post credit scene. Here we find Harrow in a psychiatric hospital and is kidnapped by a mysterious figure, who takes him to a limousine where Khonshu awaits him.

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Moon Knight Episode 6

Here the god reveals the final twist: his avatar is still Marc, but with his identity, that of Jake Lockley, a ruthless killer who speaks in Spanish and justice Harrow by shooting him. The final revelation also unravels the latest mystery and leaves room for season two, as neither Marc nor Steven are aware of this other identity.

11 Details And Things To Remember From Last Episode

Moon Knight Episode 6 was eagerly awaited by fans, who desperately wanted to know how this refreshing MCU series would end . For our part, we had the opportunity to discover this new episode thanks to the great projector.

1) Arthur Harrow All Fire All Flame

In the Chamber of the Gods, the avatars of each of the Ennead’s gods panic, sensing a great disturbance. Yatzil, Hathor’s avatar, claims that someone is trying to free Ammit into the world; Selim, the avatar of Osiris, realizes that he is Harrow . Harrow and his followers enter the chamber as the walls of the Ennead collapse before them. As Selim makes the first move, Harrow raises his scepter from him. We then see the bodies of the Ennead avatars strewn about, and Harrow is about to break Ammit’s ushebti to free her from her.

2) The Revival of Ammit

Arthur Harrow finally manages to resurrect Ammit, the Egyptian demon who judges and devours souls. When Ammit emerges into our world, he is depicted as an anthropomorphic alligator, which roughly matches how he appears in ancient Egyptian mythology. Namely, that the voice of Ammit is provided by Saba Mubarak, a Jordanian actress and great star of Egyptian cinema.

In the Moon Knight comic series, by Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood, Ammit appears and poses as Marc Spector’s therapist. Therefore, we better understand, knowing this, the scenes with Ammit’s Avatar, Arthur Harrow, who takes the form of Marc Spector’s psychologist in his thoughts.

3) Marc Helps Rescue Steven

Marc sacrifices his place in the reed field to save Steven again. Marc and Steven then come back to life and become the Avatars again. of Khonshu .

4) A Good Reference To The Beginning Of The Series

Did you notice? In Steven’s aquarium that we see in the first episode of the series, we notice that the ship Douat (number 1) finally appears for real in episode 4 and episode 5, driven by Taweret. Then, the bust of Nefertiti symbolizes the journey that Mark has been doing in his own head since episode 4, and finally, the pyramid of Giza (number 3) is seen from episode 3 since in the latter there is the Ennead (it is i.e. the Avatars of the Gods).

5) Layla Becomes Taweret’s Avatar

In the comics, neither Layla El-Faouly nor Taweret have no counterparts, so no connection can be made when the latter becomes the Hippo-bodied Avatar of the Goddess. However, this scene is not trivial: creating a new superhero from scratch that does not exist in the comics is very innovative for Marvel Studios, which often uses comics as source material.

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6) An Interesting Reference To Grab

In the comics the character of Abdul Faoul in the 1940s leads a group called “Sons of the Beetle” which seeks to end British control of Egypt. They all wore ancient Egyptian costumes, posing as modern servants ancient pharaohs. Abdul then got hold of the Scarlet Beetle, an extremely powerful jewel, present in a pyramid.

The Scarlet Beetle has always been dedicated to protecting Egypt. And that’s where Layla comes in.! She in turn took the Beetle as her symbol, and when asked if she is an “Egyptian superhero”, the latter answers yes. Knowing this, we noticed that the series presented us with a foreshadowing in previous episodes, when Marc had woken up in the asylum in his mind a red beetle is actually present on the bandage present on his finger.

7) Pomace Blackout

So Arturo Harrow is about to take over Marc, the latter with a “switch” personality with Jake Lockley (as we understand it). The latter, who we know is much more brutal than Marc and Steven, manages to defeat Arthur and all of his henchmen. When Marc regains control, he is a black hole. Layla herself does not understand what happened. We will find this character (this other «Alter») in the post-credits scene of the episode .

8) Marc And Steven Believe They Will Be Released

Marc and Layla eventually trap Ammit in the body of Arthur Harrow . However, Marc and Steven refuse to kill Harrow (and also Ammit) and demand that Khonshu release them from his Avatar state. The latter accepts without hesitation, and for good reason: Jake Lockley is still under his orders.

9) Two Fish For Steven!

When Marc wakes up, right after Khonshu “released” him from his Avatar state, he looks at Steven’s apartment and then we notice two fish in the aquarium. These two fish symbolize the fact that Marc and Steven are now reunited and seem much more at peace… Until they learn that Jake is also cohabiting, at least.

10) The Post-Credits Scene

The post-credits scene of this episode is very interesting as it allows us to discover Jake Lockley , Marc Spector’s third personality. If you want to know more about this post-credits scene, do not hesitate to consult our previous article on the subject, we return to it with more details .

11) A Nice Reference To A Great Designer

In the post-credits scene again, we notice that the name of the psychiatric hospital that Arthur Harrow leaves echoes on the door of this limousine: it is the Sienkiewicz psychiatric hospital, in reference to one of the most important figures Moon Knight comics: Bill Sienkiewicz . The latter has not been the first artist to draw Moon Knight (that honor goes to Don Perlin), but Bill Sienkiewicz was the first artist on the first ongoing Moon Knight series. Her almost gothic designs of him helped make Moon Knight one of Marvel’s most progressive heroes a good wink.

And you, what did you think of this final episode? Feel free to give us your opinion on this topic through our comments section. ! And if you want to know what Internet users thought of this episode, do not hesitate to consult our previous article on the subject.

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