Moon Knight Episode 4: 11 Easter Eggs and Details to Remember in Episode 4

Moon Knight Episode 4: Marvel studios Moon Knight Series featured in the third chapter various Egyptian gods along with their MCU avatars, Horus, Isis, Tefnut, Osiris and Hathor, and shed some light on the Ennead, her backstory and why they chose to abandon the humans. The Ennead was involved at several significant moments in the episode. First, the gods were summoned by Khonshu for Arthur Harrow’s trial, which ultimately led to an unfortunate end for the Moon god, as his companions did not believe his accusation.

Moon Knight Episode 4

Moon Knight Episode 4: 11 Easter Eggs

The group then reappeared at the end of the episode to imprison Khonshu in stone due to him moving the sky to recreate the night Ammit was buried thousands of years ago. And it was also explained where the gods who missed the meeting were (the Ennead was made up of 9 gods), since we see Horus taking the statuette of Khonshu to a room where other statuettes are found, presumably the other gods who missed the meeting they were also punished at some point.

1. The Statues Of The Gods Turned Into Stone

Moon Knight Episode 4 begins with the cliffhanger ending of Episode 3, in which the moon god Khonshu was imprisoned in the form of a stone statue. Alongside Khonshu, there are many other sculptures that probably serve as penitentiaries to other Marvel deities.

The Statues Of The Gods Turned Into Stone

2. The Relationship Between Layla And Steven Evolves

Steven and Layla hug as they prepare to enter the burial chamber, with Steven confessing to Layla that Marc pushed her to prevent Khonshu from choosing her as his next symbol. . Marc is angry about the connection between Steven and Layla, however Marc also appreciates, to some extent, that Steven has been honest with her about Khonshu’s envy of R’s enlistment.

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The Relationship Between Layla And Steven Evolves

3. Eye Of Horus

Ammit’s burial chamber is a complex labyrinth, arranged like the image of the Eye of Horus. Steven then conjures up the 6 paths proposed by Horus. According to the myth, Horus would have lost an eye in the fight against his uncle Seth to avenge the murder of his father. During the fight, Seth gouged out his left eye and cut it (into six pieces, according to one version of this legend) and threw the pieces into the Nile. Today, the eye of Horus is also considered to represent the 5 senses of human perception, plus that of thought, and is part of mythology which the MCU chose to adapt.

The Statues Of The Gods Turned Into Stone

4. Alexander The Great

While Steven and Layla are separated inside Ammit’s tomb, Steven discovers the tomb of Alexander the Great. As you probably know, Alexander the Great is a king of Macedonia and one of the most famous figures of antiquity (as well as having been an extraordinary conqueror). As the series shows, Alexander’s body when he died was mummified in the manner of the pharaohs, and not cremated, as is customary according to the Macedonian funeral rite.

Alexander The Great

According to Strabo (Greek historian), whose testimony would be the most reliable since he spent a long stay in Alexandria, the funerary monument was in a basilica in Alexandria. Unfortunately, throughout history, its exact location has been lost, and despite excavations, for the time being, the latter remains untraceable. The MCU reinvented the story by placing this tomb in the desert, and not in Alexandria as we think.

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5. The Death Of Layla’s Father

In this Moon Knight episode, Harrow reveals that Marc was among the mercenaries tasked with taking out a group of archaeologists exploring a site in Egypt, including Layla’s father. Distraught, Marc’s wife confronts him about his true involvement not she later admits to being present, but claims to have played no role in his father’s death. Marc then says that it was his partner who did the deed when he got too greedy. In the comics, Marc’s partner is another mercenary named “Raoul Bushman”, and he has actually been shown to be too greedy. going as far as murder under the horrified eyes of Marc Spector.

6. A Reference To The Comics

After being shot, Marc begins a dream sequence which leads him to imagine a cheesy adventure show in which the protagonists explore the jungle and find the statue of coyolxauhqui . He then wakes up in an insane asylum, where the fictional show is revealed to be playing on a television screen. The sequence in question pays homage to the comic series. Moon Knight from 2011 from artist Alex Maleev and screenwriter Brian Michael Bendis.

This story sees Marc Spector heading to the West Coast, where he becomes a Hollywood actor. How he led an interesting life he finds a new calling as executive producer of an action-adventure television series based on his story as a mercenary a good nod here.

7. Alarm Clock In The Asylum

Marc ends up waking up in a psychiatric hospital, and everything is done so that we think, for a few moments, that Marc has made it all up in volume 8 of the comics. Marvel Comics’ Moon Knight, written by Jeff Lemire and illustrated by Greg Smallwood, finds Marc in a similar situation when he finds himself inside an insane asylum. It is then revealed that the facility’s director, Doctor Emmet, is an avatar of Ammit and plans to take control of Marc’s body. A clever reference, but one that doesn’t really serve the same purpose in the series, in all likelihood, as you’ll see.

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Alarm Clock In The Asylum

8. Grave Destroyer

If you hope you can watch the tomb buster movie you will be disappointed. Grave Buster is not a real movie and seems to have been created specifically for Moon Knight in a kind of parody of Indiana Jones, with a plot inspired by the events of the series. Since Indiana Jones is a Disney property, Tomb Buster is a fun nod to the iconic movie, and of course the movie’s title also refers to Tomb Raider. Note that in the first Tom Raider dating back to 1996, Egypt makes up the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth level. Lara goes there to find one of the Scion’s fragments, precisely in the city of Khamoon.

9. The Third Sarcophagus

Marcos tries to escape from the hospital and ends up in a room with an Egyptian sarcophagus. After opening the latter’s lid, he discovers one of his alternate personalities, Steven Grant, trapped inside. Together they start down the next hallway and pass a room where there is another sarcophagus containing another entity that desperately wants to get out, and in all likelihood it could be jake lockley. We invite you to visit our article detailing this point if you want to know more about it know that in addition to that, volume 8 of the Moon Knight comics that we told you about above has a great interest in Jake Lockley coincidence? Hard to believe.

10. The Return Of The Goddess Taweret

The goddess Taweret, the hippo-headed Egyptian goddess, was introduced to us at the end of the episode, but we’ve already seen her in the form of stuffed animals sold by Steven within episode 1. In the same way, to learn more about his nature and about his hypothetical link with Layla, we invite you to consult our previous article on the subject.

11. The Evolution Of The Moon At The End Of Each Credits

Did you notice that during the credits, the visible part of the moon increased from episode to episode? A very good reference to the Moon Knight character and you, what did you think of this new episode? Do not hesitate to give us your opinion on this topic through our comments area!

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