Moon Knight Episode 3: Ending Explained all Easter Eggs From The Third Episode

Moon Knight Episode 3 is available on Disney Plus! It only took two episodes for Arthur Harrow to gain control of the scarab he needs to find the location of the judgment goddess Ammit. With Marc Spector’s identity now in check, the Avatar of Khonshu followed Arthur Harrow to Egypt, as instructed by the very irate Moon God.

Moon Knight Episode 3

With this change of location and lead actor, Moon Knight Episode 3 is much closer to an Indiana Jones-type adventure than the earlier horror-tinged London episodes, which focused on the shy personality. by Steven Grant. It also turns out that it raises the stakes significantly for later episodes. Episode 3 introduces new powers, new antagonists, and a whole new pantheon of MCU deities and as if that weren’t enough, its ending makes it clear that the episodes to come still have a lot to offer.

Moon Knight Episode 3 Summary

Until the end of episode 2 of Moon Knight, the identity of Marc Spector was a bit of the bogeyman who committed violent acts whenever Steven Grant was absent. However, he’s still in control this time around…and the increased screen time reveals he’s a much less scary character than he appeared to be when he was stalking Steven through reflective surfaces.

He is also very aware of his mental health issues and is just as worried and confused as Steven. When he finally hands over control to Steven in the final moments of the episode, we almost feel happy that Marc can finally rest… Just as Steven was shocked by the violence that Marc. Marc is going to have some nasty surprises culminating in a scene where he wakes up immediately after stabbing someone. Steven and Marc accuse each other of these acts, and yet the personalities categorically deny any involvement. It therefore seems that a third personality, invisible, is in contention.

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That personality is Jake Lockley, a taxi driver who is generally considered the darkest and most down-to-earth of the classic Moon Knight personalities. A significant moment in the episode is the meeting with the Ennead inside the Great Pyramid, where Khonshu unsuccessfully challenges Harrow’s actions. Later, the gods reunite again to encase Khonshu in a stone statue. It’s too early to tell if Moon Knight intends to show these gods in person, but Khonshu hints that they have a luxurious Asgard-style home somewhere.

Moon Knight Episode 3 Ending Explained

At the end of Episode 3 of Moon Knight, the deal with Mogart goes awry when Harrow shows up to interfere with Marc, Steven, and Layla’s findings and destroys the sarcophagus that would have led to Ammit’s grave. Although Harrow destroyed Senfu’s sarcophagus, Layla managed to obtain fragments of the paper that had the star coordinates on it. But without Steven, it is impossible to understand them.

Marc therefore reluctantly hands over control to Steven, who manages to decipher the coordinates but realizes that it’s no use if they don’t know what the sky was like the day Senfu drew the constellation. This will lead to Khonshu’s imprisonment. Despite everything, Khonshu decides to go ahead with this plan and tells Steven that once the gods imprison him, he will have to call on Marc.

They manage to hold this position until Layla gets the exact coordinates. But Khonshu soon begins to fade, the Gods imprisoning him in a miniature stone statue in his likeness, and Steven passes out. Khonshu is not dead. He is in a worse position as he now must watch Harrow do unspeakable things and suffer in silence. It’s worse because if he was dead, at least he wouldn’t have to live knowing he didn’t do anything to stop Harrow.

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