Moon Knight And The 5 Personalities In Steven’s Body Explained That We Already Seen

Moon Knight is the avatar of the Egyptian god Khonshu on Earth, a human figure to whom he gives all his special abilities (including great strength) to be able to fight evil and help him destroy his enemies, and he is not the only one who is living inside the body of Oscar Isaac in the Marvel series. Marvel’s best series (so far) begins with a man named Steven Grant, a British museum worker who seems to know all about Egypt’s history and who has trouble sleeping. Steven believes that he suffers from insomnia and sleepwalking, but one day he wakes up in a strange place, hears voices and realizes that his problems have nothing to do with bedtime.

There are several identities living inside his body, taking turns in control and leading parallel lives, that he couldn’t remember or didn’t know about, until the key moment where everything begins to intersect, leading him to bump into each other. with a cult leader, Arthur Harrow, doing the work of punishing humans whose bad deeds outweigh the good, on behalf of another goddess (Ammit) who grants him supernatural abilities. The first episode of the Disney+ series shows Steven and two of his identities: Marc Spector and Moon Knight, but the comics talk about a few more that could appear later.

Moon Knight And His 5 Personalities Explained

Marc Specter

Spector is something of a scout, adventurer, and mercenary, and it originally seemed like Moon Knight ‘s personalities were a result of his identity disorder, but it is later revealed that they are more a result of his connection to Khonshu, who has 4 aspects. different: Pathfinder, Embracer, Defender and Watcher of Overnight Travelers.

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The Dark Side Of A Hero

These four aspects manifest in different personalities, which are a direct consequence of the effect that the Egyptian god has on his mind. Moon Knight is the vigilante aspect of Night Travelers, for example. In this regard, Marc, who was raised by a rabbi in Chicago and later became a Marine, is the original. Marc also carried out missions as a mercenary that took him to travel the world, including one where a villain named Raul Bushman abandoned him in Egypt thinking he was dead, it was there that he arrived at the tomb of the moon god and he saved him. life by making him your avatar.

Steve Grant

This is the first identity we meet in the series and it is said that the first time Marc manifested it was when he was just a child. In the comics, he’s a millionaire who makes his fortune by investing Marc’s money on Wall Street, but in the series he works as a museum clerk pay a lot.

Steve Grant

Jake Lockley

This is the second human personality that Marc manifests and, unlike Steven, he works as a taxi driver in New York, which allows him to become an observer and obtain all kinds of vital information. Jack Lockley even has a network of people who keep him in the loop, including some people who know Marc, like Gena Landers, his children, and Bertrand Crawley.

Jake Lockley

Mr Knight

This character has appeared in some images of the series and we see him with a white suit and a kind of mask with the symbol of the crescent moon. This is the personality that appears when Marc talks to his psychiatrist, to get help for his missions.

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Mr Knight

Moon Knight

This character is not another personality or an alter ego, he was the first of the Priests and servants of Khonshu, who is dedicated to following his orders and fulfilling his missions, and Marc Spector is just one of the people who have become him. Powers include strength, speed, stamina, and lunar force, meaning he is most powerful at night and when there is a full moon.

Who Is Moon Knight

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