Money Heist 5: The Theories Of Gandía And The Last Survivor Change Everything We Know

La Casa De Papel Season 5 Part 2 Is Gandía Dead or Alive? The Last Survivor Theory

Money Heist is about to come to an end and with that we are going to know the fate of the robbers and the outcome of their most ambitious plan so far (part rescue and part theft of a large amount of gold stored in the Bank of Spain). Season 5 started 10 hours after the muggers broke into the bank. By that point, Nairobi had been assassinated by Gandía, the Professor had been discovered by Alicia Sierra, tensions were higher than ever and everyone was exhausted, but they had to move on, otherwise they faced the possibility of being arrested and sent to prison.

The end of season 5 was crazy, it was filmed almost as if it were a war movie, with bullets and explosions everywhere, and, to give a chance to his companions (wounded and trapped by the military group that included Gandía), Tokyo blew himself up, exploding several grenades, to kill as many of his enemies as possible. Yes, apparently, Tokyo was dead all this time and she was narrating the events that led her to that point, but that sacrifice is a kind of new beginning for those who remain alive (who could also die trying to get out of there), and season 6 (or 5.2) is the one that will finish deciding his fate.

Money Heist 5

Being the series that it is, anything can happen in the end of Money Heist, but there are already a few theories that explain what we could see in the final 5 chapters, which arrive in December of this year.

Is Gandía Dead or Alive?

Jon Snow came back from the dead, Michael Myers has had more lives than a cat and in Marvel they even invented that of the different timelines to be able to resurrect characters. None of this has to do with Money Heist, but the fact that we did not see the body also applies.

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Tokio clearly could not have survived the grenades stuck to her chest, she is completely dead, but with Gandía the outcome is uncertain. For one thing, he was at a distance where he was definitely hit by the blast, but there’s a chance he’s just injured.

Tokio says that she killed Gandía, but she can’t really know, because she is the dead woman and she shouldn’t know what happens after the explosion. She may think that she killed Gandía, but that is not necessarily the case. Leaving him alive after the explosion could be a way to close the cycle, to give the robbers one last chance to avenge Nairobi’s death and to give their enemy the end it deserves. Tokio’s sacrifice would not be in vain, since she stopped the rest of the military group and, in addition, would leave Gandía in a vulnerable position, where he can be captured by his companions, which can lead to greater catharsis.

The Last Survivor Theory

We know that the list of dead is not yet finished in the series, the plan is at its most intense and surely more of the robbers are going to sacrifice themselves or are going to be killed before being able to escape, and that leads us to wonder who it will be. The last survivor. According to theories, Denver is going to be the last robber standing, and Manila is going to sacrifice to save his life (because leaving her alive would cause a bigger problem between Denver and Stockholm).

There is the possibility that everyone will die and become a kind of martyrs, but there is also the possibility that everyone will get out of there together. The theory is that if only one survives, it will be Denver. Why? Well, because he was determined not to leave his son without a father and not to force him to live the tragedy that he himself lived, and it could be the same Stockholm (who is going through a relationship crisis and a traumatic moment for having shot Arturo) who helps him survive.

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Rio could die in a Romeo and Juliet twist, and the Professor couldn’t live with the guilt of losing his entire team, so Denver is the best option to get out of there alive.

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