Midnight Mass: What Are The Characters Who Die In Midnight Mass? Explained

Midnight Mass Who Lives and Who Dies in Mike Flanagan's Series What are the characters who die in Midnight Mass? And which ones, on the other hand, manage to save themselves? Here is the list of who lives and who dies in Mike Flanagan's masterpiece series.

Midnight Mass is the latest serial effort by Mike Flanagan, a horror-tinged tale about the eternal conflict between faith and science through the story of the small community of Crockett Island, which is shocked by the arrival of the charismatic Father Paul, who he manages to animate the inhabitants of the island with a renewed religious vigor when, concomitantly with his arrival, mysterious miracles begin to occur.

Very soon, however, what apparently appears to be the work of a divine figure, leads to dire consequences for the inhabitants of Crockett Island, who end up waging war with each other leading to a real massacre. in the final stages.

Here Is The List Of All The Characters Who Die In Midnight Mass, And That Of The Survivors

The Deaths of Midnight Mass


Midnight Mass opens with Riley Flynn returning to Crockett Island after her time in prison. But why was the protagonist behind bars? The answer is soon said: years before, behind the wheel and drunk, Riley had overwhelmed and killed a young girl, Tara-Beth, who in the present continues to haunt his most vivid nightmares.

Stray Cats

The first mystery that hovers over Crockett Island is the death of the stray cats that populated the coasts. In the finale of the first episode of the series, in fact, after a rainstorm, we see the beach covered with the corpses of the kittens, which become a feast for the birds flying over the island.

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Pike, Joe Collie’s four-legged friend, is poisoned during the celebrations of Holy Tuesday. While it’s never explicitly said Bev’s fault, it’s easy to guess that the puppy died from ingesting the woman’s rat poison.


The first victim of the angel brought to Crockett Island by Father Paul is Bowl, who dies after being lured into the lair of the monstrous being to become his daily meal.


In the throes of the bloodlust that overwhelms him after being reborn as a being of darkness, Father Paul attacks Joe Collie and squeezes him in a deadly grip. The man tries to defend himself and escape the hungry priest, who, however, pushes him to the ground making him bang his head. When an enormous amount of blood leaks from his wound, Father Paul voraciously feeds on him.


When Riley Flynn discovers the existence of the monstrous creature that Father Paul serves, he meets the same fate as the priest and is transformed into a being of the night. Father Paul tries to convince him to join him, to spread “the gospel” among the inhabitants of Crockett Island, but Riley immediately realizes that the priest’s creed will not lead to anything good, so, after discovering that the light of the sun is now lethal to those like him, he tells everything to Erin and lets himself burn at dawn.


After rescuing herself from the massacre in the church, Sarah sprinkles her with gasoline to burn it so that the creatures have no shelter at sunrise. When Father Paul also realizes that he has guided the islanders into something that has nothing divine in it, he is ready to help her and sacrifice himself for her, but Sarah (who we find out to be her daughter) is killed with a gunshot by Sturge first. that the plan is successful.

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After Sarah’s death, Erin, who also survived the “tasting”, tries to burn St. Patrick, but is stopped by the bloodsucking monster before she succeeds. The being feeds on her and reduces her to death. Before she dies, however, Erin manages to damage the monster’s wings so that it doesn’t get to the continent before the sun rises. Only after she has made sure that she has hurt him sufficiently can she close her eyes forever.


One of the few characters not transformed during the massacre in the church is Sheriff Hassan, who fights to the end so that the “epidemic” does not spread beyond the island. Wounded in both legs by Bev Keane, he is carried to the beach by his redeemed son Ali but bled to death after praying to Allah.

All the others

After becoming infected with the monster’s blood, the remaining inhabitants of Crockett Island face death when they have nowhere to shelter. During the night, in fact, Bev had given the order to burn down every house and all hole up in the Pruitt recreation center before sunrise. When, however, Ali manages to set him on fire, Father Paul, Mildred, Bev, Ed, Annie and all the others no longer have a shelter, and so they meet their death while singing a religious song.

Who Survives in Midnight Mass

The only survivors remain the young Leeza Scarborough and Warren Flynn, who manage to get away from the island by sea, while watching their home burn. In the very last scene of the series, Leeza claims that she no longer feels her legs, confirming that the demonic creature, whose blood had previously cured her of paralysis, also went to death.

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