Manifest Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: Is Zeke Dead? How Does Zeke Save Cal? Will Cal Save the World from the Apocalypse?

Manifest Season 4 Part 1 arrived in the Netflix catalogue, which had been cancelled by NBC, but ended up being “renewed” by the streaming platform for a final season. The news, of course, excited fans of the production, since now it will not become one of those series with an open ending due to cancellation. Overall, it is worth noting, the series shows a group of people who survive a turbulent flight and then discover that time has passed faster than the rest of the world – about five years, while for them it seems to have lasted a few hours. From this premise, they live with the deepest mysteries we can imagine.

Manifest Season 4 Part 1

Unlike most Netflix productions, however, the newest season of Manifest arrives divided into two parts of ten episodes, the first wave of which is now available to subscribers to the platform. And if it’s on the screen, it’s also here in the Series Guide. In this special post, you can see everything that happened in the first part of the 4th season of Manifest, with all its developments and expectations for the second.

Manifest Season 4 Part 1: Plot Summary

Defined as a story halfway between Lost and Back to the Future, Manifest tells the story of a group of 191 passengers who survived Montego Air Flight 828 from Jamaica to New York. The flight number becomes a sort of mark that marks all the passengers who find themselves experiencing what in the same series is called “the impossible”. When they land in New York, only a few hours have passed for them, while for the rest of the world five and a half years have passed (since 2013, when they took off, they find themselves catapulted in 2018).

Everyone thinks they are dead. And the real life of society and their friends and relatives has completely changed (for example, Michaela, one of the protagonists played by Melissa Roxburgh, finds her boyfriend of the time married to her friend). But being confused and displaced by this time lag is the minimum. Why do they begin to be tormented by what are termed “called”: visions, sounds and sensations that come from a supernatural entity:  a divinity that uses them to do good?  Who knows, in the meantime all they can do is carry out the orders received. But without understanding its meaning. To unravel the mysteries, you need to understand what happened to Flight 828 and avoid the evil that haunts the passengers. Above all, the mysteries must be solved before the date set for their death (2024). A date that could mark the whole of humanity.

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Manifest Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: The Start of a War

Season four’s story begins with passenger Henry Kim in possession of the flight’s original black box at the moment he meets Cal. The new acquaintance will notice a dragon scar on Henry’s arm and reveal that he has the same mark but inside his body. Another important development is that Saanvi and Vance will set up a laboratory to unravel the mystery surrounding the flight, as passengers see calls from volcanic eruptions and ash raining down on them.

Ben, meanwhile, continues tracking Angelina to find Eden. When he is about to find his daughter, the tracked one will seek refuge in Adrian Shannon‘s establishment. Cal and Olivie are also on a frantic search and will find various peacock signs and symbols, understanding everything as “divine consciousness” and sharing it all with Saanvi. The three will have the perception that the calls are from the divine consciousness and that they will be able to save the lifeboat of the “Date of Death” if they can access the calls. Cal will even recall that he was in an unnamed kingdom for five and a half years, growing up with Captain Bill and Fiona.

Adrian tells Eagan about Angelina and the inmate uses the woman’s location to get out of prison—a location that Ben uses to track Angelina and Eden before Adrian is captured. Cal helps Ben retrieve Eden from Angelina, which she escapes before being arrested by Jared. Her parents even band together to kill everyone who offered shelter to her and Eden. Diagnosed with cancer again, Cal will only have a few more weeks (or days) – what the Stones are told. Meanwhile, Olive connects the sapphires found on the flight to the passengers and Ben’s hand, theorizing that they are agents of enlightenment to access calls from divine consciousness.

A Stone That Changes Everything

A sapphire named Omega, for Olive, is essential to access such calls, which will make Michaela and Saanvi commit to finding her. With Eagan’s help, they manage to find it, but the latter will steal the stone and run away with it. Aware of the date of death, Michaela, Ben, Saanvi and the rest of the group will fear the death of the passengers in a few years, but a call to the three and Cal will change their minds, as the four will see a volcanic apocalypse happening. in the presence of Zeke, Jared and Olive.

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With the apocalypse announced and the possibility of it affecting the whole world, Angelina will get Eagan’s Omega and start the dreaded end of the world. The young woman believes that she was saved by Michaela to find her guardian angel and that Eden is the angel who will protect her. That perception will change when the little one chooses Ben over her.

Raised by two religious fanatics who linked everything to the spirit world, she believes she is destined to have the Omega to end the world. Discarded by her supposed guardian angel, she wishes to free humanity from the burden of earthly challenges, believing that annihilation and salvation are the only ways to do so. That’s how the apocalypse begins, emanating when she leaves school with a piece of Omega in hand and causes the deadly streams of larva to flow to other parts of New York. From there, she has complete control over the end of the world, unless someone manages to take the sapphire out of her hands.

A Mission

This challenge will, of course, be in the hands of the Stones, as once the sapphire shard leaves Angelina’s hands, the apocalypse will likely stop. Since Cal has sapphire in his body, he can use it to defeat Angelina and her apocalyptic plans for the world. Michaela and Ben try to stop Angelina, but his health deteriorates, causing him to almost die after receiving a new calling and sharing it with Angelina. To save the world, Zeke will touch Cal’s arm and free him from cancer, receiving the disease and sacrificing himself for the greater good.

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It was an ability no one knew Zeke had, and he only used it to give the lifeboat a chance to survive and save the world from impending doom. By all indications, his death is real, though he’s already gotten rid of it once and could fool viewers with a comeback. As for Cal, the dragon scar on his arm will glow a bluish tinge, which will indicate that he does have the sapphire in his body and that he is the “holy grail”. We’ll only see what will come out of his fight with Angelina in part 2, but it’s only to be hoped that her powers will be able to defeat her.

On top of that because Olive discovers that if a dragon touches the sapphire it can tip the scales of the lifeboat to save the passengers and the world. That dragon is Cal, who will be able to accomplish this objective if his dragon masters the Omega sapphire shard. In the second part, then, we will have the old fight of good against evil, with Cal willing to save the world from his now great rival, Angelina.

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