Mai Ending Explained: Who Was The Real Killer of Supriya? Did She Takes Here Revenge? Beware Spoilers!

Mai Ending Explained: Mai series is available to stream on Netflix! Mai is a drama series that has just arrived on Netflix, created by Atul Mongia and produced by Clean Slate Films for worldwide distribution on Netflix. The 12-episode series tells the story of a mother struggling to come to terms with the sudden and tragic death of her daughter. While it is initially a terrible accident, Sheel begins to think that some elements of the case do not add up.

Mai Ending Explained

The investigation into her daughter’s death only escalates the situation as the still grieving mother sets out on a path of revenge against criminals, gangs and corrupt politicians. If you have any questions about the end of Mai Season 1 we tell you everything!

Mai Ending Explained

At the end of Mai Season 1, Neelam meets Keshav and begins to give his testimony to the officials. She feels the need to use the inhaler. A policeman goes to the nearby store and brings one. As soon as Neelam inhales, she feels suffocated. She died instantly without having finished her testimony. Vishnu Goyal gave full responsibility for laundering his money and taking care of his affairs to Prashant. He got what he always wanted. Keshav enters Sheel’s house and tries to kill her, but instead she stabs him to death.

Sheel doesn’t know where to dispose of Keshav’s body, so she tries to contact Prashant. Unable to reach him, she decides to go to his house. She overhears the conversation and learns that the innocent Prashant, who had been pretending to be on her side all this time, was the one who gave the order to kill her daughter. Jawahar Vyas never wanted to kill Supriya. He believed the problem could be solved by talking to her. But Prashant took matters into his own hands, and somehow he also wanted to get into Vishnu Goyal’s good graces.

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Sheel is appalled and stunned. She doesn’t know how to react or what to do. She hides under the stairs and begins to connect the dots. It was Prashant from the start. He had indeed played his shots strategically. But whether it was fate, fate or the desire of a mother who lost everything in this battle, the truth is revealed to her.

With the end of Mai Season 1 being a cliffhanger, there will definitely be a Mai Season 2, where a grieving mother sings a song that will wreak havoc throughout the city of Lucknow. Now that the secret has been revealed, it will be interesting to see how the directors weave the narrative together and create that suspense and thrill once again.

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