Lost In Space 3: ending Explained! Who Killed Penny? Is they Found Home At The End?

Lost in Space 3 is now available to stream on Netflix! Given the cliffhanger-shaped ending and audience consistency, Lost in Space 2 was due to be renewed for a third season. Even if it’s just for one last ride in the abyss. And what a trip it is. Lost in Space 3 is pulling out all the stops for these final episodes, doing everything to raise the tension and drama at every step. Sometimes this comes at the expense of fleshing out individual characters, but fans of previous seasons will certainly be in their element.

Lost in Space 3

In Season 3 of Lost in Space the big goal is to reach Alpha Centauri, the last leg of the Robinson’s long journey. With children separated from adults, an interesting power dynamic begins to develop. Will and Judy are the de facto leaders of the other 97 children. They find refuge in a thin stretch of oasis, but time is running out. Asteroids are on the way and they need to fix Jupiter 2 before it’s too late. We give you the explanation of the end of Lost in Space Season 3 on Netflix!

Lost In Space Season 3 Ending Explained: Who Killed Penny? 

Back on Alpha Centauri, the ship the Robinsons and their friends are on runs out of fuel. Maureen and John run to a tank with the engine and leave. They have an intimate conversation between husband and wife, but their vehicle is hit by a robot, and they turn around. Maureen gets up from the cart and a couple of robots face her. She cools them down and John demolishes one of the robots.

And then, Will arrives, and he plays the controls on the robot. Everyone else join in and play the commands Will found in the alien city. It affects the robot, and suddenly it turns into Will’s Robot. The Robot destroys the engine and then says, “Safe, family”. The war is won, but Alpha Centauri must be rebuilt after destruction. However, they at least have robots on their side. The robots carry out their own commands and are free while Maureen builds new technology.

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Smith decides to write a confession for her crimes, and she is jailed. Maureen visits him and learns that her real name is Jessica. Maureen tells her that when she gets out she wants Smith to find her. Lost in Space 3 has a happy ending with the entire civilization found a new home with many new resources and enjoys exploring the allpart of the human and robot exploration. Although there is a war, it is a warm farewell to the Robinson family.

This mystery will likely endure in Season 3 of Lost in Space as will the nature of what the kids found on the other side of the vortex. It is clear that the Robot was following a human signal not to Alpha Centauri but to the abandoned Fortuna. The spaceship commanded by Judy Robinson’s biological father, Grant Kelly. But we do not know what the nature of his mission was 20 years ago. And how he left his ship so far from home. Probably without the same vortex technology that the Resolute later employed. As for the destroyed planet creating the debris field around Fortuna and now Jupiter 8. This story will present many opportunities for next season’s adventure.

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