Locke & Key 2: Ending Explained is Dodge Dead? What Becomes of Gabe and Eden?

Are Kinsey and Tyler Alive? Jackie is She Dead? Do Kinsey and Scott End Up Together? Who is Ellie?

Locke & Key 2 of Netflix follows the adventures of the Locke children in their mystical ancestral home. The Mighty Keys hidden around the house hold a plethora of powers, and the epic battle for them between the demonic entities and the Locke family continues in Season 2. New keys are discovered and unsuspecting citizens of Matheson are turned into demons, a lot happens in the follow-up season of the fantasy horror series. With Episode 10, the Season 2 finale literally titled “Suspense,” we know there’s a ton of good stuff to go through.

Locke & Key season 2 Recap

Season 2 kicks off three months after Ellie’s disappearance in Season 1. Things are calm and the Locke children have started to use the Power Keys on a regular basis for various tasks. However, Tyler still worries about forgetting about magic when he turns eighteen and ventures into the mind of one of Rendell’s old friends, Erin, using the master key. They eventually find out that Tyler’s father Rendell went through a similar dilemma as a child and helped create the Memory Key. While trying to find the Memory Key, it is revealed to them that Rendell’s younger brother, Duncan, forged it.

Locke & Key 2

Meanwhile, Gabe, who secretly channels the demon Dodge, attempts to forge his own key. After several mishaps, he realizes that he needs the help of a member of the Locke family to complete the process. Once he learns how Duncan forged a key as a child, Gabe begins to focus all of his energy on his kidnapping. Eventually, Duncan is captured and forced to create a demonic key for Gabe. Using it, he begins to create an army of minions, and soon several people in the city, including Detective Mutuku and Tyler’s girlfriend, Jackie, are transformed into demonic entities.

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In a flashback, we are taken back to 1775 when Key house was attacked by the British during the War of Independence. A brutal soldier named Frederick Gideon attacks the house and kills Patriarch Locke Peter. He then escapes the villagers by taking refuge in a cave by the sea where he discovers a portal that imbues him with monstrous energy. However, we later see that the villagers apprehend Gideon and execute him.

Locke and Key 2 Ending Explained: Is Dodge Dead? What Becomes Of Gabe And Eden?

Tyler eventually creates the Alpha Key with the help of Duncan to counter demonic entities. Much to his horror, however, he realizes that he is killing both the demon and his host. Eventually Gabe’s army is reduced and Tyler finally manages to stab him with the key. With the demonic villain seemingly defeated, the gang return to Keyhouse to find a woman who looks like Dodge but claims to be Ellie. When she is able to remove a magic key from the hands of the Locke children (which demons cannot), the woman is confirmed to be, in fact, Ellie.

Gabe And Eden

Meanwhile, Eden escapes and begins to formulate her own plan to take power. She steals a key to Gabe’s lair and enters the well house, freeing the former spirit of Frederick Gideon. Even as she tries to order around the ancient demonic entity, Gideon calmly throws her into the well and, using Eden’s Anywhere key, disappears through the storage closet door next to the well.

There’s a lot going on in the flurry of interwoven stories that unfold simultaneously in the Season 2 finale. The showdown with Gabe, who channels the Dodge demonic echo, is the central battle for the Locke children. After stabbing him with the Alpha Key, which kills both demons and humans, Tyler is certain the villain is dead. However, Dodge has already faked death and it would be prudent to take a closer look at what is going on.

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Is Dodge Dead

First of all, since Gabe was human, he died. Dodge, who was in Gabe’s body, is an echo and seemingly impossible to kill. Therefore, Dodge may well be alive. However, since the demon has no body to possess, he may have returned to the mysterious void from which he came. There is also a chance that the demon has transformed into a whispering piece of metal again and is biding its time until it can channel itself into another body.

It’s also worth noting that, in the final scenes, Lucas reappears after being freed from Dodge. He was the first human Dodge infected many years ago and has been under the control of the Demonic Echo ever since. Seeing Lucas finally become himself after all these years proves that Dodge, while not necessarily dead, doesn’t have a physical body yet. Eden, after separating from Gabe, survives the attack on the Locke children. After freeing the ancient demonic entity called Gideon, she is thrown into the well. Once again, we do not know if Eden is dead, but she is indisputably indisposed. Most likely, she’s trapped inside the well and will only be able to get out of it if she is summoned by someone with the Echo Key (much like Ellie summoned Lucas / Dodge in Season 1).

Are Kinsey and Tyler Alive?

Kinsey and Tyler, despite their many close calls, survive their battle against the demonic entities. At the end of season 2, Tyler leaves for a few months to spend the winter traveling. Kinsey stays in Keyhouse with their younger brother Bode and protects the Magic Keys.

Are Kinsey and Tyler Alive

Jackie is She Dead?

Tyler’s girlfriend, Jackie, becomes a reluctant prop in the messy battle for power between the demons and the Locke family. At 18, Jackie begins to forget about magic. As much as Tyler tries, she can’t remember their times together. Eventually, she decides to let go of her memories of magic and begs her boyfriend to let her forget. Unfortunately, she is transformed into a demonic servant by Gabe shortly after.

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Jackie is she Dead

It is to save Jackie that Tyler makes the Alpha Key. When he first uses it on her, it looks like Jackie is healed as she is able to take a magic key from Tyler’s hand. However, something goes wrong and she dies in the arms of her boyfriend. To his horror, Tyler realizes that the key he forged kills not only demons but their human hosts as well.

Do Kinsey and Scott End up Together?

Kinsey and Scott have been hooking up since the first day of school on the first. However, the two are unable to reunite in Season 1 as Kinsey is distracted by Gabe. Scott and Kinsey’s friendship later goes through a rough patch and it looks like the two might not be talking to each other anymore.

Do Kinsey and Scott End up Together

Eventually, when Gabe’s demonic identity is revealed, Kinsey realizes his mistake of not trusting Scott and apologizes. The two then come closer than before, and when Kinsey finds out that Scott hasn’t left the country like he had planned, she finally kisses him. Based on Season 2’s closing scenes, it’s not clear if Kinsey and Scott are officially dating. However, they have definitely broken the barrier between them and a relationship appears to be on the way.

Who is Ellie?

Ellie is Rendell’s childhood friend who is one of the last keepers of the keys. She lives near Keyhouse and her son Rufus is a good friend of Bode’s. In Season 1, Dodge uses the Identity Key to transform Ellie into his lookalike, then escapes. The Locke kids, thinking Ellie is Dodge, then throw her into the blue void behind the Omega Door (also called the Black Door).

Who is Ellie

After Gabe destroys the cave leading to the Omega Gate, we see Ellie emerging from the rubble, still looking like Dodge. It seems that the disturbance caused by the cave’s collapse is somehow bringing her back to the human world. However, this opens up a whole new realm of possibilities as we have so far not seen any entity returning from the void. While this is not discussed, Ellie has likely brought back some important information from her experience of falling into the void.

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