Killer Book Club Ending Explained: Who’s the Killer? Do All The Members of the Readers Club Die?
Killer Book Club has been available on Netflix since August 25, 2023. It is a new horror/thriller film directed by Carlos Alonso Ojea. The film is based on the 2019 novel of the same name by Carlos García Miranda. The film stars eight university students, who are passionate about horror novels. Once a week they meet to comment on the books they have read. During one of these meetings, they decide to play a prank by wearing masks. But this decision leads to the tragic death of a professor. The protagonists decide to keep the incident hidden, but it seems that someone has discovered them. A stalker starts threatening them. But let’s see together who the natural killer of Killer Book Club is and what the explanation of the ending is.
Killer Book Club: Plot Summary
Angela, Nando, Rai, Sara, Sebas, Eva, Koldo, and Virginia are a group of university students who share the dream of becoming successful writers one day. Meanwhile, they are all part of a reading club in which they are mainly dedicated to horror novels. However, when Angela suffers harassment from creative writing professor Luiz Cruzado, the group decides to make him pay, taking inspiration from the book they are reading at that moment, “Clown Killers”. Taking advantage of the deserted school, they dress up as clowns and ambush the professor who, fleeing to the roof in terror, ends up falling to his death instantly.

The Netflix Killer Readers Club storyline focuses on Angela, Sara, Nando, Rai, Sebastian, Koldo, Eva, and Virginia. These eight college kids are part of a book club. Taking stock of the situation, Nando is a waiter in a bar and goes out with Angela. The boy, however, does not get along with Sebastian, as he feels that the latter is obsessed with the girl. Meanwhile, we discover that Angela has already written a novel about her six years before her, which has given her some success. Now her professor can’t wait to see her new work and invites her to discuss it together in her office.
Here the teacher hits on her and is rejected. So, the other members of the club decide to do something to punish the professor, inspired by the book they have just finished reading, which features a killer clown. The eight boys would like to play a joke on the professor, terrorizing him, but end up killing him. All of them decide to keep it a secret, although Angela feels too guilty. Here they discover that someone witnessed the scene. Indeed, an anonymous person shares online a link to a novel that describes the events of the murder and says he is ready to punish those involved.
Killer Book Club Ending Explained: Angela Tells the Truth About Alice?
In the course of the horror film Killer Book Club, the eight boys want to find out who is behind this anonymous stalker. The first to disappear among them is Virginia, while the killer dresses as a clown. The protagonists gather in the library to understand what is happening and doubts are raised about Nando, so much so that Angela distances herself from him. The second to be killed is Rai, outside the club where Nando works, but his body is never found, like Virginia’s. Meanwhile, Sebastian takes Angela to a safe place so that she can’t be found by the killer.
The girl tells him, in this circumstance, that he wrote his first novel based on true events. She explains that she met a girl, Alicia, online and used her life to write the book. At this point, Sebastian begins to think that Alicia might be the killer, ready to take revenge. Angela, however, points out that the girl burned her mother alive and then she killed herself. Meanwhile, Nando is attacked, and everyone thinks he is dead. Sebastian consoles Angela, so much so that they end up experiencing a moment of passion. But then the girl finds Nando in the hospital, who explains that he has passed out.
Who’s the Killer?
Koldo learns that the killer will soon be signing his book at a fair. Thus, the boys go to the event and go their separate ways. Sara is killed and after a series of unpleasant situations, Angela wakes up in an ambulance with Nando by her side. Now the girl is tired, and she wants to find out for herself who the killer is. Towards the end of Killer Book Club, Sebastian, Eva, Nando, and Angela are still alive. Instead, Virginia, Sara, Rai, and Koldo have died so far. Angela finds the hammer that Eva had abandoned and goes to the club where they usually meet with the club. Here she finds Eva lying on the floor covered in blood as she is dying.

Not only that, but he also finds Sebastian tied to a chair and with a bloody nose. As Nando arrives, Angela tries to untie him. But here Sebastian points to Nando as the one who tied him up! At this point, Sebastian asks Angela to take the hammer and kill Nando. The latter, however, assures us that the boy is lying. Fed up with the girl’s hesitation, Sebastian gets up from his chair and takes the hammer. After that, he stabs Nando. Well, Sebastian confesses that he is the murderer! The boy reveals that he planned everything to create the perfect story with her as the protagonist. Now, however, he intends to kill her for the ending of her novel. But there is another shocking truth to discover!
How Killer Book Club Ends: Final Explanation
At the end of Killer Book Club, Angela hits Sebastian with a pen and runs off. After that, she runs into another clown upstairs, who turns out to be Virginia! She the latter confesses that she is Alicia and that she too has an affair with Sebastian. When she found out that she had used her story to write her first novel, she and Sebastian decided to enact revenge. As Angela distracts them both, Nando arrives and pushes Sebastian over the railing. After that, Virginia goes after Angela, who in the meantime sets a trap.
Well in the end Angela manages to save herself by burning Virginia/Alicia alive. Killer Book Club ends in a time jump. It is one year after all these events. Angela and Nando take part in the lessons together. In the final scene, she goes into the courtyard and again imagines a killer clown rushing at her screaming. Is this scene a figment of his imagination or is there still a killer clown? All the students who are there on the spot suddenly disappear and the clown takes off his mask. This is Alicia, with her face burned. The final scene leaves room for interpretation and perhaps even continuation. Meanwhile, we discover that, together, Angela and Nando have written a new book called Crimes on Campus, based on the nightmare they experienced the year before.