Kaleidoscope: The Meaning and Explanation of The Title and Colors Green, White, Red Yellow and Other

If you have seen the original Netflix TV series Kaleidoscope or are about to see it, you will be curious to know the meaning of the title and the colors that are associated with each episode. In this article, you will find answers to all your questions including the one regarding the color type and the link to the Kaleidoscope episode.

Kaleidoscope Colors Meaning

When you select Kaleidoscope on Netflix and start it, only two episodes are placed in fixed positions, namely those associated with Black and White, which are respectively the first and last seen by users. All other episodes follow a random order, dealing with a different moment in the plot, which centers on a spectacular heist, and the events before and after it. The first episode, entitled Nero, represents an exception to all the others as it is a brief introduction to the series which presents its particularities. We will still treat it as a real episode in our article. Here is the explanation of the title of the TV series and of all the colors in the nine episodes that compose it.

Why Is The Netflix Series Called Kaleidoscope?

What does the word kaleidoscope mean and why was it chosen as the title of the TV series? The Kaleidoscope is a cylinder-shaped object, which is built with mirrors and small colored objects. When you look inside the kaleidoscope you see symmetrical images, which change with every little movement. For this reason, in a figurative sense, kaleidoscope also corresponds to the rapid variation of colors, shapes and images.

Kaleidoscope Meaning of Colors

The title Kaleidoscope certainly refers to the many colors, which are used as titles for each episode of the series. But Kaleidoscope also has another meaning which is to recall the wide variety of themes and characters of the series. The gang members, the detectives, and the owner of the SLS company all have stories that get explored. In the various episodes, the audience follows the numerous characters at different times in their lives and discovers the details of the preparation of the heist. For this reason, this TV series is a kaleidoscope of very different emotions and situations, so we can say that the title is particularly apt!

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What Is the Meaning Of The Color “BLACK” In Kaleidoscope?

This episode consists of a brief explanation of the concept of the series and how its episodes can be viewed in random order. The black color can be interpreted as a classic color of the mystery and detective genre. The French word for the color black, i.e. noir, also indicates a particularly dark genre of crime novels and films. For this reason, Nero is the perfect title to introduce viewers to the world of the Netflix original TV series Kaleidoscope! Furthermore, black is the absence of colors, and since this is not a real episode but only an introduction to the vision, the choice of black color makes even more sense.

What Does “YELLOW” Symbolize in Kaleidoscope?

In this episode, Ray Vernon, also known as Leo Pap, assembles a team to carry out a robbery of the vaults of the security company SLS. The loot is made up of bearer bonds and is worth billions of dollars! Yellow is a color that represents optimism and positivity. In this episode, it can be interpreted as the symbol of Ray’s optimism for the coup he has prepared and the positive and hopeful attitude of the gang he has put together, who want to turn their lives around with the proceeds of the loot.

What Is The Meaning Of The Color “GREEN” In Kaleidoscope?

In the episode titled Green, seven years before the heist, Ray and Stan are cellmates. Together they prepare a plan to escape from prison. Green is the color of hope, well represented in this case by the expectations of being able to escape from prison that Stan and Ray have. Sometimes Green is also associated with luck, and this meaning can also be connected to the episode as regards the character of Ray, who succeeds in his intent also thanks to good luck, unlike Stan who is unluckier.

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What Does “BLUE” In Kaleidoscope Symbolize?

In this episode, SLS discovers a backdoor in its computer system, i.e. an access point that can be used from the outside, even for criminal purposes. When the SLS closes the backdoor, the group of robbers is about to lose hope. But Ray has a new idea: to flood the safe area so that he no longer needs the backdoor. In English, the word Blue is also used to describe the feeling of sadness or melancholy, and in this sense, it has been used to name the blues musical genre. For this reason, they colorfully describe the feelings of the gang when they understand that the backdoor, essential for carrying out the coup, has been closed. At the same time, blue is also the color of water, which is the solution to the problem in this episode.

Kaleidoscope Colors Explained

What Is The Meaning Of The Color “ORANGE” In Kaleidoscope?

The episode entitled Orange tells of the moves of the FBI, which focuses on Ava thanks to a print found on a shell casing. Agents Nazan and Samuel manage to have Ava’s nanny arrested by the immigration department police, and this allows them to make a deal with the lawyer. Orange is often associated with energy and vitality and for this reason, it can be combined with the FBI’s moves to understand the gang’s plan, identify a weak point among its components and be able to turn it into a mole.

What Does “PURPLE” In Kaleidoscope Symbolize?

The episode entitled Viola is the one furthest back in time compared to the moment of the robbery, which is 24 years earlier. The audience learns that Graham and Ray used to be two thieves working together. During a diamond theft in which both were at risk of being caught, Graham starts a fire in which Lily, Ray’s wife, is unintentionally involved. The Color Purple is associated with death, repentance and individualism. All these themes are present in the episode: the individualism of Graham and Ray leads them to pursue their interests and organize the heist of the diamonds, starting the fire puts Lily in danger of death and the two accomplices will bitterly regret what they have done.

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What Is the Meaning of The Color “RED” In Kaleidoscope?

The morning after the robbery is the focus of the episode entitled Red. Ray, Stan, Ava and Judy find themselves at the rendezvous point and try to figure out what happened during the robbery. The four discover that someone has got their hands on the loot, leaving them only colored sheets. Shortly after Carlos with some men of the SLS breaks into the robbers’ hideout. Red is universally known as one of the colors that signal danger. The episode tells of various dangers with which the group of robbers is confronted, such as that of having been betrayed, of having been robbed in turn of the loot, and of dying because of the irruption of Carlos.

What Does “PINK” In Kaleidoscope Symbolize?

The episode titled Rosa takes place six months after the robbery. Ray lives in Ohio with Ava, Stan and Judy are together in South Carolina and Bob tries to track down Judy, convinced he wants to get back with her. Hannah has had a baby and shows it to Ray on a video call.

The color Pink is a symbol of love stories, both romantic and passionate ones. Considering that the love triangle between Judy, Stan and Bob is central to this episode and that Ray and Ava live together in what appears to be a platonic relationship, it is just the perfect color to symbolize the episode. Furthermore, pink is often associated with childhood. This symbol can also be associated with the episode due to the scene where Hannah first shows her baby to Ray on the video call.

What Is the Meaning Of “WHITE” Color In Kaleidoscope?

The episode entitled White is the one that tells the robbery in all detail, and it is the one that the writers of the series would like the audience to see last. If the Netflix Original TV Series Kaleidoscope is watched episode after episode in random order, White will invariably be the last. White is the color made up of the sum of all the others. The various episodes of Kaleidoscope, both those set before and those set after the robbery, refer to the moment of the heist and help to understand it better while increasing the viewers’ curiosity to see what happened. The episode entitled White makes sense after seeing all the others, so the title fully corresponds to the content.


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