Is Samuel Dies In Elite Season 5? Spoiler About The Future Of The Character

On April 8, 2022, Elite Season 5 landed on Netflix, the plot of which once again revolves around a serious accident that affects one of the protagonists. *SPOILER ALERT* As is now tradition for the Spanish teen drama, the story intertwines brief flash forward to the present story, until the two temporal planes unite during the season finale, allowing the viewer to put all the pieces together. Samuel dies in Elite Season 5, Let’s find out all the advances and spoilers on what happens to the character of Itzan Escamilla during the eight episodes that make up the fifth season of the Spanish teen drama.

Elite Season 5

Unlike the last season, we can’t immediately guess what the real mystery of the season is, since the flashforwards are not at all clear, until the fourth episode. Again, we understand that someone will not make it out of the season alive. In this case it is the character of Itzan EscamillaSo Samuel dies in Elite 5? Let’s try to find out together, but let’s go step by step.

Everything starts from the moment in which Omar finds a body in the middle of the lake. He takes him ashore, believing he can save him, but then realizes not only that it is too late, but that he even knows the victim. It is, in fact, Armando. In total confusion, he asks for help from Samuel, who in turn calls Rebeka. It was the two of them who had gotten rid of the body to cover Guzman.

At that point it no longer makes sense to lie and so they tell the whole truth to their friend. At first, Samu is determined to return the body to the lake, but Omar convinces him to call the police. Thus began the investigations. Among the prime suspects is Benjamin, who had a working relationship with Armando. The principal, however, manages to convince Samuel to plead guilty, promising to put his best lawyers at his service and get him out of prison.

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Things, then, do not go quite like this, despite Mencia ‘s intervention. The latter found in her cell phone that she had given her Armando a sim of hers containing a series of documents that could have put her father in serious trouble. She hands everything over to Benjamin, convinced that the man would concretely help her schoolmate in exchange. This does not happen, but the girl has a copy of the card. Besides the principal and Mencia, only Rebe knows that these documents exist. Curious to know if Samuel dies in Elite 5?

Samuel in Danger

Eventually, Samuel gets out of jail, but only because the bail is paid thanks to Ivan ‘s initiative. Meanwhile, the young man has reached an agreement with the police to investigate the principal and collect compromising material. Speaking with Lei rebe, the latter remembers that Mencia had told her that he had found her famous sim. The two come up with a plan. Samuel would have made peace with Ari to be invited to the house, so that he would have the possibility to look for the card.

Everything pretty much goes as planned, except that Mencia knows about the theft. The young man has her sim and is ready to take her to the police station. Benjamin only asks him for a chance to talk to him at his house. During the meeting, the man offers him free education, maintenance and then a job in his company, in exchange for the card. Samuel does not accept. As he leaves, Benjamin tries to take away his backpack, the boy falls, bangs his head and ends up in the pool, where the water is tinged with blood.

At that moment, Patrick returns home. The father asks him to help him get the body out of the water. Given the scene that unfolds before him, the young man wants to call for help, but his father prevents him, pointing out that it is too late by now. So, Samuel dies in Elite 5? Now we get there. Benjamin wants to cover it up, leaving the boy out of a hospital, but Patrick calls Ari.

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Is Samuel Really Died In Elite Season 5?

The girl returns home with Mencia, Rebeka and Omar. As Benjamin tries to distract the students, Samuel regains consciousness and blames the principal. At that point, the boys manage to reach their friend and Mencia calls the police. Rebeka and Omar try to keep Samu awake, but Samu passes out again.

Samuel Elite Season 5

Meanwhile, Benjamin is arrested. We are not told anything more about the boy. We do not know for sure if Samuel dies in Elite 5, as he is not explicitly ascertained It would seem so.

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